What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
I have an illegal friend 3 actually. They do carpentry work under the table. They take jobs from American carpenters.

I know a landscaping company white owner struggling because of the cheap competition.

I know it guys getting fucked by hb1 visas.

So they flood the blue collar market and it brings everyone's wages down.

What do you do?

I am a semi-retired partner in a professional services firm.

There is no way we'd even consider taking on the risk of hiring qualified illegal immigrants for work. It's a business risk we just won't assume, not for client-facing or back-office work.

There's a good (probably very good) chance we could get away with employing qualified illegals because given the type of work we do, there's no way anyone -- client or colleague -- would know such a person isn't eligible to work in the U.S., nor would they suspect that we had. If we were to hire an illegal immigrant, they'd have the same skills, abilities, polish and bearing as everyone else in the firm; they'd have to as we couldn't use them if we didn't. Nobody would even have a reason to question the matter.

Now on the public services side of the firm -- the part that does work for governments -- it's possible that one of the audits to which we are subject could turn up something if the auditor digged very deeply -- as in show up on a project and check IDs and Social Security cards -- into the private sector side of the firm to find such an employee. In 30+ years of doing this type of work, that's never happened.
I see them at the laundry mat. Very quiet people.[/QUOTE] Who long do you think that will last? I
I lived with some pro illegal alien white liberals back in the day. BUT, when their girls were sexually assaulted by Mexican illegal anchor babies, their whole tune changed. Guess what, this the test here. Illegals do this shit, and you will never know it if you don't live with them. That would be the test here, not bitching about racism third hand. I have live with illegals, and it's not your fathers Oldsmobile. It's a Nantucket sleiighride into hell. I love it when people that despise crime and Trump's lies will at the same time condone illegal aliens at all costs. Something broken In America.

Not much is broken around heanh. Them Mexican raping home invaders got 18 years plus.

Lucky they ain't strung up. That's law for you :(
Please. Liberals hate this and THAT. Liberals are haters all day long. They hate sexism and superstition or wherever.They presume they are above all that. I have seen their goofy ass neurotic rich white elitist selves. They don't know what they are defending until it comes down to reality. Then it's all tooth and fangs.
I've told people conservatives love flooding the market with cheap labor. It's why I hope trump really does run illegals out and stop taking in so many muslims

Let me see, Illegals have put bullets in my house frighten me with threats and made me afraid to walk or cycle outside my house in my own culture.In my own neighborhoodI have Mexican anchor babies shouting out to ME asking "What am I doing in THEIR neighborhood"? The one they just came to? Racism my ass. I am so tired of that crap. Illegal have hurt me, and then some.I want that recognized, illegals aren't the poor little victims liberals are making them out to be. Not at all.
Do you see us losing sleep when an illegal gets deported? Maybe on NPR but not in real life.

Bet in one hand and poop in the other, see which one fills up first. :p

My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals

I'm thinking you have this all a bit backward in grand Liberal fashion.
I'd bet there are a number of Righties hiring illegals who would probably fight to keep them around...such as small mom and pop construction companies, ranchers and the like but the number of these companies and owners are like a nat on an elephants ass when compared to the number of Liberals and others of recent illegal descent who would take a bullet in order to keep more illegals flooding in.
Righies, lefties, who cares? If any of them had to live with illegal Mexicans, that would end this issue . But the elitist swines live in cloud cuckoo land apart from us po' white trash. What do we matter, anyway? A few rich white elitist detest US and rail against US. Perhaps that wasn't a wise thing. We kind of reset that.

Your title asks the reader what an illegal has done to "deprive" them of something. Deprivation in this context is a form of harm. Thus the implication is there.

Well, if you think that, then tell us what specifically an illegal immigrant has deprived you of.

I don't care what an illegal immigrant has deprived you of; I just want you to tell me what it is. Was it:
  • Your car?
  • A job?
  • A boyfriend/girlfriend or hook-up?
  • Your virginity?
  • Your wallet?
  • The last donut at 7-11?
  • A tulip bulb from your garden?
  • A clean shot a deer you were hunting?
  • Fifty cents in state taxes?
  • $325.48 in wages?
  • A book at the library?
  • A hotel room?
  • A table at a restaurant?
  • The front car on your favorite roller coaster?
Whatever the fuck it is, just tell me, please. I don't need you tell me about the general macro-level impacts of illegal immigration. I know where to obtain that information. I want to know of what an illegal immigrant has deprived you. It's either something you know an illegal immigrant deprived you of or there is nothing you know of and can identify that an illegal immigrant has deprived you of.
I see them at the laundry mat. Very quiet people.
Who long do you think that will last? I
Not much is broken around heanh. Them Mexican raping home invaders got 18 years plus.

