What have fence-sitters, independents and ‘kinda Democrats’ said about Dems colluding with Big-tech to win elections?

It's all right here
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On election night, Brett on FoxNews, talked about the outstanding votes and where they were from and the trend of those outstanding votes.

FoxNews SAID that Biden would make a comeback and probably take the lead.
Navarro states NO FACTS, just infers and predicts, then states that his assumptions implies obvious fraud.
The Big Lie has morphed into a larger continuing lie.
Don't like being called out for cheating, tell your Dems to stop cheating, and more important, to stop opposing every anti-cheating measure they see.
In light of the dump of Twitter files it doesn’t seem like they’re saying much….which isn’t all that surprising to me.
Have any of them cried “DEMOCRACY!”, have any of them condemned Twitter’s, Google’s and Facebook’s participation / meddling in our elections?
They were losing their collective minds for years over completely fake "Russian Collusion". But now faced with 100% verified collusion between the Democrats and Twitter they couldn't care less. :dunno:
Because y'all really don't give a ratsass about the deeper numbers (i.e. hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots in PA returend than were sent out)....If you honestly did, the corruption and cheatery are beyond evidently blatant.
Is this what you are concerned with...? Cuz if it is, then you've been fed false or in the least, misinformation!

See below and READ MORE HERE:

In a letter sent to Rep. Ryan and dated Oct. 28 (here), Acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman wrote in response to the legislator’s original letter that, “your claim that counties have mailed ‘over 240,000 unverified ballots’ is incorrect and reflects a misunderstanding of the law and data.”

Chapman goes on in the letter to explain (page 2), assuming that Ryan is referring to a daily report of ballot applications received, that a “NV” code, standing for “not verified,” refers to applications that “require further identification check.” Chapman adds, “Notably, the code does not reflect the results of any identification check but is, in fact, an additional mechanism to ensure that counties are properly verifying ID provided by voters.”

Chapman also wrote, “Finally, in contrast to the assertions in your letter, as of today, there are less than 7,600 ballot applications statewide that still require voter identity verification as provided by law.”

To submit an application for an absentee or mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania, an individual must already be registered to vote by having submitted an application that includes their state ID or last four digits of their social security number (here).

If voters wish to receive a mail-in or absentee ballot, they must fill out a separate form that again asks for identifying information (here).

According to the statement by the Pennsylvania Department of State, county elections offices are legally obligated by Pennsylvania election code to provide mail-in or absentee ballots to any registered voter who applies for one, even if they don’t provide proof of identification when they apply. Most applicants verify their identity at that time, but they have until the sixth day after the election to verify their identity (here).

The Department’s statement added that unverified ballots are marked as such and any ballots that cannot be verified by the sixth day after the election are not counted.

Chapman’s Oct. 28 letter to Rep. Ryan points out that the Pennsylvania’s Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors “has a hard-stop function that will not allow a ballot from a voter without verified identification to be counted.”

Social media users have spread false information about the 240,000 unauthorized ballots. One user whose tweet received over 17,000 likes and 12,000 retweets at the time of writing said, “BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrat officials mailed out 240,000 Ballots to unverified voters. They are cheating again. Spread the word!” (here) Facebook users also shared the claims (here), (here), (here).
It's the pure tribalism that drives them.

They believe that the ends justify the means and as long as any act benefits their tribe, they are perfectly fine with it.
That's a problem, why are we going backward to tribal thinking? Thought we had evolved to a more civilized way of thinking?
Hahaha….That’s your spin huh? I hope I have you misunderstood, if I don’t you just lost all credibility.
Do you remember the RNC calling Rush and telling Rush to suppress speech and information that was bad for their campaigns?

What spin? I couldn't care any less if the RNC did or didn't call Rush. It was never any of my business.

My attitude is that there has always been good and bad media. I find it best to be wary of all media. For quite a while now I've most trusted information gathered through financial publications and industry trade journals. For example, if I'm interested in the latest news concerning Biden's oil policies then I'd refer to something like this: Chevron-CEO-Criticizes-Bidens-SPR-Strategy.

If editing is kept to a minimum, YouTube videos are also a good source to get information straight from the horse's mouth.
The problem is that of the big four -- Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter -- We have information only from Twitter.

Without a doubt, the other three were as involved as Twitter in influencing the election by removing information harmful to Democrat candidates.

The information gatekeepers in the rest of the media and those who have found it profitable to weaponize government have nothing to fear from any of this.
Zuckerberg already admitted to acting as a regulator for the Democrat Party….Amazon cancelled hosting services for “Right-Wing” websites, we know about Twitter….and there’s this….
Big-Tech is the Democrat Party.
What spin? I couldn't care any less if the RNC did or didn't call Rush. It was never any of my business.

My attitude is that there has always been good and bad media. I find it best to be wary of all media. For quite a while now I've most trusted information gathered through financial publications and industry trade journals. For example, if I'm interested in the latest news concerning Biden's oil policies then I'd refer to something like this: Chevron-CEO-Criticizes-Bidens-SPR-Strategy.

If editing is kept to a minimum, YouTube videos are also a good source to get information straight from the horse's mouth.
Good for you…that’s awesome that you’re wise and able to sift through all the bullshit….BUT what about the millions who aren’t? Remember, you and your vote doesn’t win or lose elections.
Do you care?
Where’s Mac1958 Golfing Gator Kondor3 dblack Slade3200 and all the other “DEMOCRACY!” screaming self proclaimed ‘moderates’?
Desperate for responses again, I see.

It's a great question, a fascinating topic, and an important issue. I've had several interesting and honest conversations with friends and family about it, and will no doubt have many more.

But, as we both know, my trying to have an interesting and honest conversation with someone like you is a waste of my time. Asymmetrical conversations bore me quickly. Sorry.
Desperate for responses again, I see.

It's a great question, a fascinating topic, and an important issue. I've had several interesting and honest conversations with friends and family about it, and will no doubt have many more.

But, as we both know, my trying to have an interesting and honest conversation with someone like you is a waste of my time. Asymmetrical conversations bore me quickly. Sorry.
Trust me bud…I’m definitely not looking to have a rational conversation with you…no one sane who knows you would…you’re way too “complex”, “macro” and “nuanced”…for that, you can’t be sure of what you stand for…..I’m simply calling you out on your one dimensional bullshit again…I know, I know….you hate being exposed.
Had Trump and or the RNC been the beneficiary of this type of meddling you’d be here all day shitting your pants.
Trust me bud…I’m definitely not looking to have a rational conversation with you…no one sane who knows you would…you’re way too “complex”, “macro” and “nuanced”…for that, you can’t be sure of what you stand for…..I’m simply calling you out on your one dimensional bullshit again…I know, I know….you hate being exposed.
Had Trump and or the RNC been the beneficiary of this type of meddling you’d be here all day shitting your pants.
First you whine about me being too complex, macro and nuanced, and then you say I'm one dimensional.

You contradict yourself in the same post, because all you know to do is wildly attack like a caveman.

I'm not sure why you guys are so willing to illustrate my points for me, but you're certainly free to do so.
I haven’t seen an attack on democracy. Maybe you can summarize what you’re talking about and I’ll give you my take.
Hahaha…that’s exactly what I knew you’d say….I always pretend shit doesn’t exist when I don’t have the balls acknowledge it.

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