Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee​

19 Sep 2023 ~~ By Jennie Taer

Several former intelligence officials who signed a letter suggesting that the Hunter Biden laptop was likely a “Russian information operation” are joining a federal “expert” board handling issues of national security, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Tuesday.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, who will now serve on the board, all signed an October 2020 letter casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop and suggesting its release was a Russian disinformation ploy. The group will advise DHS on intelligence and national security efforts regarding issues such as “terrorism, fentanyl, transborder issues, and emerging technology,” DHS announced.
The Hunter Biden laptop contents were authenticated by the Daily Caller News Foundation as well as The New York Times, Washington Post, CBS News and other media outlets. There is currently no evidence suggesting the laptop was a Russian disinformation operation.(RELATED: Hunter Biden Admits Laptop Data Is Real After White House, Media Insisted For Months That It Wasn’t)
oth Clapper and Brennan have been previously criticized for misleading the American public.
Clapper gave incorrect information to Congress on multiple occasions, including in one instance when he gave “inconsistent testimony” about contacts he had with the media while in office. Brennan, for his part, denied that CIA officials had hacked the computers of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers, a statement that was later proven false.
In a February letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ), lawyers representing Hunter Biden appeared to admit that data from his laptop is real.
Several social media platforms censored the New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop archive.
DHS didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the specifics of the board.

Being a low life, lying, untrustworthy "progressive" means never having to say you're sorry. These people do not deserve any role in government. But they served the Biden crime family well, and so, here they are. Please note, this group is now under the leadership of the most incompetent and dishonest Biden minion of them all, Baghdad Bob Mayorkas.
The DHS has no business spending money not for specific appropriations by congreaa. Stop omnibus spending bills you morons. A blank check once a year to spend as the agency sees fit is not how things are supposed to work! Congress has not done its primary job now for 12 years or so.
The Marxist DSA Democrats left don’t even try to hide their corruption anymore. These same corrupt traitors have been in deep state long time.
Biden and the Democrats are going to step up their pogroms and manufacture more charges against more people as we move closer to the elections. Don't be surprised if they get desperate enough to start mass arrests of 'hostiles', like people who protest kiddie grooming and sexual mutilation at PTA meetings, or Trump rallies and the like.

  • 1

    Nazification changed the organizational structure, leadership, training, and values of Germany’s police forces.
  • 2

    The Nazis expanded police power and used the police to target people they considered their political, racial, social, and criminal opponents.
  • 3

    Although the new Nazi government fired or retired many police leaders, the vast majority of German policemen kept their jobs and served the Nazi state.

We're in phases 1 and 2 now. Number 3 doesn't seem necessary, as we never saw any mass resignations of officers.

After Adolf Hitler became chancellor on January 30, 1933, he worked to turn Germany into a dictatorship under his sole control. To do so, the new government reoriented Weimar Germany’s previously democratic organizations and institutions to serve Nazi ideals. This meant eliminating constitutional rights and protections for individuals. It also meant inserting Nazi ideology into all aspects of life. This process is known as Nazification.

Same pattern with the technocrats over the last 3 decades. They have to move slower because so many honest citizens still have firearms, and the population is a lot larger and more spread out, but the centralization of the economy by both Parties has beem moving along nicely into monopolies and oligarchies via Wall Street it is a lot easier to control supply of food, transportation, and goods now. The technocrats did away with citizens in a democracy with rights and replaced the narrative with consumerism. Population replacement is moving along really well now too.

But the GOP stays on board, focusing on tax breaks for billionaires who sold out the country, off-shoring, and more corporate welfare; they aren't that interested in resisting the 'progress' of these agendas as long as they bring home the bacon to their bosses.

Locally, as I mentioned in another thread, we only have 4 grocery stores around here now, from around 30 to choose from when I was in high school, and two of those are preparing to merge, Kroger's and Albertson's. lol.
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Being a low life, lying, untrustworthy "progressive" means never having to say you're sorry. These people do not deserve any role in government. But they served the Biden crime family well, and so, here they are. Please note, this group is now under the leadership of the most incompetent and dishonest Biden minion of them all, Baghdad Bob Mayorkas.
The DHS has no business spending money not for specific appropriations by congreaa. Stop omnibus spending bills you morons. A blank check once a year to spend as the agency sees fit is not how things are supposed to work! Congress has not done its primary job now for 12 years or so.
The Marxist DSA Democrats left don’t even try to hide their corruption anymore. These same corrupt traitors have been in deep state long time.

Nobody cares about the fake laptop the Russians sold Rudy.
Ok dummy, now you get to prove this.

It isn't my job to prove the laptop is fake.

It's your job to prove it's real. What you can't do is find me a receipt that Hunter Biden bought a Macbook with serial number ####### on some date before 2019.

The only think you can kind of prove is some of the data on it was his.

I’ve been wading through Hunter Biden data all weekend. There’s some evidence that the descriptions of the “Hunter Biden” “laptop” based on the drive Rudy Giuliani has peddled do not match the description of what should be on such devices given what the FBI and IRS saw.

Before I explain that, though, I want to talk about how the life of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account differs from what is portrayed in this analysis paid for by Washington Examiner.

As that report describes, Hunter Biden activated a MacBook Pro on October 21, 2018, then set it up with Hunter’s iCloud on October 22. Hunter then used the MacBook as his primary device until March 17, 2019, a month before it waltzed into John Paul Mac Isaac’s computer repair shop to start a second act as the biggest political hit job ever.

There are problems with that story. A longer table of the devices that logged into Hunter Biden’s iCloud includes devices that appear to have been accessing core Hunter Biden content.