Lucky they ain't strung up. That's law for you :(
Please. Liberals hate this and THAT. Liberals are haters all day long. They hate sexism and superstition or wherever.They presume they are above all that. I have seen their goofy ass neurotic rich white elitist selves. They don't know what they are defending until it comes down to reality. Then it's all tooth and fangs.
I've told people conservatives love flooding the market with cheap labor. It's why I hope trump really does run illegals out and stop taking in so many muslims

Let me see, Illegals have put bullets in my house frighten me with threats and made me afraid to walk or cycle outside my house in my own culture.In my own neighborhoodI have Mexican anchor babies shouting out to ME asking "What am I doing in THEIR neighborhood"? The one they just came to? Racism my ass. I am so tired of that crap. Illegal have hurt me, and then some.I want that recognized, illegals aren't the poor little victims liberals are making them out to be. Not at all.
Do you see us losing sleep when an illegal gets deported? Maybe on NPR but not in real life.

Bet in one hand and poop in the other, see which one fills up first. :p

My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals

I'm thinking you have this all a bit backward in grand Liberal fashion.
I'd bet there are a number of Righties hiring illegals who would probably fight to keep them around...such as small mom and pop construction companies, ranchers and the like but the number of these companies and owners are like a nat on an elephants ass when compared to the number of Liberals and others of recent illegal descent who would take a bullet in order to keep more illegals flooding in.
Righies, lefties, who cares? If any of them had to live with illegal Mexicans, that would end this issue . But the elitist swines live in cloud cuckoo land apart from us po' white trash. What do we matter, anyway? A few rich white elitist detest US and rail against US. Perhaps that wasn't a wise thing. We kind of reset that.[/QUOTE]
If we stop the influx of more hopefully the immigrants here now will assimilate in 50 years
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Ask yourself:
What is the difference between somone seeing your front gate's "do not enter sign" and asking permission to come in the gate before opening and entering or someone seeing the sign and disobeying it and waltzing in without permission?
Then ask yourself why the disobedient one won't let you just come into his yard unnanounced without permission?

Now, ask yourself; what is the difference between someone ringing your doorbell and asking permission to come in your house compared to someone unexpectingly just opening your door or window and coming in unnanounced? What do you call an unannounced home invader?
Then ask yourself what is the difference
when the home invader steals your S.S. number, personal info, credit cards and Identity-is there a difference and what do you call the invader I.D. thief?
Then ask yourself: "Why won't this invader let me come in and out of their house anytime with their I.D.?"

Then ask yourself: why should the future people who ask permission to come through the front gate or ring your bell asking permission be punished or held from access to reach you all because of those who don't follow simple fair guidlines.

Now you were saying about what is the difference, well are you completely ignoring that you literally know this answer and practice it at home, business, and places you frequent? Get real.
*Folds arms like Run of RunDMC
*Drops the Verizon mic and walks away

Have you directly answered the title question? I did in my OP. I could ask myself all the questions you posed, and the answers to none of them would indicate that I have or have not by an illegal immigrant been deprived of anything.

Other people who've posted in this thread want to talk about the bigger picture of illegal immigration. Truly, I didn't create this thread expecting that I'd post past my OP, aside from saying, "TY for your reply," to people who directly answer the title question. All I wanted from this thread is members' direct answers to the title question I asked. That's it.

Y'all want to talk about immigration and not about your own experiences of having been deprived specifically of something, fine, but please just answer the title question. The people who did so aren't finding that I'm complaining about their discussing all manners of things, immigration-related or not. I didn't ask a difficult question to answer. It doesn't even make sense that people are unable/reticent to answer it.

I proved your question a lie, because you and others exemplify the answer, you just don't correlate the reality. You were thus proven in denial like you deny I didn't answer your question, when I did through your proof of the answer that you refuse to see is in your life every day.
I'm sorry if you didn't like the answer (the reality), but my bits of wisdom trump your propaganda that even you don't believe.
Your failed smokescreen did not change the fact=you do know the difference=therefore you lied as a premise to your OP.
You got caught lying and created this missguided response when clearly you should have admitted you were wrong and apologised, or done the typical tuck and roll and played dead.

Your title asks the reader what an illegal has done to "deprive" them of something. Deprivation in this context is a form of harm. Thus the implication is there.

