Trump says these College hate groups agitators are part of organizers who are paid, signs made en masse....and they don't attend the schools...

Trump was basically right. …

funny how msnbc says she teaches them non violent protesting, yet she was caught on video audio instructing & teaching them violent and illegal destructive behavior.
I have been on college campuses----what is your point. In my college just about anything could be smuggled in
Judging by your reply you might have stepped on a college campus but you certainly didnt attend any classes on a college campus.
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

More from the horrific Luiza on WW2, IT wrote:
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant.... .(Mar 6, 2023).

Population stats for Arab "Palestinians":

1993 - 2.2 million

2003 - 3 million

2013 - 4 million

2023 - 5.4 million


GRAP - Genocidal radical Racist Arab-Palestinian
(Israel VS Genocide - since 1920 - written in 2010)


Palestinian use human shields



Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony

By Yaron Steinbuch
Published Dec. 5, 2023, 11:50 a.m. ET

Oct 7: sexual violence




funny how msnbc says she teaches them non violent protesting, yet she was caught on video audio instructing & teaching them violent and illegal destructive behavior.
MSNBC says a lot of things. It’s a liberal fantasy land.
Listen to this video. Trumps says these groups were well organized, using created signs (versus hand made signs). making these signs en masse and sending them to the rioters (agitators) and none of the agitators went to that college. Soros brother is now taking over and these agitators were paid $7,000 for their riots.

Absolutely George soros is behind it. He is an evil bastard that hates America.

First off don't forget he and the world economic forum declared America is finished

Secondly he is funding these groups that protest and are basically terrorists.

He also recently bought the second biggest broadcasting company in America.

He is a major donator to democrats and the Biden campaign.

And a lot more. It doesn't stop with him, his son has sworn to be even more political than his father.

MSNBC says a lot of things. It’s a liberal fantasy land.
Which makes them a willing participant and inciter of the 2016 Coup, the 2016-2020 riots, the cause of our high insurances and goods thus inflation, and now these terroristic organizations and agitators sponsored by terrorists within and hostile nations abroad.
=MSM is equally responsible for the Destruction and brainwashing of America.
oh......all those kids sitting on the college lawns are put there by the CIA.---
Please go and CLUE THEM IN

Why do Leftists always grasp on to such simplicity and lack of nuance to justify their little cognitive bubbles?

I guess I just answered my own question.

Look, Bub, nobody is claiming that every single student soy boy woke bitch loser is directly subsidized by Hamas and/or Soros.

But the infiltration of the ideology onto college campuses, and the coordination of Leftist subversion, most definitely is.


Trump says these College hate groups agitators are part of organizers who are paid, signs made en masse....and they don't attend the schools...​

Fewer and fewer people are putting aside valuable time in their lives to listen to what Trump says. I believe that's because he has said so much over the years, it's just shit thrown against the walls looking to what sticks.

Trump has only himself to blame. It is his mouth (and his Tweets/texts, other voices), that has landed him in a criminal court.​

Why do Leftists always grasp on to such simplicity and lack of nuance to justify their little cognitive bubbles?

I guess I just answered my own question.

Look, Bub, nobody is claiming that every single student soy boy woke bitch loser is directly subsidized by Hamas and/or Soros.

But the infiltration of the ideology onto college campuses, and the coordination of Leftist subversion, most definitely is.

Like a host on FOX, raising straw men and knocking them down.
Like a host on FOX, raising straw men and knocking them down.

How do you write a sentence without actually saying anything concrete regarding the post you're ostensibly responding to?

Do you think it genuinely contributes anything to the discussion?

Or is it perhaps just another tell-tale sign of your blind partisanship, and lack of critical thinking skills?
How do you write a sentence without actually saying anything concrete regarding the post you're ostensibly responding to?

Do you think it genuinely contributes anything to the discussion?

Or is it perhaps just another tell-tale sign of your blind partisanship, and lack of critical thinking skills?
People with cognitive abilities and skills will understand.


Fewer and fewer people are putting aside valuable time in their lives to listen to what Trump says. I believe that's because he has said so much over the years, it's just shit thrown against the walls looking to what sticks.

Trump has only himself to blame. It is his mouth (and his Tweets/texts, other voices), that has landed him in a criminal court.​

When Trump speaks, he is in a comfort zone. Progs are constantly in election spiel zone. Trump speaks like them not cowering like many Republicans will do. Our nation's top ways of ruling have been coopted from the real rich and powerful. This is not about Trump and his tweets. It is about using those to destroy him from the truth.

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