What I warned about, Part 2 : "Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility..."

Poor silly Americans. They still don't get it. This 'Hacking' hysteria will only result in the Government seizing more freedoms.The US Government has been itching to crack down on Internet Freedoms for years.

This 'Hacking' hysteria will be used to oppress Americans. You can bet on that. But the People will just go on falling into the same kinds of traps. Just scare the Sheeple, and they'll go along with anything.
Maybe that would be true if Clinton had won the election, but Trump has rightly dismissed this as hysterical nonsense, so the hysteria will end on Jan. 20.

I don't know, we'll see i guess. There are other forces at work on this one. The US Government wants more control of the Internet. And scaring the Sheeple, is an old and very successful tactic. It's been proven time & time again, if you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything. They'll be convinced it's all 'for their own good.' These so-called 'Cyberspace' laws will be just another Big Brother weapon to use against the People.
I think it would be more correct to say Obama wants more control over the Internet, but that's over now.

That is true, but can Trump prevent these 'Cyber Security' laws from happening? I seriously doubt it. They've been in the works for years. This 'Hacking' hysteria almost guarantees Big Brother will seize more Internet freedoms. Americans really should reconsider celebrating it. They're gonna suffer the most.
We'll see, but I doubt Trump will allow this to happen. I think he enjoys a freewheeling Internet too much.
Saw that early this morning.

Wonder how many websites will not report this part of it?

" The matched malware code on the laptop may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website, a source familiar with the matter said, suggesting Russian hackers may not have been directly involved."

Someone checking out a porn site caught a bug.

DEFCON 5 in effect.

Cherry-picking out of context. How so like you. Just put your feathery head back in the hole in the ground where it belongs.
You're a fake news pimp

So the right's new buzz word is "fake news" when it's something they don't like.
No, the new "buzz word" is fake news when it is fake news.
If Putin, Trump's butt-buddy, decides to hack the northeast grid it will be like Hurricane Sandy on super steroids with an outage that could last a month or longer. This country would come to an abrupt, stunning halt from NY to CA and AK to Key West, because ALL banking transactions go through New York.
China has been hacking us 24/7 building almost exact copies of our weapons systems and what has Obama done.......Nothing g
I guess the only comforting thought is, if the Russians succeed in crashing the Eastern/Atlantic states power grid, Trump Tower probably has pretty good generators, but Trump won't have Twitter. Ahhhhh....poor baby.

Lol. O is instigating war. Y'all really are that blind and oblivious.
Nah, this is just Obama trying to sound tough. His whole term in office can be characterized as Obama trying to look presidential and Obama trying to sound tough.
Poor silly Americans. They still don't get it. This 'Hacking' hysteria will only result in the Government seizing more freedoms.The US Government has been itching to crack down on Internet Freedoms for years.

This 'Hacking' hysteria will be used to oppress Americans. You can bet on that. But the People will just go on falling into the same kinds of traps. Just scare the Sheeple, and they'll go along with anything.
Maybe that would be true if Clinton had won the election, but Trump has rightly dismissed this as hysterical nonsense, so the hysteria will end on Jan. 20.

I don't know, we'll see i guess. There are other forces at work on this one. The US Government wants more control of the Internet. And scaring the Sheeple, is an old and very successful tactic. It's been proven time & time again, if you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything. They'll be convinced it's all 'for their own good.' These so-called 'Cyberspace' laws will be just another Big Brother weapon to use against the People.
I think it would be more correct to say Obama wants more control over the Internet, but that's over now.

That is true, but can Trump prevent these 'Cyber Security' laws from happening? I seriously doubt it. They've been in the works for years. This 'Hacking' hysteria almost guarantees Big Brother will seize more Internet freedoms. Americans really should reconsider celebrating it. They're gonna suffer the most.
We'll see, but I doubt Trump will allow this to happen. I think he enjoys a freewheeling Internet too much.

I don't think he'll have any choice but to go along. I mean, i can just hear the Goose Steppers now... "If you don't sign this into law Mr. President, you must hate America."

Sadly, Trump will go along.
It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
Maybe that would be true if Clinton had won the election, but Trump has rightly dismissed this as hysterical nonsense, so the hysteria will end on Jan. 20.

I don't know, we'll see i guess. There are other forces at work on this one. The US Government wants more control of the Internet. And scaring the Sheeple, is an old and very successful tactic. It's been proven time & time again, if you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll go along with just about anything. They'll be convinced it's all 'for their own good.' These so-called 'Cyberspace' laws will be just another Big Brother weapon to use against the People.
I think it would be more correct to say Obama wants more control over the Internet, but that's over now.

That is true, but can Trump prevent these 'Cyber Security' laws from happening? I seriously doubt it. They've been in the works for years. This 'Hacking' hysteria almost guarantees Big Brother will seize more Internet freedoms. Americans really should reconsider celebrating it. They're gonna suffer the most.
We'll see, but I doubt Trump will allow this to happen. I think he enjoys a freewheeling Internet too much.