Well, if you think that, then tell us what specifically an illegal immigrant has deprived you of.

I don't care what an illegal immigrant has deprived you of; I just want you to tell me what it is. Was it:
  • Your car?
  • A job?
  • A boyfriend/girlfriend or hook-up?
  • Your virginity?
  • Your wallet?
  • The last donut at 7-11?
  • A tulip bulb from your garden?
  • A clean shot a deer you were hunting?
  • Fifty cents in state taxes?
  • $325.48 in wages?
  • A book at the library?
  • A hotel room?
  • A table at a restaurant?
  • The front car on your favorite roller coaster?
Whatever the fuck it is, just tell me, please. I don't need you tell me about the general macro-level impacts of illegal immigration. I know where to obtain that information. I want to know of what an illegal immigrant has deprived you. It's either something you know an illegal immigrant deprived you of or there is nothing you know of and can identify that an illegal immigrant has deprived you of.
If blue collar is making more then my company is going to pay my white collar butt more.

Anyone who wants to start a business or work blue collar is hurt by illegals
I see them at the laundry mat. Very quiet people.
Who long do you think that will last? I
Not much is broken around heanh. Them Mexican raping home invaders got 18 years plus.

Lucky they ain't strung up. That's law for you :(
Please. Liberals hate this and THAT. Liberals are haters all day long. They hate sexism and superstition or wherever.They presume they are above all that. I have seen their goofy ass neurotic rich white elitist selves. They don't know what they are defending until it comes down to reality. Then it's all tooth and fangs.
I've told people conservatives love flooding the market with cheap labor. It's why I hope trump really does run illegals out and stop taking in so many muslims

Let me see, Illegals have put bullets in my house frighten me with threats and made me afraid to walk or cycle outside my house in my own culture.In my own neighborhoodI have Mexican anchor babies shouting out to ME asking "What am I doing in THEIR neighborhood"? The one they just came to? Racism my ass. I am so tired of that crap. Illegal have hurt me, and then some.I want that recognized, illegals aren't the poor little victims liberals are making them out to be. Not at all.
Do you see us losing sleep when an illegal gets deported? Maybe on NPR but not in real life.

Bet in one hand and poop in the other, see which one fills up first. :p

My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals

I'm thinking you have this all a bit backward in grand Liberal fashion.
I'd bet there are a number of Righties hiring illegals who would probably fight to keep them around...such as small mom and pop construction companies, ranchers and the like but the number of these companies and owners are like a nat on an elephants ass when compared to the number of Liberals and others of recent illegal descent who would take a bullet in order to keep more illegals flooding in.
Righies, lefties, who cares? If any of them had to live with illegal Mexicans, that would end this issue . But the elitist swines live in cloud cuckoo land apart from us po' white trash. What do we matter, anyway? A few rich white elitist detest US and rail against US. Perhaps that wasn't a wise thing. We kind of reset that.
If we stop the influx of more hopefully the immigrants here now will assimilate in 50 years[/QUOTE]

Democrat? Republican? Indepedent? Does it matter? That's me.
I lived with some pro illegal alien white liberals back in the day. BUT, when their girls were sexually assaulted by Mexican illegal anchor babies, their whole tune changed. Guess what, this the test here. Illegals do this shit, and you will never know it if you don't live with them. That would be the test here, not bitching about racism third hand. I have live with illegals, and it's not your fathers Oldsmobile. It's a Nantucket sleiighride into hell. I love it when people that despise crime and Trump's lies will at the same time condone illegal aliens at all costs. Something broken In America.

Not much is broken around heanh. Them Mexican raping home invaders got 18 years plus.

Lucky they ain't strung up. That's law for you :(
Please. Liberals hate this and THAT. Liberals are haters all day long. They hate sexism and superstition or wherever.They presume they are above all that. I have seen their goofy ass neurotic rich white elitist selves. They don't know what they are defending until it comes down to reality. Then it's all tooth and fangs.
I've told people conservatives love flooding the market with cheap labor. It's why I hope trump really does run illegals out and stop taking in so many muslims

Let me see, Illegals have put bullets in my house frighten me with threats and made me afraid to walk or cycle outside my house in my own culture.In my own neighborhoodI have Mexican anchor babies shouting out to ME asking "What am I doing in THEIR neighborhood"? The one they just came to? Racism my ass. I am so tired of that crap. Illegal have hurt me, and then some.I want that recognized, illegals aren't the poor little victims liberals are making them out to be. Not at all.
Do you see us losing sleep when an illegal gets deported? Maybe on NPR but not in real life.

