What has become of America? - Antifa/BLM rioters tear down statues of Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus and Nothing happens to them.


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May 12, 2022
Yet if somebody destroys a Satanist statue, they get arrested.

This is at the core of the hatred of the Democrat party, and their supporters and BLM and antifa. And this is the undeniable truth. Nobody will ever forget these images. Of these barbaric attacks on history reminding us of when the Taliban destroyed Buddha statues in Afghanistan.

The cruel and ugliness and pure ignorance of the BLM Supporters is there for everybody to see. They will never attack or dismantle a statue of an African who led wars of conquest or had slaves. They are hypocrites of the highest order, and have no moral standing.

We can only hope for a better future in this country without cancel culture …. and those statues that were destroyed in America must be rebuilt.
Yet if somebody destroys a Satanist statue, they get arrested.

This is at the core of the hatred of the Democrat party, and their supporters and BLM and antifa. And this is the undeniable truth. Nobody will ever forget these images. Of these barbaric attacks on history reminding us of when the Taliban destroyed Buddha statues in Afghanistan.

The cruel and ugliness and pure ignorance of the BLM Supporters is there for everybody to see. They will never attack or dismantle a statue of an African who led wars of conquest or had slaves. They are hypocrites of the highest order, and have no moral standing.

We can only hope for a better future in this country without cancel culture …. and those statues that were destroyed in America must be rebuilt.

wait a minute.l

were the georgia guidestones blown upn by anti fa or by blm?
The Babylon Bee Guide To Which Statues You Can And Can't Tear Down
LIFE·Jan 31, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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In the year 2024, knowing which statues you can tear down is more confusing then ever! Will you be hailed as a hero of progress for fighting valiantly against colonization, or vilified and brought up on criminal charges for vandalizing a sacred monument?
Thankfully, The Babylon Bee has done your homework for you and put together the following guide to which statues you can — or can't — tear down:


  • Yes: Thomas Jefferson, known bigot and slave owner
  • No: Satan, brave and inclusive hero

  • Yes: George Washington, father of racist country
  • No: George Floyd, father of Black Lives Matter

  • Yes: Andrew Jackson, white-skinned man who hosted dinner served by slaves
  • No: Michael Jackson, white-skinned man who hosted fun sleepovers with kids

  • Yes: Abraham Lincoln, war-mongering Republican president
  • No: Xi Jinping, honorable Chinese president

  • Yes: Robert E. Lee, model of Confederacy
  • No: Male models in fountain at The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too

  • Yes: Marines hoisting flag on Iwo Jima, symbol of male toxicity
  • No: Drag queens hoisting Pride flag, symbol of males being stunning and fabulous

  • Yes: Confederate solider, who killed his own countrymen
  • No: Antifa soldier, who killed his own countrymen

  • Yes: Jesus, leader of evil and intolerant Christians
  • No: Jesus holding a rainbow flag, leader of good and tolerant faux-Christians

By following the list above, you can eliminate all the guesswork the next time you're looking for a statue to destroy.
Yet if somebody destroys a Satanist statue, they get arrested.

This is at the core of the hatred of the Democrat party, and their supporters and BLM and antifa. And this is the undeniable truth. Nobody will ever forget these images. Of these barbaric attacks on history reminding us of when the Taliban destroyed Buddha statues in Afghanistan.

The cruel and ugliness and pure ignorance of the BLM Supporters is there for everybody to see. They will never attack or dismantle a statue of an African who led wars of conquest or had slaves. They are hypocrites of the highest order, and have no moral standing.

We can only hope for a better future in this country without cancel culture …. and those statues that were destroyed in America must be rebuilt.

Well, to start with Satan isn't nearly as evil as Jefferson (who owned slaves and raped one of them on a regular basis) or Columbus (who unleashed genocide of Native American People.) IN fact, the only people killed by Satan in the whole bible were the children of Job, and he did that on a bet with God.
Pelosi encouraged people to continue to tear down statues.


