What Happens When Liberals Lose Elections - WHO THEY ARE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Enough of the mentally unstable snowflake BULLSHIT about their overwhelming 'tolerance' and 'superiority' 'one minute followed my lengthy and relentless subversive diatribes - false accusations, false narratives, delusions, and lies about how Trump (the latest in a long line of Non-Liberals) is in league with Putin and the Russians, how he is a Nazi and compares him to Hitler.

- The Nazi / Hitler Comparison? Experts and historians have already declared the liberal comparison is 'UNFOUNDED', 'WITHOUT BASIS', 'NOT MERITED', and 'BITTER DELUSION'. These same experts remind everyone that this retarded accusation is NOT EVEN ORIGINAL! It is RECYCLED BULLSHIT they used against REAGAN and BUSH! Not only are their candidates old, tired, and washed-up - so is their rhetoric propaganda!
** Experts say Trump-Hitler comparisons are unfounded

- The connection between Trump and Putin? More DELUSIONAL, FALSE, MADE-UP crap designed to help snowflakes deal with the fact that Hillary LOST, that the Democrats suffered a 2nd straight 'historic, record-setting' loss, and that under Obama Democrats have continued to lose more than 1,000 political positions / seats across the United States. THERE IS NO CONNECTION - IT HAS BEEN PROVEN! As usual, though, Hate-filled, bitter, butt-hurt Liberal snowflakes don't let a little thing like FACT get in the way of a good lie and defensive coping mechanism.
** The FBI says there is no direct connection between Donald Trump and Russia

Let's address the REAL issue:

How badly did the liberals
/ Hillary want to win? Enough:
- For the DNC to rig their Primary to help Hillary beat Bernie Sanders
- For the DNC to engage in voter fraud during their Primary
- For the DNC to give Hillary debate questions in advance
- For Hillary to work with the Ukrainians on a briefing / narrative against Trump - one that turned out to be WRONG
- To have her campaign hire agencies who in turn hired people to intimidate, beat, & bloody Trump supporters

PRIOR to the election - when they thought they had the victory 'in the bag', Hillary Clinton arrogantly attacked Donald Trump's declaration that he would wait for the results of the election to declare 'CHALLENGING THE RESULTS OF THE ELCTION IS TO UNDERMINE THE PILLARS ON WHICH OUR DEMOCRACY RESTS'.

What a beautiful, emotional, powerful sentiment declared by Mrs. Clinton....too bad she didn't mean a damn word of it! She only said it because she thought there was no way she could lose the election.

AFTER the election, however, Liberals:
- Attempted to declare victory, citing Hillary had won the irrelevant Popular Vote
- Called for a RECOUNT (and Trump gained more votes)
- Attempted to flip Electoral College Voters into voting for Hillary .. even through extortion/intimidation/death threats
- Created the False 'Russia/Putin-Trump Connection' Narrative to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump administration - AGAIN, PROVEN TO BE FALSE!

As if all of these ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE THE PILLARS ON WHICH OUR DEMOCRACY RESTS was not enough, the 'tolerant', 'all-inclusive', 'Representative government' Liberals - who have represented / imitated Nazis more than Trump / Conservatives ever have, have gone full-tilt, completely-subversive, bat shit-crazy in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President and his administration...while claiming Trump and Conservatives are the problem:




Fire-bombing a GOP HQ

Destruction of AMVET vehicles for attending Trump Inauguration

Muslim Immigrant Limo burned


Assault & Battery – beating and bloodying Trump supporters

Chasing down TEENS at Trump rallies and beating them for supporting Trump

Pulling people out of cars and beating them for having a Trump Bumper Sticker

Electoral College Voters ‘deluged’ with death threats for / if voting for Trump

Liberal Celebrities talking about wanting to blow up the WH

THIS, according to Liberals, is what 'Tolerance' looks like.
THIS is what 'accepting election results so as to defend and protect the pillars on which out democracy rests' looks like.
THIS, according to them is 'justifiable'


THIS, according to snowflakes, is defending
our democratic process and is justifiable.

