What I Look Forward to Next in This Election Process


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I’m buying a bunch of popcorn not for the first Trump/Harris debate. I’m buying it for the aftermath and watching the Left.

“Why did she suddenly get so dumb, we need to replace her!”

The Left only know what their masters tell them.

You know it’s coming. Buy your popcorn now while shelves are still stocked.


I’m buying a bunch of popcorn not for the first Trump/Harris debate. I’m buying it for the aftermath and watching the Left.

“Why did she suddenly get so dumb, we need to replace her!”

The Left only know what their masters tell them.

You know it’s coming. Buy your popcorn now while shelves are still stocked.

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I am looking for you retards to throw another hissy fit and storm the Capitol when you lose in November.

Remember the fun we all had watching you retards get caught and getting sentenced? Good times.
I’m buying a bunch of popcorn not for the first Trump/Harris debate. I’m buying it for the aftermath and watching the Left.

  1. The early debate with Trump was planned to vet Biden with the idea of replacing him. Trump never should have agreed to a debate until both he and the DNC candidate were both nominated candidates.
  2. They need to schedule TWO debates with Harris. The one with Biden does not count.
  3. Biden was FORCED out of the election.
  4. We are watching another illegal election taking place. 14 million people voted for Biden. NO ONE has voted for Harris. THe democrats are again engineering a totally illegal method of putting someone up for office. If they cannot nominate Harris through the usual legal means, then Biden should in effect be forced to run with or without a campaign even if he has to forfeit the office.
  5. Republicans are being gamed again. While they operate in only two dimensions, democrats are playing 3-dimensional chess with transitional quadrilateral to triangular tessellation.

In effect, Trump stupidly gave them the opportunity to look ahead and see they were going to lose this election, so has allowed them to completely change it substituting someone else with all new rules starting over with a person that NO ONE HAS VOTED FOR to run for the office. Worse, she will neither be elected or reelected for she is ALREADY IN THE OFFICE and will run on just carrying on with her job (whatever they will claim that's been the past three years).

Look for there to be yet another huge surprise this Fall completely changing the dynamic allowing Harris to win, using rules and circumstances never intended for any election that the GOP will fail to stop, then when she is installed through some bizarre, shady twist in the election outcome again, there will be another massive outcry in this country, maybe an even bigger protest at the capitol, and the republicans will be denounced as sore losers by the media. Everything that has been done these past 3 years points to that as a reality.

I smell a fix is already in. They had really counted on the July 13 assassination attempt in succeeding, even to the point of putting a clay pigeon in there designed to pass off as a "republican." That way, it could have been rationalized as unrest within his own party (we've seen that coming for years with people like Cheney and Kinzinger), rather than a staged coup from without by an avowed leftist.
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I’m buying a bunch of popcorn not for the first Trump/Harris debate. I’m buying it for the aftermath and watching the Left.

“Why did she suddenly get so dumb, we need to replace her!”

The Left only know what their masters tell them.

You know it’s coming. Buy your popcorn now while shelves are still stocked.

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It depends on what the definition is of being able to be president is. I have no doubt that she could be just as good of a president as Joe Biden was. Biden made a lot of strides. He was very much DEI, very much woke, very much into spending money and driving inflation, very much green to save the planet while harming, well, just about everyone in the process. and very much into being against Israel and for terrorists. In a lot of ways, the left loved a lot of the things Biden did and Harris is very capable of expanding on all of them.

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