What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Of course Christians love to kill Muslims. Don't deny it. Lies make baby Jesus cry.

You've let your government kill Muslims of all ages for the past 13 years, across two continents, in six countries that did not attack America on 9/11. You don't even know who it is that you're fighting, and all the while that you're killing civilians, you're creating new extremists and people who want revenge, to vent their rage and frustrations at the Godless and gutless American system that rains Hellfire on them from 3,000 miles away.

And for what? What the fuck is "victory" in this war? It was eight years between WTC attacks. How the fuck are you ever going to know it you've won? Who cares, right? They're dirty brown Muslims on the other side of the planet, right? They deserve to die for 9/11, right?

You don't know who it is that you're killing, or why you're still killing them after 13 years, or when the war is ever going to be over. White American Christians haven't raised a finger to stop the slaughter. Not once in 13 years. Because white American Christian Conservatives don't care about Muslims.

Yes, Progressives oppose Obama for killing civilians because ending the killing of civilians is considered human progress.

when do you expect radical muslims to stop killing innocents? when do you expect them to give up their jihad against everything and everyone non-muslim?

you live in a fantasy world.

human progress would occur if the leaders of all the major religions of the world and the leaders of all nations of the world pledged to stop denigrating and hating everyone who disagrees with them and to let everyone act and believe what they choose. Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
You really think this shit is as superficial as a religious war? You've played God with that region for oil since the end of World War II, propped up dictators, overthrown democratic governments, killed prominent leaders and activists, wreaked mayhem and bloodshed on the entire Middle East, and you think that they flew jets into buildings because they "hate our freedom"?

Religion is a tool for both sides of this war, but religion is not the reason for this war.

So Shia killing Sunni and vice versa, sideways, upside down and all over and us backing the Shia to topple Saddam was not the reason for the war?
Oil was the reason for the toppling of Saddam. You call that a war??
The war that broke out after we ran the Baath Party out has always been about RELIGION.
No doubt the fucked up actions we have taken since WWII you correctly point out including the massive bone head move to invade Iraq in the 1st place contributed heavily to it and still does.
The fact Bush, et al DID NOT take into account the religious differences led to the fuck up Iraq is in now.
Christianity won't stop them from getting pregnant, either. But it will stop them from preventing pregnancy. That was the ruling.

If private corporations have religious freedom then what religion is the Federal Reserve? Christianity? Jesus threw out the money lenders. Greed is a sin. What religion is the Vatican Bank? What religion is HSBC? Monsanto? Lockheed-Martin? Northrop Grumman? Does God smile favorably upon weapons manufacturers and craft stores alike?

Corporations are People now with freedom of speech (the majority of the world's wealth) and freedom of religion (freedom to follow whichever laws they choose to obey).

If private corporations have religious freedom then what religion is the Federal Reserve?

The Fed is part of our government.

What religion is HSBC? Monsanto? Lockheed-Martin? Northrop Grumman?

Those aren't privately held corporations.

Still, if corps are people....
Corporations are always, will always and always have been PEOPLE.

Who else owns corporations other than people?
Christianity won't stop them from getting pregnant, either. But it will stop them from preventing pregnancy. That was the ruling.

If private corporations have religious freedom then what religion is the Federal Reserve? Christianity? Jesus threw out the money lenders. Greed is a sin. What religion is the Vatican Bank? What religion is HSBC? Monsanto? Lockheed-Martin? Northrop Grumman? Does God smile favorably upon weapons manufacturers and craft stores alike?

Corporations are People now with freedom of speech (the majority of the world's wealth) and freedom of religion (freedom to follow whichever laws they choose to obey).

If private corporations have religious freedom then what religion is the Federal Reserve?

The Fed is part of our government.

What religion is HSBC? Monsanto? Lockheed-Martin? Northrop Grumman?

Those aren't privately held corporations.

Still, if corps are people....

Still, if government and huge public corporations aren't closely held corporations....
how exactly is imposing religious belief onto people in anyway comparable to what the employer covers for healthcare? You guys are so stupid your brain leaks quickly form your ears daily.

did you not read the quote in the piece?

It was very specific about which med scientologists and hindus wouldn't have to cover.

Fuck, people, read or don't post in my thread.

Let me make it simple for you, no one should have to pay for anything they don't want to, for any reason.

So no mandatory taxes.
Your making a comparison between Sharia Law and not wanting to pay for 4 of 16 types of contraception.
Your post has nothing to do with my post. Sober up and try again.

That's nuts... Sharia directly conflicts with the U.S. constitution. We don't allow dismemberment, prohibiting driving based on gender, killing people because of sexual preference, etc. Not to mention that Sharia is a form of government, well, you know... that whole establishment clause thingy.

Try again?

So a religious belief applied to a business practice that denied an employee equal protection under the law - which is constitutionally protected - should be unconstitutional because, as you say, it directly conflicts with the US Constitution.

That's what Hobby lobby's denial of medical coverage does.
SCOTUS said you need to STFU now.
Your post has nothing to do with my post. Sober up and try again.

That's nuts... Sharia directly conflicts with the U.S. constitution. We don't allow dismemberment, prohibiting driving based on gender, killing people because of sexual preference, etc. Not to mention that Sharia is a form of government, well, you know... that whole establishment clause thingy.