The Dems are evil.

”I dont care that much about statues, people will do what they do.”

She is an evil bitch.
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This is from 2020? But seriously there are troublemakers on all sides of all issues. In America they can protest the bigotry and hatred that made up some people in the past. But time to move forward and accept that all people regardless of skin color are just people, humans you know. As I noted in my 'Evil' thread many are easily led by hate hucksters like Trump or many in Europe today. Nothing new folks, if there were a devil he'd be smiling often.

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil
This is from 2020? But seriously there are troublemakers on all sides of all issues. In America they can protest the bigotry and hatred that made up some people in the past. But time to move forward and accept that all people regardless of skin color are just people, humans you know. As I noted in my 'Evil' thread many are easily led by hate hucksters like Trump or many in Europe today. Nothing new folks, if there were a devil he'd be smiling often.

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil
Okay commie, what is your moral foundation built on?

I'd guess convenience and opportunity and that it changes as much as the direction the wind blows. 😐
This is from 2020? But seriously there are troublemakers on all sides of all issues. In America they can protest the bigotry and hatred that made up some people in the past. But time to move forward and accept that all people regardless of skin color are just people, humans you know. As I noted in my 'Evil' thread many are easily led by hate hucksters like Trump or many in Europe today. Nothing new folks, if there were a devil he'd be smiling often.

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil
There are no examples on the right of people getting killed for being BLM supporters. Hundreds of examples of Trump supporters getting killed or attacked by BLM supporters in 2016 and 2020.

There is no comparing the massive destruction of western Christian statues people, such as Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, St. Louis, even Jesus compared to destruction of statues of Black people, like Martin Luther King Jr. or African leaders of history that own slaves.

There is no phenomenon of hundreds of statues of Black people or Black people of history, who owns slaves having their statues destroyed

It’s a monumental issue there’s been no justice here. In 2020 BLM rioters destroyed countless numbers of statues of European men and Christians. Nothing was done about it.

Yet as Elon Musk points out very recently A man knocked over a homemade statue of Satan, and he was prosecuted for it. So the politicalization and the hypocrisy is undeniable. Left wingers are able to get away with racism and even destruction of historical monuments that represented beauty and America. They’re even able to get away with attacking others like we saw in the left-wing BLM and antifa rioting of 2016 and 2020.

Leftist rioting in 2016 and 2020 killed dozens of people and cost billions of dollars worth of damage. Right wing rioting has done nothing they pretty much had one single event January 6 nobody was killed January 6 pretty much saw people peacefully walking into a building… that was legitimately mostly peaceful.. Trump supporters have attacked pretty much nobody except for a handful of fist fights with cops on one day Jan 6 2021 and they caused maybe a few thousand dollars worth of damage.., compared to billions caused by the left-wing the hundreds of days of violent rioting by the left in 2016 and 2020.
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Okay commie, what is your moral foundation built on?

I'd guess convenience and opportunity. 😐

Lefties never answer that question because they have none.

Well, to start with Satan isn't nearly as evil as Jefferson (who owned slaves and raped one of them on a regular basis) or Columbus (who unleashed genocide of Native American People.) IN fact, the only people killed by Satan in the whole bible were the children of Job, and he did that on a bet with God.

Wow so you support the killing of children...evil.
Pelosi encouraged people to continue to tear down statues.


The Dems are evil.

”I dont care that much about statues, people will do what they do.”

She is an evil bitch.

According to dems like JoeB, God is evil as those who chant gas the Jews are good.
According to dems like JoeB, God is evil as those who chant gas the Jews are good.

He just goes along wih whatever his overlords tell him.