That same table doesn’t show any access after November 15, 2018, with the last access being the device Roberts MacBook Pro that would end up in a Delaware repair shop, but showing up six days earlier than it should. There’s a phone that should but does not show up in those devices, too.
  • Funny
Reactions: DBA
The 911 crowd is always welcome at Traitor Joe's....
It isn't my job to prove the laptop is fake.

It's your job to prove it's real. What you can't do is find me a receipt that Hunter Biden bought a Macbook with serial number ####### on some date before 2019.

The only think you can kind of prove is some of the data on it was his.

I’ve been wading through Hunter Biden data all weekend. There’s some evidence that the descriptions of the “Hunter Biden” “laptop” based on the drive Rudy Giuliani has peddled do not match the description of what should be on such devices given what the FBI and IRS saw.

Before I explain that, though, I want to talk about how the life of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account differs from what is portrayed in this analysis paid for by Washington Examiner.

As that report describes, Hunter Biden activated a MacBook Pro on October 21, 2018, then set it up with Hunter’s iCloud on October 22. Hunter then used the MacBook as his primary device until March 17, 2019, a month before it waltzed into John Paul Mac Isaac’s computer repair shop to start a second act as the biggest political hit job ever.

There are problems with that story. A longer table of the devices that logged into Hunter Biden’s iCloud includes devices that appear to have been accessing core Hunter Biden content.

That same table doesn’t show any access after November 15, 2018, with the last access being the device Roberts MacBook Pro that would end up in a Delaware repair shop, but showing up six days earlier than it should. There’s a phone that should but does not show up in those devices, too.
You said it was a fake that the Russians sold Rudy…prove your claim.

Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee​

19 Sep 2023 ~~ By Jennie Taer

Several former intelligence officials who signed a letter suggesting that the Hunter Biden laptop was likely a “Russian information operation” are joining a federal “expert” board handling issues of national security, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Tuesday.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, who will now serve on the board, all signed an October 2020 letter casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop and suggesting its release was a Russian disinformation ploy. The group will advise DHS on intelligence and national security efforts regarding issues such as “terrorism, fentanyl, transborder issues, and emerging technology,” DHS announced.
The Hunter Biden laptop contents were authenticated by the Daily Caller News Foundation as well as The New York Times, Washington Post, CBS News and other media outlets. There is currently no evidence suggesting the laptop was a Russian disinformation operation.(RELATED: Hunter Biden Admits Laptop Data Is Real After White House, Media Insisted For Months That It Wasn’t)
oth Clapper and Brennan have been previously criticized for misleading the American public.
Clapper gave incorrect information to Congress on multiple occasions, including in one instance when he gave “inconsistent testimony” about contacts he had with the media while in office. Brennan, for his part, denied that CIA officials had hacked the computers of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers, a statement that was later proven false.
In a February letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ), lawyers representing Hunter Biden appeared to admit that data from his laptop is real.
Several social media platforms censored the New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop archive.
DHS didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the specifics of the board.

Being a low life, lying, untrustworthy "progressive" means never having to say you're sorry. These people do not deserve any role in government. But they served the Biden crime family well, and so, here they are. Please note, this group is now under the leadership of the most incompetent and dishonest Biden minion of them all, Baghdad Bob Mayorkas.
The DHS has no business spending money not for specific appropriations by congreaa. Stop omnibus spending bills you morons. A blank check once a year to spend as the agency sees fit is not how things are supposed to work! Congress has not done its primary job now for 12 years or so.
The Marxist DSA Democrats left don’t even try to hide their corruption anymore. These same corrupt traitors have been in deep state long time.
I'll have to admit one thing, these people claimed they would be the most transparent administration ever and they are certainly keeping their word on that.

Biden Admin Taps Ex-Intel Officials Who Signed Infamous Hunter Biden Laptop Letter To Form DHS ‘Expert’ Committee​

19 Sep 2023 ~~ By Jennie Taer

Several former intelligence officials who signed a letter suggesting that the Hunter Biden laptop was likely a “Russian information operation” are joining a federal “expert” board handling issues of national security, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Tuesday.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan and former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, who will now serve on the board, all signed an October 2020 letter casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop and suggesting its release was a Russian disinformation ploy. The group will advise DHS on intelligence and national security efforts regarding issues such as “terrorism, fentanyl, transborder issues, and emerging technology,” DHS announced.
The Hunter Biden laptop contents were authenticated by the Daily Caller News Foundation as well as The New York Times, Washington Post, CBS News and other media outlets. There is currently no evidence suggesting the laptop was a Russian disinformation operation.(RELATED: Hunter Biden Admits Laptop Data Is Real After White House, Media Insisted For Months That It Wasn’t)
oth Clapper and Brennan have been previously criticized for misleading the American public.
Clapper gave incorrect information to Congress on multiple occasions, including in one instance when he gave “inconsistent testimony” about contacts he had with the media while in office. Brennan, for his part, denied that CIA officials had hacked the computers of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers, a statement that was later proven false.
In a February letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ), lawyers representing Hunter Biden appeared to admit that data from his laptop is real.
Several social media platforms censored the New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop archive.
DHS didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the specifics of the board.

Being a low life, lying, untrustworthy "progressive" means never having to say you're sorry. These people do not deserve any role in government. But they served the Biden crime family well, and so, here they are. Please note, this group is now under the leadership of the most incompetent and dishonest Biden minion of them all, Baghdad Bob Mayorkas.
The DHS has no business spending money not for specific appropriations by congreaa. Stop omnibus spending bills you morons. A blank check once a year to spend as the agency sees fit is not how things are supposed to work! Congress has not done its primary job now for 12 years or so.
The Marxist DSA Democrats left don’t even try to hide their corruption anymore. These same corrupt traitors have been in deep state long time.
Both of those assholes lied to Congress. This should be satire.

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