My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals

I'm thinking you have this all a bit backward in grand Liberal fashion.
I'd bet there are a number of Righties hiring illegals who would probably fight to keep them around...such as small mom and pop construction companies, ranchers and the like but the number of these companies and owners are like a nat on an elephants ass when compared to the number of Liberals and others of recent illegal descent who would take a bullet in order to keep more illegals flooding in.
Bullshit. You listen to too much NPR.

I've heard trumps been deporting a lot lately. Do you see us starting threads crying about it?

This is another wedge issue they use to divide us. Like you all I care about is my family. That means I care about the American family. Not Europe, Canada Mexico. You need to realize we're on the same team and you're arguing with me even when I agree with you. Now that's a partisan

"My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals"
I've have never once tuned in to NPR...haha
You implied that Conservatives want to keep illegals here more so than Liberals and that is simply not at all the truth. Not sure how you see that as an agreement?
Illegals has threatened, harassed me, chased non Hispanics people of the neighborhood. Things we wouldn't tolerate from Anglos. But other than that, they are just spiffy. Why ask a question if you people are going to minimize, trivialize or ignore it?
Illegals has threatened, harassed me, chased non Hispanics people of the neighborhood. Things we wouldn't tolerate from Anglos. But other than that, they are just spiffy. Why ask if you people are going to minimize or ignore it?

I choose to shoot and ask questions later, maybe it's just me.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Curious are you a con or lib? I'm guessing a con

I'm very conservative about economic policy. I'm liberal about social policy. At least that's how I describe myself. I've noted my general positions on a variety of issues in my introduction of myself. You'll find my descriptions of my positions under the heading "On some issues." That post also identifies my prior voting history. There're also a couple paragraphs in the main narrative of that post and in which I discuss my politics. The first of those paragraphs begins with the word "seeing."
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Curious are you a con or lib? I'm guessing a con

I'm very conservative about economic policy. I'm liberal about social policy. At least that's how I describe myself. I've noted my general positions on a variety of issues in my introduction of myself. You'll find my descriptions of my positions under the heading "On some issues." That post also identifies my prior voting history. There're also a couple paragraphs in the main narrative of that post and in which I discuss my politics. The first of those paragraphs begins with the word "seeing."

My question is : "In what manner do you contribute to society"? The end.
Not much is broken around heanh. Them Mexican raping home invaders got 18 years plus.

Lucky they ain't strung up. That's law for you :(
Please. Liberals hate this and THAT. Liberals are haters all day long. They hate sexism and superstition or wherever.They presume they are above all that. I have seen their goofy ass neurotic rich white elitist selves. They don't know what they are defending until it comes down to reality. Then it's all tooth and fangs.
I've told people conservatives love flooding the market with cheap labor. It's why I hope trump really does run illegals out and stop taking in so many muslims

Let me see, Illegals have put bullets in my house frighten me with threats and made me afraid to walk or cycle outside my house in my own culture.In my own neighborhoodI have Mexican anchor babies shouting out to ME asking "What am I doing in THEIR neighborhood"? The one they just came to? Racism my ass. I am so tired of that crap. Illegal have hurt me, and then some.I want that recognized, illegals aren't the poor little victims liberals are making them out to be. Not at all.
Do you see us losing sleep when an illegal gets deported? Maybe on NPR but not in real life.

My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals

I'm thinking you have this all a bit backward in grand Liberal fashion.
I'd bet there are a number of Righties hiring illegals who would probably fight to keep them around...such as small mom and pop construction companies, ranchers and the like but the number of these companies and owners are like a nat on an elephants ass when compared to the number of Liberals and others of recent illegal descent who would take a bullet in order to keep more illegals flooding in.
Bullshit. You listen to too much NPR.

I've heard trumps been deporting a lot lately. Do you see us starting threads crying about it?

This is another wedge issue they use to divide us. Like you all I care about is my family. That means I care about the American family. Not Europe, Canada Mexico. You need to realize we're on the same team and you're arguing with me even when I agree with you. Now that's a partisan

"My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals"
I've have never once tuned in to NPR...haha
You implied that Conservatives want to keep illegals here more so than Liberals and that is simply not at all the truth. Not sure how you see that as an agreement?
Thom hartmann wrote a great article in the 2000s about how your party is divided. The racists vs the corporations.

Unions always complained about illegals.

The flood of illegals coming and staying was on Reagan's watch.