Trump is racist? Sure!
War is good? Sure!
The economy is great? Sure!
The border is secure? Sure!
Vaccines for everyone? Sure!
Masks for everyone? Sure!
6 foot distancing stops the spread? Sure!
The Hunter Biden laptop is fake? Sure!
Trump and Putin colluded to steal 2020? Sure!
Epstein killed himself? Sure!
Seth Rich was mugged? Sure!
There are no criminals nor victims other than Epstein and Maxwell in the Epstein Island case? Sure!
Dems need money to stop global warming? Sure!
Larry Elder is racist? Sure!
Dem primaries are not rigged? Sure!
Its the DONT SAY GAY bill in Florida? Sure!
It is good to cut the genitals off of children and give them hormone blockers? Sure!

and on and on and on…
There are no examples on the right of people getting killed for being BLM supporters. Hundreds of examples of Trump supporters getting killed or attacked by BLM supporters in 2016 and 2020.

Is this what you are hearing in St. Petersburg? Only 35 people died during the BLM unrest, and half of those were demonstrators killed by police or right-wingers.

There is no comparing the massive destruction of western Christian statues people, such as Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, St. Louis, even Jesus compared to destruction of statues of Black people, like Martin Luther King Jr. or African leaders of history that own slaves.

Except most of the statues were to people who never should have gotten statues to start with, like Confederate Traitors.

It’s a monumental issue there’s been no justice here. In 2020 BLM rioters destroyed countless numbers of statues of European men and Christians. Nothing was done about it.

You think slave holders were "Christian"? Who would Jesus Genocide?

Yet as Elon Musk points out very recently A man knocked over a homemade statue of Satan, and he was prosecuted for it. So the politicalization and the hypocrisy is undeniable. Left wingers are able to get away with racism and even destruction of historical monuments that represented beauty and America. They’re even able to get away with attacking others like we saw in the left-wing BLM and antifa rioting of 2016 and 2020.

The clown who destroyed the Baphomet statue (not Satan) was attacking the religion of the group. That's why he was charged with a hate crime.

Leftist riding in 2016 and 2020 killed dozens of people and cost billions of dollars worth of damage. Right wing rioting riding has done nothing they pretty much had one single event January 6 nobody was killed January 6 pretty much saw people peacefully walking into a building that was legitimately, mostly peaceful.. Trump supporters have attacked pretty much nobody except for a handful of fist fights with cops on one day Jan 6 2021 and they caused maybe a few thousand dollars worth of damage compared to billions caused by the left-wing. Compare that to the hundreds of days of violent rioting by the left in 2016 and 2020.
"riding".... YOu need to check your spellcheck, Ivan.
Wow so you support the killing of children...evil.

Not what I sad.
Go back, read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.

According to dems like JoeB, God is evil as those who chant gas the Jews are good.
According to the Bible, God is evil.

He drowned every child in the world during the Great Flood.
He murdered every firstborn child in Egypt in the 10th Plague
He murdered the baby son of David and Bathsheba to punish David for adultery
He murdered 42 children through Bears because they made fun of a bald prophet.
Well, to start with Satan isn't nearly as evil as Jefferson (who owned slaves and raped one of them on a regular basis) or Columbus (who unleashed genocide of Native American People.) IN fact, the only people killed by Satan in the whole bible were the children of Job, and he did that on a bet with God.
and there you have it folks....the modern Dembot prefers Satan over Thomas Jefferson.

With that said, it's because of Jefferson, he is free to worship the Devil in this country, but he doesn't even seem to grasp that.
and there you have it folks....the modern Dembot prefers Satan over Thomas Jefferson.

With that said, it's because of Jefferson, he is free to worship the Devil in this country, but he doesn't even seem to grasp that.
Bullshit. Jefferson wanted freedom for just white christian landowners...

Jefferson was not a nice person.

Satan is a fictional character, so I don't get worked up about fictional characters.

Bullshit. Jefferson wanted freedom for just white christian landowners...

Jefferson was not a nice person.

Satan is a fictional character, so I don't get worked up about fictional characters.

Satan is very real....I can see him working through you and the other demafascsit that hate freedom.

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