What I Have Learned


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
I have learned that when someone tells you that you're being selfish, its usually because you're not letting them have their own way… and this isn't political… just personal :)

what have you learned?
I have learned that opposing views can debate all day, into the nite, and into the next day - rinse and repeat - and the views people started with hardly budge at all.

Which makes political boards such as this public masturbatory exercises.

What did you think you were doing here, anyway?

Regards from Rosie
That some people who want to live a life that is free, and the right to pursue happiness are ready to hang, draw and quarter certain people without any evidence other than the court of public opinion. But in the same breath will accuse XXXXX of being a XXXXX who wants to take away their rights.
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I learned that to trust is to open yourself up to ridicule in secret places that aren't so secret and it only winds up that the one getting reamed has hurt feelings but the ones doing the ridiculing have rotten egg on their faces that is seen by all even though they think nobody can see the rot of that egg. Maybe they can't. But they can sure smell it.
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It can be because someone is not getting their own way.

But . . . it can also be a case of a person who just does not think of others before doing something.
I've learned that those that think they know everything actually know nothing.
I learned to be mindful of my manners and respect the host and their wishes when entering their home.
I have learned that when someone tells you that you're being selfish, its usually because you're not letting them have their own way… and this isn't political… just personal :)
Well, when it happens to me, that I am told that I'm being selfish, it's usually because I hog all the food.:D
I learned the older you get the more times flys by. I learned the older you get the more you need to learn.
I have learned that when someone tells you that you're being selfish, its usually because you're not letting them have their own way… and this isn't political… just personal :)
Well, when it happens to me, that I am told that I'm being selfish, it's usually because I hog all the food.:D

hogging the food… bad. :)

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