THIS, according to Liberals, is how 'Tolerance'
is demonstrated.

Yet the nut jobs on this board continue to regurgitate the same old debunked lies and false accusations, continue to claim it is trump and the Conservatives acting like violent, oppressive 'Nazis' or Russian 'comrades'...


Enough of the Liberal BULLSHIT!

They and their arguments have been weighed, measured - by their own actions and words! They have 'convicted' and condemned themselves through those actions and words, no matter how much they attempt to 'lie, deny, or justify'!




Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events





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What happens?
Well in 2000 when they lost they claimed the election was stolen from them (Florida).

In 2004 when they lost they claimed the election was stolen from them (Ohio).

In 2016 when they lost, they claimed the election was "hacked" and once again stolen from them.

What it comes down to, is the American left are whining narcisstic ball babies that when confronted with losing throw a collective nationwide temper tantrum, and will continue to do so as they burn and break things in the streets as they tell us all what immature little whining assholes they truly are.
The Dems picked up seats in both houses…
HRC got 3 million more votes than your messiah.
Thank you for proving my point, CC. Liberal nut jobs still cling to ... WHAT exactly (?) ... on the basis Hillary won the INSIGNIFICANT, IRRELEVANT Popular Vote...made EVEN MORE insignificant and irrelevant based on the fact that an estimated 45% of Americans did not even vote!

Nearly half of Americans didn't vote — not even for Harambe
Let them foam at the mouth and throw a fit, we won. We rule the House, the Senate, the White House, and 2-4 SCOTUS picks. It really sucks to be a Dem these days.
The Dems picked up seats in both houses…
HRC got 3 million more votes than your messiah.

24 seats in the senate that were up for grabs were held by Republicans...dems had 10. In the house out of 435 seats, they only gained 6 more than they had with repubs holding a 47 seat lead.

As far as Hitlery getting 3 million more votes while losing the electoral college by a wide margin? Let's just say that Wikileaks and Project Veritas and their findings leads me to believe that massive voting fraud took place. 14 out of the 20 states Hitlery won had no voter ID law.....vote early and vote often! It's the leftard way!!!
The Dems picked up seats in both houses…
HRC got 3 million more votes than your messiah.

24 seats in the senate that were up for grabs were held by Republicans...dems had 10. In the house out of 435 seats, they only gained 6 more than they had with repubs holding a 47 seat lead.

As far as Hitlery getting 3 million more votes while losing the electoral college by a wide margin? Let's just say that Wikileaks and Project Veritas and their findings leads me to believe that massive voting fraud took place. 14 out of the 20 states Hitlery won had no voter ID law.....vote early and vote often! It's the leftard way!!!

When the Dem's win 56 House seats like we did in 2010 when we spanked their ass THEN they can talk shit.
Enough of the mentally unstable snowflake BULLSHIT about their overwhelming 'tolerance' and 'superiority' 'one minute followed my lengthy and relentless subversive diatribes - false accusations, false narratives, delusions, and lies about how Trump (the latest in a long line of Non-Liberals) is in league with Putin and the Russians, how he is a Nazi and compares him to Hitler.

- The Nazi / Hitler Comparison? Experts and historians have already declared the liberal comparison is 'UNFOUNDED', 'WITHOUT BASIS', 'NOT MERITED', and 'BITTER DELUSION'. These same experts remind everyone that this retarded accusation is NOT EVEN ORIGINAL! It is RECYCLED BULLSHIT they used against REAGAN and BUSH! Not only are their candidates old, tired, and washed-up - so is their rhetoric propaganda!
** Experts say Trump-Hitler comparisons are unfounded

- The connection between Trump and Putin? More DELUSIONAL, FALSE, MADE-UP crap designed to help snowflakes deal with the fact that Hillary LOST, that the Democrats suffered a 2nd straight 'historic, record-setting' loss, and that under Obama Democrats have continued to lose more than 1,000 political positions / seats across the United States. THERE IS NO CONNECTION - IT HAS BEEN PROVEN! As usual, though, Hate-filled, bitter, butt-hurt Liberal snowflakes don't let a little thing like FACT get in the way of a good lie and defensive coping mechanism.
** The FBI says there is no direct connection between Donald Trump and Russia