I don't think he'll have any choice but to go along. I mean, i can just hear the Goose Steppers now... "If you don't sign this into law Mr. President, you must hate America."

Sadly, Trump will go along.
lol He hasn't "gone along" yet. Trump became President by campaigning against the leaderships of both parties.
Don't give into fear folks. Your Government is playing you again. It's all about scaring you into supporting Big Brother seizing your Internet Freedoms. Don't fall for more lies.
Helping one Trumper at a time to understand the broader picture, since they don't read.
Bottom line: Russia is testing the waters.

"This intrusion by itself was a minor incident that caused no damage," a U.S. intelligence official familiar with the incident and critical of Russian actions said on Friday night.

"However, we are taking it seriously because it has been tracked to familiar entities involved in a much broader and government-directed campaign in cyberspace and because the electric grid is a vulnerable and interconnected part of the nation's critical infrastructure," the official said.
It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
"May" means there is no evidence of an attack to hack the grid. In fact, there is no evidence that the few lines of code which is the whole basis for suggesting this was an attempt by Russia are used exclusively by Russian hackers.
Don't give into fear folks. Your Government is playing you again. It's all about scaring you into supporting Big Brother seizing your Internet Freedoms. Don't fall for more lies.

Sort of like on August 6, 2001 when Your Government blew off the PDB:
The President's Daily Brief
Except Your Government is warning you this time, and putting sanctions on the Russians.
Good job, Obama!
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It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
"May" means there is no evidence of an attack to hack the grid. In fact, there is no evidence that the few lines of code which is the whole basis for suggesting this was an attempt by Russia are used exclusively by Russian hackers.

OK, you stick to one line in a story that is two pages long. And stick your head back in the sand while you're at it, bozo.
You idiots think you know all the same things the FBI and the POTUS does. All the same facts and data. Right there on Facebook and Breitbart.
It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
"May" means there is no evidence of an attack to hack the grid. In fact, there is no evidence that the few lines of code which is the whole basis for suggesting this was an attempt by Russia are used exclusively by Russian hackers.

OK, you stick to one line in a story that is two pages long. And stick your head back in the sand while you're at it, bozo.
lol There is no story.
Don't give into fear folks. Your Government is playing you again. It's all about scaring you into supporting Big Brother seizing your Internet Freedoms. Don't fall for more lies.

Sort of like on August 6, 2001 when Your Government blew off the PDB:
The President's Daily Brief

Be very careful what you wish for. Your Government is playing you again. Its 'Cyber Security' laws will primarily be used against you the American Citizen. It's about seizing your Internet Freedoms. It's using more old fear mongering tactics to get it done. Don't give into fear again.
What a thorough investigation....Don't even care to find d out how exactly it got there...Very comforting.....For all we know NSA could have put it there.....
It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
"May" means there is no evidence of an attack to hack the grid. In fact, there is no evidence that the few lines of code which is the whole basis for suggesting this was an attempt by Russia are used exclusively by Russian hackers.

OK, you stick to one line in a story that is two pages long. And stick your head back in the sand while you're at it, bozo.
You idiots think you know all the same things the FBI and the POTUS does. All the same facts and data. Right there on Facebook and Breitbart.

Every nation in the world hacks other nations. In fact, the US likely does it more than any other nation. Man, Obama himself got busted for spying on our own allies. He employed hacking methods to spy on German Prime Minister Merkel, and others. So Big Brother's new 'Cyber Security' laws are gonna be used mostly against American Citizens. You can bet on that.
It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
Other words they have NO IDEA WHERE IT CAME FROM.

Keep peddling your dumbass fake narrative
It just happened a couple days ago and they know who did it already? Did Putin sign the Malware with love from Russia?

Putin tested his malware out on the Ukraine first, in 2015:

""""Russia has been accused in the past of launching a cyberattack on Ukraine’s electrical grid, something it has denied.

Cybersecurity experts say a hack in December 2015 destabilized Kiev’s power grid, causing a blackout in part of the Ukrainian capital. On Thursday, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of waging a hacking war on his country that has entailed 6,500 attacks against Ukranian state institutions over the past two months."""
But the laptop infected was not connected to the grid so there was no threat to the US grid. This is just another fake news story being pushed by the hysterical left. In fact, there is no evidence Russia hacked anything in the US, other than some lines of code that are well known to many people both in and out of government, so while this code has been used in the past by Russian hackers, it is so widely know today it is not credible to claim only the Russians could have used it.

The article said the malware "MAY may have resulted from a relatively benign episode, such as visiting a questionable website,..". Do you understand what MAY means? It's not just the month after April.

That is one line out of the entire article. But since you are being conditioned to just go with 140 characters or less from Donald's Tweets, I can understand your stupidity.
Other words they have NO IDEA WHERE IT CAME FROM.

Keep peddling your dumbass fake narrative

Yeah, this 'report' feels too much like Fake News propaganda. It was all about speculative opinion. No facts. The truth is, they don't know. This particular media outlet chose to run with the Russian accusation out of laziness and convenience. Another prime example of Fake News propaganda.

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