What have you contributed to online discussion?

Nice piece and a good example of looking at the subject.

In your opinion ... Are people more often engaging online to tell someone something and influence them ...
Or are they more often sharing ideas and questioning things, looking for opportunities and discovery ... With the intention to actually find the truth in the minutia?​
Both. Also people use Social Media just to pass time.

But we do contribute a little to Society by our work on Social Media.

Some people make positive contribution to Society. Others make negative contribution.
Nanaoessay 1: Measuring our Online Influence.

Below, I provide a few metrics by which anyone can measure how much they have contributed to online discussion. I understand that most people have made considerable offline contributions to Society. Popular online influencers can make vast positive and negative contributions to Society.

A very important metric by which an influencer's impact is measured is the number of pageviews they have received. This is a very crude measure since different pageviews have vastly different impacts. Nevertheless, it is a good measure. Andrew Tate has generated about 25 billion pageviews on TikTok before #andrewtate hashtag was banned. He also generated a few billion pageviews on other media. Thus his impact is vast.

How many pageviews does an average forum participant generate? As I have mentioned elsewhere, on average 1 post = 1.2 visits = 19 person minutes of media consumption= 20 page views. Nanoessays generally have more influence then simple posts. During the last two decades, I have made about 30,000 posts on various forums. During this time period, I have written about 150 nanoessays and a few short stories. That is equivalent to about 600,000 pageviews. Overall my impact has been 50,000 times less then that of Andrew Tate and about 300 times less then that of a prolific YouTube influencer. An average prolific poster on Forums, Reddit, or other Social Media has about 1 million page views.

How many people have we influenced? This is very hard to measure or estimate. An average person consumes about 2,500 hours of media in a year or 200,000 hours of media in their lifetime. That is equivalent to about 12 million pageviews within their life. My semi-educated guess is that an equivalent of "influencing one person" is equivalent to about 50,000 to 100,000 page views. Does anyone have a better estimate?

Using that measure, it would mean that I have influenced 5-10 people, an average prolific poster has influenced 10-20 people, and a popular YouTube influencer has influenced a few thousand people. Overall, an average poster expands enormous work to generate little influence. Nevertheless, this influence is substantial for a private individual.
When I post on l line then I am looking for interests that I have and to chat about those interests. I am not worried about generating influence. Either we share the same interests or even fleeting news interests or we don't.

If you really want to get technical the most page views and comments are related to when one person or article is trashing another individual. Right? That's boring. It's small minds at play. What the rest of the world sees when that is all that you post is that you are miserable and you are only happy when you are standing on someone else. This is especially true when that person is not around to defend themselves and it reads like it is out of Page Six. There are numerous threads of I hate the other political team because they are stupid and everybody drives by and hits a smiley or thumbs up and says, "I hate 'em, too."

That doesn't tell me about how much a poster contributes to the internet and their influence. It's the little things like trying to hack into their accounts, creating multiple IDs, trying to identify ways (including trying to find ways to use their genealogy) to blackmail them and stalking them on line. Going to a completely different site and creating multiple IDs because you can and acting stupid on that site. It's the cyberbullying for me by people who have done this multiple times and screwed over how many people? If all we are going to do is talk about people and create false narratives then why don't we start one with a smidgen of truth on a dishonorably discharged Marine? Right? These people are contributing, right?
Some people make positive contribution to Society. Others make negative contribution.

That's still something that cannot necessarily be assessed at the time of contribution ... I'll use a simple analogy, but maybe you will get my point.

I could put $10 in the middle of the table ... That is what I have contributed.
At that point ... I have no more control over it ... Whatever that $10 was to me, is no longer mine because I have shared, and it belongs to everyone.

Anyone can take that $10 ... And do what they choose to do with it ... They may buy roses, or they may buy bullets.
Still ... I am not saying either one of them will keep you out of trouble ... Nor does either one have to be bad.

You could take the roses to your girlfriend and screw around on your wife ... You could load the bullets in a gun, and save someone's life.
Either way ... When I contributed the $10 ... I'm not a fortune teller ... And I have no idea what you are going to do with it.

My Point ... A negative or positive contribution isn't necessarily determined until after you have no control over it ... :thup:
And once you let go of it ... There is no telling what someone may do with it ...
Or whether or not they ever understood what you think they might ought to do with it.

With my extremely valuable posts and engaging style I have moved national leaders and captains of industry!

No. Wait.

I have moved nobody at all.

I was close the first time, I guess.
That doesn't tell me about how much a poster contributes to the internet and their influence. It's the little things like trying to hack into their accounts, creating multiple IDs, trying to identify ways (including trying to find ways to use their genealogy) to blackmail them and stalking them on line. Going to a completely different site and creating multiple IDs because you can and acting stupid on that site. It's the cyberbullying for me by people who have done this multiple times and screwed over how many people? If all we are going to do is talk about people and create false narratives then why don't we start one with a smidgen of truth on a dishonorably discharged Marine? Right? These people are contributing, right?
Definitely, this is why I avoid big Social Media like Twitter. Most flame wars and stalking happens there.
When I post on l line then I am looking for interests that I have and to chat about those interests. I am not worried about generating influence. Either we share the same interests or even fleeting news interests or we don't.
For me, posting on Forums is definitely something I like rather then something I have to do from a sense of duty. Likewise I play Runescape a lot.

But posting on forums does effect Society -- even if very little.
With my extremely valuable posts and engaging style I have moved national leaders and captains of industry!

No. Wait.

I have moved nobody at all.

I was close the first time, I guess.
Perhaps you have impacted Society, but very little. Like any small influencer.

Maybe you have helped someone a lot -- but only one or two people.
Definitely, this is why I avoid big Social Media like Twitter. Most flame wars and stalking happens there.
It happens here. Recording people through their phones, etc. Makes you wonder if there is a connection between some of the older folks dropping off and life insurance policies.
It happens here. Recording people through their phones, etc. Makes you wonder if there is a connection between some of the older folks dropping off and life insurance policies.
This is horrible.

I thought stalking people over Political disagreement only happened on major Social Media sites.
I would like to think that I have informed people about what true Catholicism is and is not. There are an astounding number of LIES out there in the world regarding the CC

which is not surprising when you realize how much Satan despises the True Church and wants to destroy it. He thought he destroyed it at Vatican II and admittedly, there was MUCH damage :( :102::banghead:

But Jesus promised that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church and so, anyone, Catholic or otherwise, who thinks that the Church is gone... ha ha.. wishful thinking to some of you libs... Archbishop Lefebvre (who should have the word Saint in front of his name always, it seems) saved the Church when it was threatened in the 1960s. The francis sect --on the other hand--is a joke
I try to present truth and reason (which means that I have nothing of value to contribute). :(
This is horrible.

I thought stalking people over Political disagreement only happened on major Social Media sites.
This group contains some sociopathic predators. People need to be very careful in discussing illness and death of relatives. Look at bank accounts and charges. Start going over documents with required signatures. Thieves are thieves and then there are the useful tools. Since the majority of the participants are men then you might want to pay attention to the catfishing. All good practice anyway, right?

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