Let's address the REAL issue:

How badly did the liberals
/ Hillary want to win? Enough:
- For the DNC to rig their Primary to help Hillary beat Bernie Sanders
- For the DNC to engage in voter fraud during their Primary
- For the DNC to give Hillary debate questions in advance
- For Hillary to work with the Ukrainians on a briefing / narrative against Trump - one that turned out to be WRONG
- To have her campaign hire agencies who in turn hired people to intimidate, beat, & bloody Trump supporters

PRIOR to the election - when they thought they had the victory 'in the bag', Hillary Clinton arrogantly attacked Donald Trump's declaration that he would wait for the results of the election to declare 'CHALLENGING THE RESULTS OF THE ELCTION IS TO UNDERMINE THE PILLARS ON WHICH OUR DEMOCRACY RESTS'.

What a beautiful, emotional, powerful sentiment declared by Mrs. Clinton....too bad she didn't mean a damn word of it! She only said it because she thought there was no way she could lose the election.

AFTER the election, however, Liberals:
- Attempted to declare victory, citing Hillary had won the irrelevant Popular Vote
- Called for a RECOUNT (and Trump gained more votes)
- Attempted to flip Electoral College Voters into voting for Hillary .. even through extortion/intimidation/death threats
- Created the False 'Russia/Putin-Trump Connection' Narrative to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump administration - AGAIN, PROVEN TO BE FALSE!

As if all of these ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE THE PILLARS ON WHICH OUR DEMOCRACY RESTS was not enough, the 'tolerant', 'all-inclusive', 'Representative government' Liberals - who have represented / imitated Nazis more than Trump / Conservatives ever have, have gone full-tilt, completely-subversive, bat shit-crazy in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President and his administration...while claiming Trump and Conservatives are the problem:




Fire-bombing a GOP HQ

Destruction of AMVET vehicles for attending Trump Inauguration

Muslim Immigrant Limo burned


Assault & Battery – beating and bloodying Trump supporters

Chasing down TEENS at Trump rallies and beating them for supporting Trump

Pulling people out of cars and beating them for having a Trump Bumper Sticker

Electoral College Voters ‘deluged’ with death threats for / if voting for Trump

Liberal Celebrities talking about wanting to blow up the WH

THIS, according to Liberals, is what 'Tolerance' looks like.
THIS is what 'accepting election results so as to defend and protect the pillars on which out democracy rests' looks like.
THIS, according to them is 'justifiable'

View attachment 108677
THIS, according to snowflakes, is defending
our democratic process and is justifiable.

View attachment 108678
THIS, according to Liberals, is how 'Tolerance'
is demonstrated.

Yet the nut jobs on this board continue to regurgitate the same old debunked lies and false accusations, continue to claim it is trump and the Conservatives acting like violent, oppressive 'Nazis' or Russian 'comrades'...


Enough of the Liberal BULLSHIT!

They and their arguments have been weighed, measured - by their own actions and words! They have 'convicted' and condemned themselves through those actions and words, no matter how much they attempt to 'lie, deny, or justify'!




Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events






Easy, very, very impressive argument, covering all bases. This thread will disappear quickly, as the leftists aren't going to engage with these facts, no way, Jose!

I was accosted by the number 1 SNOWFLAKE earlier, known as NYCareBear. He insisted that I/we have not been able to disprove any of his diatribes. (he didn't say diatribe, I believe he said facts, lol)

I explained to him that I/we. no longer have to disprove anything, because the people agreed with our position, and voted Trump in. The political winds have shifted, and now it was up to him/her and their pals, to PROVE their position if they want the votes back! I informed him/her that his side everywhere, but especially on this board, (well not exactly, I added everywhere but especially on this board in this post since I know number 1 SNOWFLAKE will read it) has sucked it out. Nobody believes them, not even 15 to 20% of the Democrats.

