What Has Happened to the West?

When Elections are stolen.....with dominion machines and what have you.....that's what happens.

In Europe and of course in the US too.

The Globlalists take over!
The comments on this TikTok are from people saying this is happening in their country too -- all white Western countries.

This is planned destruction
This is why the Globalist dominated western powers hate Putin and want to destroy Russia.
Because he is standing up to the Globalist's and refuses to allow their sick, perverted agenda to infect Russia and its people.
True, Pootin wants his sick, perverted agenda to infect Russia.
Obama loved Putin and invited him to the White House several times.
But when Putin banned Homo Pride Parades and refused to legalize sodomite pretend marriage.
Putin suddenly became public enemy #1 and Russia was targeted by the Globalist controlled U.S. and EU countries for destruction with sanction after useless sanction. ... :cuckoo:
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Originally posted by dont taz me bro
Nobody is forcing anyone to elect these people. They choose to.

I have a question for all the multiracialists of this Board:

Exactly WHEN the american, british, german people gave their politicians the permission to destroy the racial balance of their societies after WWII?

Tell me the exact date of the plebiscite that took place in America, Canada, Australia in the 50's or 60's asking the citizens of these nations if they consented to the destruction of the racial balance of their nations.

Tell me when they allowed the western mass media to brainwash the new generations of americans, germans into thinking western countries are "for everybody" so that they accepted this insanity as "natural" in the future as you pointed out ( "Nobody is forcing anyone...")
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That didnt happen in 2020, when the election was stolen by the Marxists..
Fake news my ass Taz....


When the Dementocraps said that Democracy was at stake, yeah, those Marxists drove the stake right through the heart of it. Dumbass..

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