What have fence-sitters, independents and ‘kinda Democrats’ said about Dems colluding with Big-tech to win elections?

Hahaha…that’s exactly what I knew you’d say….I always pretend shit doesn’t exist when I don’t have the balls acknowledge it.
Well make your case and I’ll discuss it. I’m not pretending something doesn’t exist. Perhaps I just haven’t seen the reports that you’ve seen. Let’s dig in. What you got?
First you whine about me being too complex, macro and nuanced, and then you say I'm one dimensional.

You contradict yourself in the same post, because all you know to do is wildly attack like a caveman.

I'm not sure why you guys are so willing to illustrate my points for me, but you're certainly free to do so.
I make the point that you CLAIM to be complex, macro and nuanced yet somehow you always seem to default to a one dimensional as fuck state….evidenced by your silence on this new “ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY”.
In light of the dump of Twitter files it doesn’t seem like they’re saying much….which isn’t all that surprising to me.
Have any of them cried “DEMOCRACY!”, have any of them condemned Twitter’s, Google’s and Facebook’s participation / meddling in our elections?
Social media is cancer. WTF more needs to be said, magaturd??
Well make your case and I’ll discuss it. I’m not pretending something doesn’t exist. Perhaps I just haven’t seen the reports that you’ve seen. Let’s dig in. What you got?
Nah…I’ll wait until you extract head from ass and hear about the new “ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY”.
Report back here after you do please.
Good for you…that’s awesome that you’re wise and able to sift through all the bullshit….BUT what about the millions who aren’t? Remember, you and your vote doesn’t win or lose elections.
Do you care?

Do I care? I'll answer it this way: I set my limits.

Yes, my vote alone doesn't win or lose elections. But I accept we live in a constitutional republic and thus to each their own. Their vote is as good as mine whether theirs agree with mine or not.
Nah…I’ll wait until you extract head from ass and hear about the new “ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY”.
Report back here after you do please.
You’re the one that called me in! I have no clue what you’re talking about. Ok then. Good chat
90% of it is partisan hyperbole. Like always.
I’m guessing you said the same thing about “RUSSIAN COLLUSION”, the ”QUID PRO QUO” with Ukraine and “TRUMPS ORDER TO ATTACK THE CAPITOL AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD”……..right?
I’m certain you can link us to your posts to confirm it….right?
Back to your trailer-park, Red Cap... stop bothering the grownups...
Hahaha…that’s exactly what I knew you’d say….I always pretend shit doesn’t exist when I don’t have the balls acknowledge it.
but but but……”ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY!”
I’m guessing you said the same thing about “RUSSIAN COLLUSION”, the ”QUID PRO QUO” with Ukraine and “TRUMPS ORDER TO ATTACK THE CAPITOL AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD”……..right?
I’m certain you can link us to your posts to confirm it….right?
Wouldn't make any difference because I don't look for acceptance from magaturd scumbags in the first place. So whatever you think about any of your examples, I'm going to go in the opposite direction just based upon principle. Because fuck you, that's why.
Wouldn't make any difference because I don't look for acceptance from magaturd scumbags in the first place. So whatever you think about any of your examples, I'm going to go in the opposite direction just based upon principle. Because fuck you, that's why.
Hahahaha….thought so.
You backwards as fuck nutless pukes are so predictable. You can never prove yourselves to be credible.
Hahahaha….thought so.
You backwards as fuck nutless pukes are so predictable. You can never prove yourselves to be credible.
What makes you think I care about credibility when conversing with magaturd nitwits? You overstate your value in society, magaturd. You're a noisy minority (quack, quack, quack) of losers. Nothing more.

Now go own da libz some more, or something.
Wouldn't make any difference because I don't look for acceptance from magaturd scumbags in the first place. So whatever you think about any of your examples, I'm going to go in the opposite direction just based upon principle. Because fuck you, that's why.
well that was a great answer.....lol....
Hahaha…that’s exactly what I knew you’d say….I always pretend shit doesn’t exist when I don’t have the balls acknowledge it.
but but but……”ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY!”
Your trouble, pi$$ant, is that your Orange Comb-Over Sociopath and you MAGA a$$hole$ have told so many lies, that nobody believes you any longer.
Your trouble, pi$$ant, is that your Orange Comb-Over Sociopath and you MAGA a$$hole$ have told so many lies, that nobody believes you any longer.
Don’t believe us legit core American “red hats”…..believe Elon Musk….a life-long LibTard like yourself.

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