Easy....the winds of politics can change quickly. We seen this with the election. It changed so fast, the snowflakes are still in shock, crying, and whining! That being said, at this very moment in time, this snapshot.........we should all be extremely confidant. Trump is fulfilling his promises, blue collar workers are heading even more in our direction ala Reagan, and the Democratic narrative is laughed at in most states across the country.

I believe things will change in both directions 25 times before 18, probably 50 times before 20. But today, on this WINsday, if you drink adult beverages open one and smile. The left is virtually collapsing before our very eyes. They will regroup for tomorrow, or maybe next week, but today......today......stop and enjoy America! The left hasn't had anyone like this slapping them around since Reagan, and until we see different, there is no reason to believe the left is going to make inroads anytime soon.....with or without the MSM! Their narratives are collapsing, and without narratives, the left has to rely on facts. We see how that works out for them, each and every time they try it, which is why they no longer engage in real debate, they hold on to "DIVISION POLITICS!"
Let them foam at the mouth and throw a fit, we won. We rule the House, the Senate, the White House, and 2-4 SCOTUS picks. It really sucks to be a Dem these days.

Arrogance lost the Democrats the majorities in Congress in 2010. That same arrogance lost the Republicans the same Congress in 2006. It would be advisable to keep the arrogance in check before the Democrats get their act together and once again take the House and Senate. It has happened before and may well happen again soon. Don't make the job easier for them.
Let them foam at the mouth and throw a fit, we won. We rule the House, the Senate, the White House, and 2-4 SCOTUS picks. It really sucks to be a Dem these days.

Arrogance lost the Democrats the majorities in Congress in 2010. That same arrogance lost the Republicans the same Congress in 2006. It would be advisable to keep the arrogance in check before the Democrats get their act together and once again take the House and Senate. It has happened before and may well happen again soon. Don't make the job easier for them.
POTUS is doing really well in five days.
Enough of the mentally unstable snowflake BULLSHIT about their overwhelming 'tolerance' and 'superiority' 'one minute followed my lengthy and relentless subversive diatribes - false accusations, false narratives, delusions, and lies about how Trump (the latest in a long line of Non-Liberals) is in league with Putin and the Russians, how he is a Nazi and compares him to Hitler.

- The Nazi / Hitler Comparison? Experts and historians have already declared the liberal comparison is 'UNFOUNDED', 'WITHOUT BASIS', 'NOT MERITED', and 'BITTER DELUSION'. These same experts remind everyone that this retarded accusation is NOT EVEN ORIGINAL! It is RECYCLED BULLSHIT they used against REAGAN and BUSH! Not only are their candidates old, tired, and washed-up - so is their rhetoric propaganda!
** Experts say Trump-Hitler comparisons are unfounded

- The connection between Trump and Putin? More DELUSIONAL, FALSE, MADE-UP crap designed to help snowflakes deal with the fact that Hillary LOST, that the Democrats suffered a 2nd straight 'historic, record-setting' loss, and that under Obama Democrats have continued to lose more than 1,000 political positions / seats across the United States. THERE IS NO CONNECTION - IT HAS BEEN PROVEN! As usual, though, Hate-filled, bitter, butt-hurt Liberal snowflakes don't let a little thing like FACT get in the way of a good lie and defensive coping mechanism.
** The FBI says there is no direct connection between Donald Trump and Russia

Let's address the REAL issue:

How badly did the liberals
/ Hillary want to win? Enough:
- For the DNC to rig their Primary to help Hillary beat Bernie Sanders
- For the DNC to engage in voter fraud during their Primary
- For the DNC to give Hillary debate questions in advance
- For Hillary to work with the Ukrainians on a briefing / narrative against Trump - one that turned out to be WRONG
- To have her campaign hire agencies who in turn hired people to intimidate, beat, & bloody Trump supporters

PRIOR to the election - when they thought they had the victory 'in the bag', Hillary Clinton arrogantly attacked Donald Trump's declaration that he would wait for the results of the election to declare 'CHALLENGING THE RESULTS OF THE ELCTION IS TO UNDERMINE THE PILLARS ON WHICH OUR DEMOCRACY RESTS'.

