What have fence-sitters, independents and ‘kinda Democrats’ said about Dems colluding with Big-tech to win elections?

Don’t believe us legit core American “red hats”…..believe Elon Musk….a life-long LibTard like yourself.
You're wrong, but on the flip side, you're so full of $hit and so obtuse that it's hard to care... :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah. The LIE that the Demonazis aren't cheating and aren't censoring anyone.

Progtards, I have only two words for you: fuck you.
Just how wrapped up in 'buzz words' are you?
Did a girl beat you up last week? I'm guessing YES.
It's the pure tribalism that drives them.

They believe that the ends justify the means and as long as any act benefits their tribe, they are perfectly fine with it.

If there was any, real, evidence consisting of proof that fraud took place in a coordinated manner, I most certainly would want it exposed, the people involved with evidence to confirm them ....charged and convicted in a court of law!!!

My problem is that so far, there is not any tangible proof of any kind, and only conjecture, only speculation, mostly made up out of whole cloth....doesn't cut it...

there hasn't even been enough solid evidence required/ needed in the law, to even start an investigation....only speculations, which simply do not count when nothing has been put forth to substantiate them.

Another problem is all of the off the wall accusations from the trumpers that have all been shown to be as wacky as they truly were....from space lasers... to the dead Hugo Chavez, to stashed illegal votes stuffed under a table, and Chinese fake IDs, and votes being trucked in from Maine, to water leak conspiracies, and 11000 illegal votes in Georgia dumped by mules of voter ballots who were dead people, or moved people, or out of state people shit that you have no actual proof of etc.

stop the steal lies thru that utter crap above were just some of the lies thrown out there....even if there was some kind of evidence that came forth in the future, NO ONE AT THIS POINT WITH ALL OF THIS BULL SHIT THROWN AGAINST THE WALL lies, will believe you!

the story of the Boy who cried Wolf, comes to mind....

THAT'S an awful lot of SHIT you've accused me and Democrats of doing, a lot of slanderous, lying bunk....

and top it off with sedition.... And praise for it...And support for the instigators, who built up the momentum of 1/6 with lies, lies about me and the Party....all to ease your messiah's EGO for being a LOSER!

I'd call that pretty darn UNAMERICAN in every sense of the word!

and you punks (deceived minions)who are acting holier than thou and casting stones at us Democrats based on lies, that continue to support that piece of lying shit traitor to the constitution, can KISS MY GRITS!! AMEN!!!
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You're wrong, but on the flip side, you're so full of $hit and so obtuse that it's hard to care... :auiqs.jpg:
”Obtuse”? are you sure you know what obtuse means?
You “ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY” drama queens are all over the place….Dems have been attacking our Democracy for years and you haven’t said shit…you’re still silent in light of this new ATTACK…..
but but but…..JAN 6TH!
You have zero credibility among the sane….sorry bud.
In light of the dump of Twitter files it doesn’t seem like they’re saying much….which isn’t all that surprising to me.
Have any of them cried “DEMOCRACY!”, have any of them condemned Twitter’s, Google’s and Facebook’s participation / meddling in our elections?
Nothing new since both sides do it.
It's all right here....Written by a Ph.D in economics, all very clearly and accurately end noted with credible sources.

But you really, honestly don't give a shit, as long as your tribe wins.....It's OK to admit it.

Who knows nothing about election law and Election procedures! Nor considered the strength of voter turnout in such a contentious election, or the natural response for States wanting to prevent an even greater national health emergency in BOTH Republican and Democratic Governed states.....

Making claims that there were more voters than registered voters, which is what you made the claim to, is patently false!

What your so called experts did is use the total number for registered voters during the PRIMARY, and compared it with voters in the Nov election who voted,

when several hundred thousands of newly registered citizens enrolled to register to vote, between the PRIMARY and Election day that these so called experts, did not account....
Who knows nothing about election law and Election procedures! Nor considered the strength of voter turnout in such a contentious election, or the natural response for States wanting to prevent an even greater national health emergency in BOTH Republican and Democratic Governed states.....

Making claims that there were more voters than registered voters, which is what you made the claim to, is patently false!

What your so called experts did is use the total number for registered voters during the PRIMARY, and compared it with voters in the Nov election who voted,

when several hundred thousands of newly registered citizens enrolled to register to vote, between the PRIMARY and Election day that these so called experts, did not account....
You used to be more intellectually honest than this.....Now it's DNC uber alles.

You've become nearly as pathetic as TM, without the muscatel.
”Obtuse”? are you sure you know what obtuse means?
You “ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY” drama queens are all over the place….
I make no attacks upon democracy.

I support no one who makes attacks upon democracy.

You, however, cannot say the same.

Neither can your Orange Comb-Over Sociopath master.

Dems have been attacking our Democracy for years and you haven’t said shit…
Wrong. I routinely call out the idiot Dems for the idiots they are.
you’re still silent in light of this new ATTACK…..
There has been no attack.
but but but…..JAN 6TH!
Indeed. It's not going away, is it? Rightfully so.
You have zero credibility among the sane….sorry bud.
I'm not the one turning a blind eye to your ignorant amoral lying un-American Orange Comb-Over Piece-of-$hit... and thereby damaging his credibility. :itsok:
I said that if what they claim is legit they have a complaint. I also then said they have made all kinds of claims that have been total B.S. so it all needs to play out to determine anything.
With the release of the Twitter Files, and the testimony of the journalists (all Democrat Biden voters) who broke that story, and of the former Twitter employees, in front of congress, have you determined anything, yet?
With the release of the Twitter Files, and the testimony of the journalists (all Democrat Biden voters) who broke that story, and of the former Twitter employees, in front of congress, have you determined anything, yet?

Do I think Twitter was influenced by government complaints? Yes.
Thank you!

What are your thoughts, if any, on tax dollars and the power of government being used in that way?

I think it's complex. Can I see a proper place of the government in trying to stop the undermining of trust in the election system by those promoting lies? I could.

Do I think an entity that also routinely lies can be trusted by a company to tell them what is lies and what isn't? Not really.
I think it's complex. Can I see a proper place of the government in trying to stop the undermining of trust in the election system by those promoting lies? I could.
Are you concerned about any of the other censorship the government pushed besides demanding posts that questioned the fairness of an election be deleted and the posters banned? What about the government-backed censorship of the lab leak theory, the problems with the vaccine, and other stories?
Do I think an entity that also routinely lies can be trusted by a company to tell them what is lies and what isn't? Not really.
Are you concerned about any of the other censorship the government pushed besides demanding posts that questioned the fairness of an election be deleted and the posters banned? What about the government-backed censorship of the lab leak theory, the problems with the vaccine, and other stories?

I've noted that Fauci should be in prison many times already.

Oddly many who agree refuse to condemn "their guy" when they lie.

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