Tomorrow I'll post the article for you. Trust me corporations or business is behind illegals. Cheap labor. Good for business and good for consumers, remember McCain in 2008 said jobs Americans won't do. He forgot they were doing jobs we would do for a decent wage
Illegals has threatened, harassed me, chased non Hispanics people of the neighborhood. Things we wouldn't tolerate from Anglos. But other than that, they are just spiffy. Why ask if you people are going to minimize or ignore it?

I choose to shoot and ask questions later, maybe it's just me.
Sorry. I have also had cops bash my door down with guns drawn, looking for a Hispanic illegal alien they were mislead to looking for, I was held down at gunpoint by cops looking for some illegal alien because of misinformation, another blot on Illegal immigration. Any of you EVER had that happen because OF illegal immigration? I was rather traumatized by that. I blame illegals and the their ambiance, not police. This is the baggage illegals bring with them.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Curious are you a con or lib? I'm guessing a con

I'm very conservative about economic policy. I'm liberal about social policy. At least that's how I describe myself. I've noted my general positions on a variety of issues in my introduction of myself. You'll find my descriptions of my positions under the heading "On some issues." That post also identifies my prior voting history. There're also a couple paragraphs in the main narrative of that post and in which I discuss my politics. The first of those paragraphs begins with the word "seeing."

My question is : "In what manner do you contribute to society"? The end.
Let's all just hope I'm wrong. Let's see in less than two years before the 2018 midterms how many Americans are contributing. And if you aren't voting you ain't contributing enough
Illegals has threatened, harassed me, chased non Hispanics people of the neighborhood. Things we wouldn't tolerate from Anglos. But other than that, they are just spiffy. Why ask a question if you people are going to minimize, trivialize or ignore it?

TY for your answer to the thread question. For clarity's sake, do you mean "chased" as in literally as in "people have to run for the safety of their home or a friend/acquaintance/neighbor's?"

Frankly, I didn't know people would "minimize, trivialize or ignore it." In asking the question, I gave members the benefit of the doubt and hoped they'd simply be respectful enough and have enough honesty/integrity to just answer the question as asked and be done. That's what I do when people ask me questions, or I tell them outright I won't answer the question and offer some indication of why I won't.
Just another loon lib stain.

I'm a Conservo-Fascist race-realist, actually; whereas I'll just assume you're another Israel's Our Greatest Ally cuckservative mainlining the usual Glenn Beck/Alex 'The Fatman' Jones junk.

Illegals has threatened, harassed me, chased non Hispanics people of the neighborhood. Things we wouldn't tolerate from Anglos. But other than that, they are just spiffy. Why ask if you people are going to minimize or ignore it?

I choose to shoot and ask questions later, maybe it's just me.
Sorry. I have also had cops bash my door down with guns drawn, looking for a Hispanic illegal alien they were mislead to looking for, I was held down at gunpoint by cops looking for some illegal alien because of misinformation, another blot on Illegal immigration. Any of you EVER had that happen because OF illegal immigration? I was rather traumatized by that. I blame illegals and the their ambiance, not police. This is the baggage illegals bring with them.

Nope, sorry. All that's ever happened to me is I got cut out of money and was on high alert for a couple weeks until they caught the raping home invaders. They did catch them. :rock:
Just a reminder to all illegals and refugees:

Canada welcomes all of you with open arms. Life will be so much better for you there.
Let me see, Illegals have put bullets in my house frighten me with threats and made me afraid to walk or cycle outside my house in my own culture.In my own neighborhoodI have Mexican anchor babies shouting out to ME asking "What am I doing in THEIR neighborhood"? The one they just came to? Racism my ass. I am so tired of that crap. Illegal have hurt me, and then some.I want that recognized, illegals aren't the poor little victims liberals are making them out to be. Not at all.
Do you see us losing sleep when an illegal gets deported? Maybe on NPR but not in real life.

My guess is that the real people who want illegals are the employers who hire them. Those aren't liberals

Mom and pop conservatives are firmly against illegal immigration.
Employers of all stripes want cheap labor whether the labor is legal or not.
Illegals has threatened, harassed me, chased non Hispanics people of the neighborhood. Things we wouldn't tolerate from Anglos. But other than that, they are just spiffy. Why ask a question if you people are going to minimize, trivialize or ignore it?

So, tell us, Mary, just how did you know that they were illegal? Were they wet from crossing the Rio Grande? Perhaps you stopped running long enough for you to ask to see their birth certificates? Maybe they were wearing signs reading, "ILLEGAL ALIEN"? Did you ask to see their green cards? Did they tell you, "We don't need no stinkin' green cards!".

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