What a beautiful, emotional, powerful sentiment declared by Mrs. Clinton....too bad she didn't mean a damn word of it! She only said it because she thought there was no way she could lose the election.

AFTER the election, however, Liberals:
- Attempted to declare victory, citing Hillary had won the irrelevant Popular Vote
- Called for a RECOUNT (and Trump gained more votes)
- Attempted to flip Electoral College Voters into voting for Hillary .. even through extortion/intimidation/death threats
- Created the False 'Russia/Putin-Trump Connection' Narrative to undermine the legitimacy of the Trump administration - AGAIN, PROVEN TO BE FALSE!

As if all of these ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE THE PILLARS ON WHICH OUR DEMOCRACY RESTS was not enough, the 'tolerant', 'all-inclusive', 'Representative government' Liberals - who have represented / imitated Nazis more than Trump / Conservatives ever have, have gone full-tilt, completely-subversive, bat shit-crazy in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President and his administration...while claiming Trump and Conservatives are the problem:




Fire-bombing a GOP HQ

Destruction of AMVET vehicles for attending Trump Inauguration

Muslim Immigrant Limo burned


Assault & Battery – beating and bloodying Trump supporters

Chasing down TEENS at Trump rallies and beating them for supporting Trump

Pulling people out of cars and beating them for having a Trump Bumper Sticker

Electoral College Voters ‘deluged’ with death threats for / if voting for Trump

Liberal Celebrities talking about wanting to blow up the WH

THIS, according to Liberals, is what 'Tolerance' looks like.
THIS is what 'accepting election results so as to defend and protect the pillars on which out democracy rests' looks like.
THIS, according to them is 'justifiable'

View attachment 108677
THIS, according to snowflakes, is defending
our democratic process and is justifiable.

View attachment 108678
THIS, according to Liberals, is how 'Tolerance'
is demonstrated.

Yet the nut jobs on this board continue to regurgitate the same old debunked lies and false accusations, continue to claim it is trump and the Conservatives acting like violent, oppressive 'Nazis' or Russian 'comrades'...


Enough of the Liberal BULLSHIT!

They and their arguments have been weighed, measured - by their own actions and words! They have 'convicted' and condemned themselves through those actions and words, no matter how much they attempt to 'lie, deny, or justify'!




Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events





Allow me to interject. Let's read your first link. First paragraph. Hitler’s central ethos was hatred and scapegoating of the Jews, whose logical trajectory was the Holocaust. Trump is in contrast a strong Israel supporter.
Although undoubtedly true, your expert does something very curious. He fails to mention that Trump does do a healthy amount of scapegoating. In fact replace Jews with Illegal immigrants and you get all of a sudden a different picture.
Second paragraph.Hitler attempted a coup in 1923 before subverting the constitution in 1934. His entire modus operandi was street thuggery and crude violence. Trump has staged no such demonstrations.
Also true. On the other hand Trump rallies had a fair amount of violence and I know of several instances where the man on the podium far from calling for calmness. Called for punching and kicking out the people who were demonstrating.
third paragraph. Hitler when assuming power dismantled all constitutional limitations on the chancellorship; Trump claims he wants to restore constitutionalism — after Obama signed treaties without Senate concurrence, used pen and phone executive orders to override or ignore existing laws, ignored the War Powers act, gave passes to sanctuary cities and used federal agencies to bypass the congress to make de facto laws.. This one is stranger still. First it assumes that Trump isn't going to try to dismantle or subvert the constitution. How does a historian make that connection after 5 days? When he already is trying to delegitimize the result of an election he won and is in an open war with both press and reality? And what is Obama doing in a supposed historical comparison between Hitler and Trump? Granted I'm just an amateur historian and not like your first link said, an highly regarded historian but I can see he is both selective and even simply partisan in setting up his argumentation.
On to your second link. Are you sure you read it? I'll give you some exerts.
-The FBI says there is no definitive connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government
I highlighted the word definitive. In other words they suspect but aren't sure.
-In its investigation, the FBI also found no conclusive evidence of secret, deliberate communications between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank that was previously outlined by Slate on Monday.
Same deal. No conclusive evidence means the found something but they aren't sure.
Let them foam at the mouth and throw a fit, we won. We rule the House, the Senate, the White House, and 2-4 SCOTUS picks. It really sucks to be a Dem these days.

