What has become of America? - Antifa/BLM rioters tear down statues of Thomas Jefferson and Christopher Columbus and Nothing happens to them.

Satan is very real....I can see him working through you and the other demafascsit that hate freedom.
So you think there's an imaginary man in the ground manipulating people.


You know, we have medications for that now.
Ventnicks gotta vent. Its allowed. A form of reparation. America is toast catering to criminals and illegals
Yet if somebody destroys a Satanist statue, they get arrested.

This is at the core of the hatred of the Democrat party, and their supporters and BLM and antifa. And this is the undeniable truth. Nobody will ever forget these images. Of these barbaric attacks on history reminding us of when the Taliban destroyed Buddha statues in Afghanistan.

The cruel and ugliness and pure ignorance of the BLM Supporters is there for everybody to see. They will never attack or dismantle a statue of an African who led wars of conquest or had slaves. They are hypocrites of the highest order, and have no moral standing.

We can only hope for a better future in this country without cancel culture …. and those statues that were destroyed in America must be rebuilt.

The left are also hot on the trail for this:


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