Try again?

So a religious belief applied to a business practice that denied an employee equal protection under the law - which is constitutionally protected - should be unconstitutional because, as you say, it directly conflicts with the US Constitution.

That's what Hobby lobby's denial of medical coverage does.

There you go off on a tangent again.
That's nuts... Sharia directly conflicts with the U.S. constitution. We don't allow dismemberment, prohibiting driving based on gender, killing people because of sexual preference, etc. Not to mention that Sharia is a form of government, well, you know... that whole establishment clause thingy.

Try again?

So a religious belief applied to a business practice that denied an employee equal protection under the law - which is constitutionally protected - should be unconstitutional because, as you say, it directly conflicts with the US Constitution.

That's what Hobby lobby's denial of medical coverage does.
SCOTUS said you need to STFU now.

Right after you and all your rightwing pals shut up about the right to an abortion.
Christianity won't stop them from getting pregnant, either. But it will stop them from preventing pregnancy. That was the ruling.

If private corporations have religious freedom then what religion is the Federal Reserve? Christianity? Jesus threw out the money lenders. Greed is a sin. What religion is the Vatican Bank? What religion is HSBC? Monsanto? Lockheed-Martin? Northrop Grumman? Does God smile favorably upon weapons manufacturers and craft stores alike?

Corporations are People now with freedom of speech (the majority of the world's wealth) and freedom of religion (freedom to follow whichever laws they choose to obey).

If private corporations have religious freedom then what religion is the Federal Reserve?

The Fed is part of our government.

What religion is HSBC? Monsanto? Lockheed-Martin? Northrop Grumman?

Those aren't privately held corporations.

Still, if corps are people....

disengenuous comment. no one has said that a corporation was a "person". Corporations are made up of people and SCOTUS has ruled that for legal liability reasons corporations are deemed a "person". That ruling prevents employees and officers from being personally liable for the acts of the corporation.

I know that you probably will never understand that, but maybe if you concentrate.
Justice Alito said:

"... it is not for us to say that their religious beliefs are mistaken or insubstantial. Instead, our “narrow function … in this context is to determine” whether the line drawn reflects “an honest conviction” and there is no dispute that it does."

So shouldn't this principle be applied to Muslim beliefs? that it isn't up to the Court to decide whether they're right or wrong,

it's up to the Court to determine if they are genuine beliefs, and if they are, to protect them against unconstitutional infringements.
So a religious belief applied to a business practice that denied an employee equal protection under the law - which is constitutionally protected - should be unconstitutional because, as you say, it directly conflicts with the US Constitution.

That's what Hobby lobby's denial of medical coverage does.
SCOTUS said you need to STFU now.

Right after you and all your rightwing pals shut up about the right to an abortion.

you do not have the right to expect me to pay for it.
That's nuts... Sharia directly conflicts with the U.S. constitution. We don't allow dismemberment, prohibiting driving based on gender, killing people because of sexual preference, etc. Not to mention that Sharia is a form of government, well, you know... that whole establishment clause thingy.

Try again?

So a religious belief applied to a business practice that denied an employee equal protection under the law - which is constitutionally protected - should be unconstitutional because, as you say, it directly conflicts with the US Constitution.

That's what Hobby lobby's denial of medical coverage does.

There you go off on a tangent again.

If that's all you have to say, why say anything?
OK, what IF...Nazism had been a religion of suicidal kooks, like ..."islam". islam already attacked America on 9/11. They hate Us and freedom, and would stoop to destroying themselves to achieve their ends. Nazis didn't even do that. Come on here. Sharia law is beyond the pale. So this is a silly argument.
I will reiterate. What if Hobby Lobby was imposing sharia law on workers? Nobody HAS to work at Hobby Lobby, they have a choice. Sharia law would be fine with liberals that compare all religions and causes equally. A lot of Liberals might support a Muslim business that demands women don burkas and make males absolutely dominant. It's what liberals do, they are contradictory and self righteous about it at the same time. While we are at it, sharia law, they can chop off a limb here, a head there, and stone people to death. Is that in the Constitution under freedom of religion? I don't think even Hobby Lobby would make that stretch. Muslims, I never know what is in that devious superstitious mind of theirs. I doubt even liberal do, either.
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So a religious belief applied to a business practice that denied an employee equal protection under the law - which is constitutionally protected - should be unconstitutional because, as you say, it directly conflicts with the US Constitution.

That's what Hobby lobby's denial of medical coverage does.
SCOTUS said you need to STFU now.

Right after you and all your rightwing pals shut up about the right to an abortion.
Now your ox is being gored, and you don't like it.

It's like you guys were fawning all over the Pope when he came out in favor of wealth redistribution -- but when he reiterated the Church's stance against abortion, suddenly he was an evil white man again. :lol:
Justice Alito said:

"... it is not for us to say that their religious beliefs are mistaken or insubstantial. Instead, our “narrow function … in this context is to determine” whether the line drawn reflects “an honest conviction” and there is no dispute that it does."

So shouldn't this principle be applied to Muslim beliefs? that it isn't up to the Court to decide whether they're right or wrong,

it's up to the Court to determine if they are genuine beliefs, and if they are, to protect them against unconstitutional infringements.
What rights of Muslims are facing unconstitutional infringements?

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