Arrogance lost the Democrats the majorities in Congress in 2010. That same arrogance lost the Republicans the same Congress in 2006. It would be advisable to keep the arrogance in check before the Democrats get their act together and once again take the House and Senate. It has happened before and may well happen again soon. Don't make the job easier for them.
POTUS is doing really well in five days.

Yes. But the arrogance I spoke of is often a wedge between the voters and the representatives. Unless the Democrats are catastrophically stupid they won't run Hillary in 2020. The midterms of 2018 mean that the Democrats can take the Senate even if it appears unlikely at the moment. If the Democrats go back to the big tent approach that won them majorities in 2006 and embrace the Blie Dogs then the House is even vulnerable.

Most elections are the choice of the lesser of two evils. Try not to appear as the greater evil. Arrogance goes a long way to giving yourself that appearance.
Allow me to interject. Let's read your first link. First paragraph. Hitler’s central ethos was hatred and scapegoating of the Jews, whose logical trajectory was the Holocaust. Trump is in contrast a strong Israel supporter.
Although undoubtedly true, your expert does something very curious. He fails to mention that Trump does do a healthy amount of scapegoating. In fact replace Jews with Illegal immigrants and you get all of a sudden a different picture.
Second paragraph.Hitler attempted a coup in 1923 before subverting the constitution in 1934. His entire modus operandi was street thuggery and crude violence. Trump has staged no such demonstrations.
Also true. On the other hand Trump rallies had a fair amount of violence and I know of several instances where the man on the podium far from calling for calmness. Called for punching and kicking out the people who were demonstrating.
third paragraph. Hitler when assuming power dismantled all constitutional limitations on the chancellorship; Trump claims he wants to restore constitutionalism — after Obama signed treaties without Senate concurrence, used pen and phone executive orders to override or ignore existing laws, ignored the War Powers act, gave passes to sanctuary cities and used federal agencies to bypass the congress to make de facto laws.. This one is stranger still. First it assumes that Trump isn't going to try to dismantle or subvert the constitution. How does a historian make that connection after 5 days? When he already is trying to delegitimize the result of an election he won and is in an open war with both press and reality? And what is Obama doing in a supposed historical comparison between Hitler and Trump? Granted I'm just an amateur historian and not like your first link said, an highly regarded historian but I can see he is both selective and even simply partisan in setting up his argumentation.
On to your second link. Are you sure you read it? I'll give you some exerts.
-The FBI says there is no definitive connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government
I highlighted the word definitive. In other words they suspect but aren't sure.
-In its investigation, the FBI also found no conclusive evidence of secret, deliberate communications between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank that was previously outlined by Slate on Monday.
Same deal. No conclusive evidence means the found something but they aren't sure.
Read it - you do nothing to disprove the facts: The comparison between Trump and Hitler / Nazis is unfounded. There is no connection proven between Putin/Russia and Trump.

For example: You try really hard to stretch the verbiage to make it seem like there might be ('The FBI says there is no definitive connection') but there isn't one.

Example: ' First it assumes that Trump isn't going to try to dismantle or subvert the constitution.'
- Obama DID do so, and you seem to try to say / assume Trump will. he hasn't.
The Dems picked up seats in both houses…
HRC got 3 million more votes than your messiah.
Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. POTUS and SC...

What happens?
Well in 2000 when they lost they claimed the election was stolen from them (Florida).

In 2004 when they lost they claimed the election was stolen from them (Ohio).

