Trump is a rapist, tax evader, is of poor character, rude, is a insurrectionist and guilty of Treason. Plus Trump is connected to the Russian Mob.

Trump is a not a rapist.
Jean Carroll offered to model lingerie in the nude.

Being a tax evader is a good thing since the feds only do harm with the money they extort from us.

Trump is of poor character, but he does not start illegal and expensive wars.

Being rude is totally irrelevant.

Trump is NOT an insurrectionist or guilty of Treason.
There is nothing remotely wrong with suspecting voter fraud in an election these days.

Plus Trump is connected to the Russian Mob, another good thing since Russia is far more honest than the US.
Marianne Williamson for President

Mayor Pete for President

AOC for President

Elizabeth Warren for President

Amy Klobuchar

Kamala Harris for President

Joe Biden is too old to serve another term. Trump is a rapist, tax evader, is of poor character, rude, is a insurrectionist and guilty of Treason. Additionally Trump is connected to the Russian Mob.

Trump's businesses are full of dirty Russian money. ...

Washington Post › 2019/03/29

Trump is a mean poopyhead

Trump is Orange

Orange Man Bad!
Justice Department where is it written that a former president is granted preferential considerations and immunity from criminal prosecution after committing crimes?

I continue to be astounded by the lack of criminal prosecutions because a person WAS a president. How many frivolous appeals has criminal Trump been allowed thus far?

All of the following should provide enough cover to ban anyone from from a ballot in the USA:

Trump is a rapist, lawbreaker, pathological liar, tax evader, makes false claims about people who testify against him, threatens people who testify against him, threatens judges and uses the appeal process to stonewall.

He thinks he had the right to manipulate the voting process. This man is a crook not a president.

And he thinks the 14th amendment Article 3 does not apply to him. And what about so many courts and judges that are not supporting the constitution?
Inciting riots. No president has ever done that so Trump stands alone.
Are you REALLY this stupid or is it an act. Trump "incited" no such thing. If anyone did, it was the FBI and ANTIFA infiltrators in the crowd who did so...NONE of whom have been arrested, by the way.
Justice Department where is it written that a former president is granted preferential considerations and immunity from criminal prosecution after committing crimes?

I continue to be astounded by the lack of criminal prosecutions because a person WAS a president. How many frivolous appeals has criminal Trump been allowed thus far?

All of the following should provide enough cover to ban anyone from from a ballot in the USA:

Trump is a rapist, lawbreaker, pathological liar, tax evader, makes false claims about people who testify against him, threatens people who testify against him, threatens judges and uses the appeal process to stonewall.

He thinks he had the right to manipulate the voting process. This man is a crook not a president.

And he thinks the 14th amendment Article 3 does not apply to him. And what about so many courts and judges that are not supporting the constitution?
BS, of course. Your FIRST charge is an outright lie which means your others are highly suspect, too. The 14th Amendment DOESN'T apply to him. Read it.
Are you REALLY this stupid or is it an act. Trump "incited" no such thing. If anyone did, it was the FBI and ANTIFA infiltrators in the crowd who did so...NONE of whom have been arrested, by the way.
Of course, and the California wildfires are started by Israeli Space Lasers.
Without Trump, there is no riot.
"If you don`t fight like hell, you won`t have a country anymore" was said by who?
Antifa and BLM :laughing0301:
Are you REALLY this stupid or is it an act. Trump "incited" no such thing. If anyone did, it was the FBI and ANTIFA infiltrators in the crowd who did so...NONE of whom have been arrested, by the way.
Are you really that stupid?........
Inciting riots. No president has ever done that so Trump stands alone.
who incited the riots, killings, and destruction of property in 2020? not Trump or anyone connected with, or supporting him.. Jan 6 was incited by Pelosi and the dems in DC, not Trump.
Of course, and the California wildfires are started by Israeli Space Lasers.
Without Trump, there is no riot.
"If you don`t fight like hell, you won`t have a country anymore" was said by who?
Antifa and BLM :laughing0301:
BS. What part of Trump's comment was an "incitement"? Trump being cheated in the 2020 election pissed off not only HIM, but his 75 million voters--more voter supporters than even your messiah, Obama, received in EITHER of his elections.

Trump is a rapist, tax evader, is of poor character, rude, is a insurrectionist and guilty of Treason. Plus Trump is connected to the Russian Mob.​

You forgot to add Next President of the United States.

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