In 2016 when they lost, they claimed the election was "hacked" and once again stolen from them.

What it comes down to, is the American left are whining narcisstic ball babies that when confronted with losing throw a collective nationwide temper tantrum, and will continue to do so as they burn and break things in the streets as they tell us all what immature little whining assholes they truly are.
Do you understand now? Democrats will say whatever election they don't win was stolen and illegitimate. This is just beginning.
Allow me to interject. Let's read your first link. First paragraph. Hitler’s central ethos was hatred and scapegoating of the Jews, whose logical trajectory was the Holocaust. Trump is in contrast a strong Israel supporter.
Although undoubtedly true, your expert does something very curious. He fails to mention that Trump does do a healthy amount of scapegoating. In fact replace Jews with Illegal immigrants and you get all of a sudden a different picture.
Second paragraph.Hitler attempted a coup in 1923 before subverting the constitution in 1934. His entire modus operandi was street thuggery and crude violence. Trump has staged no such demonstrations.
Also true. On the other hand Trump rallies had a fair amount of violence and I know of several instances where the man on the podium far from calling for calmness. Called for punching and kicking out the people who were demonstrating.
third paragraph. Hitler when assuming power dismantled all constitutional limitations on the chancellorship; Trump claims he wants to restore constitutionalism — after Obama signed treaties without Senate concurrence, used pen and phone executive orders to override or ignore existing laws, ignored the War Powers act, gave passes to sanctuary cities and used federal agencies to bypass the congress to make de facto laws.. This one is stranger still. First it assumes that Trump isn't going to try to dismantle or subvert the constitution. How does a historian make that connection after 5 days? When he already is trying to delegitimize the result of an election he won and is in an open war with both press and reality? And what is Obama doing in a supposed historical comparison between Hitler and Trump? Granted I'm just an amateur historian and not like your first link said, an highly regarded historian but I can see he is both selective and even simply partisan in setting up his argumentation.
On to your second link. Are you sure you read it? I'll give you some exerts.
-The FBI says there is no definitive connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government
I highlighted the word definitive. In other words they suspect but aren't sure.
-In its investigation, the FBI also found no conclusive evidence of secret, deliberate communications between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank that was previously outlined by Slate on Monday.
Same deal. No conclusive evidence means the found something but they aren't sure.
Read it - you do nothing to disprove the facts: The comparison between Trump and Hitler / Nazis is unfounded. There is no connection proven between Putin/Russia and Trump.

For example: You try really hard to stretch the verbiage to make it seem like there might be ('The FBI says there is no definitive connection') but there isn't one.

Example: ' First it assumes that Trump isn't going to try to dismantle or subvert the constitution.'
- Obama DID do so, and you seem to try to say / assume Trump will. he hasn't.
easy all the left does is put their fingers in the ears and shout :lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala:
Let them foam at the mouth and throw a fit, we won. We rule the House, the Senate, the White House, and 2-4 SCOTUS picks. It really sucks to be a Dem these days.

Arrogance lost the Democrats the majorities in Congress in 2010. That same arrogance lost the Republicans the same Congress in 2006. It would be advisable to keep the arrogance in check before the Democrats get their act together and once again take the House and Senate. It has happened before and may well happen again soon. Don't make the job easier for them.
POTUS is doing really well in five days.

Yes. But the arrogance I spoke of is often a wedge between the voters and the representatives. Unless the Democrats are catastrophically stupid they won't run Hillary in 2020. The midterms of 2018 mean that the Democrats can take the Senate even if it appears unlikely at the moment. If the Democrats go back to the big tent approach that won them majorities in 2006 and embrace the Blie Dogs then the House is even vulnerable.

Most elections are the choice of the lesser of two evils. Try not to appear as the greater evil. Arrogance goes a long way to giving yourself that appearance.
I understand, but honestly, the GOP has been fumbling around for four years. Trump appears to be able to get them going the right direction. let's let trump get his staff together and then really focus on the GOP pushing bills through. Like Health Insurance. That one is yuuuuuuge.
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