What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

So we can safely conclude that the conservative consensus is that using the 1st amendment's religious protections to trump federal law in a non-religious activity should only be a privilege extended to Christians?

lol, how predictable.

Show me where Hobby Lobby has made demands that people can't fuck anything or anybody that they want to.

Show me where Hobby Lobby has made the demand that you can't have an orgy or trade partners or get drilled up the ass or made the demand that you can't use a dildo or all of the above.

Then and only then will I buy into your argument.
Libertarians believe that, not conservatives. Libertarians believe in freedom, and that includes the freedom to discriminate. Freedom means no one can force you to do something you don't want to do by pointing a gun at you, or by threatening to point a gun at you. A guy who doesn't allow blacks or Jews into his restaurant isn't forcing anyone to do anything. However, the government does force restaurant owners to serve people they don't want to serve. That's what public accommodation laws are all about: using force against innocent people.

See what I mean. And people say there's no slippery slope here.:lol:

Indeed there is a slippery slope. Once we allowed government to get involved in these kinds of decisions, we started sliding down it.

"government getting involved" what exactly do you call obamacare? what exactly do you call it when the government forces you to buy something?
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."

sharia law makes women second class citizens, Christianity does not. Sharia law requires that women not drive or show their hair in public, Christianity does not.
not one poster said or implied that------------as usual you are lying.

Show me any conservative poster here who agrees that Sharia law, or least parts of it, would be protected under the 1st amendment even though it contradicted federal law.

let me ask you, was obama violating federal law when he unilaterally changed the ACA law numerous times? The law contains specific implementation schedules, obama changed them without congressional action, should he be impeached for violating his oath of office?

the exact law is still in effect, the dates were postponed, so no, Federal law wasn't changed.
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."

sharia law makes women second class citizens, Christianity does not. Sharia law requires that women not drive or show their hair in public, Christianity does not.

But if Muslims hold that as a sincere religious belief, why shouldn't they be able to impose it, say, locally, in a mostly Muslim community, if they have the votes?

Are you saying the federal government can force them to live in a way that violates their conscience because it's against their religious beliefs?
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."
sharia law makes women second class citizens, Christianity does not. Sharia law requires that women not drive or show their hair in public, Christianity does not.
"Equality under the law" means that if a Christian corporation can refuse to follow certain laws because of its "deeply held" religious bullshit (it's a business, not a church) then a Muslim corporation can refuse to follow certain other laws based on its "deeply held" religious bullshit. That is the ruling. You cannot discriminate against one religion over another. If a Muslim corporation doesn't want to abide by whatever because of religious beliefs then that's fine, otherwise the Supreme Court ruling was unconstitutional.

Do American Conservatives only want religious freedom for Christian corporations?
not one poster said or implied that------------as usual you are lying.

Sure they did. The ones who claimed you couldn't compare Hobby Lobby
s Christian owners to Muslims,

for starters.

And the people who still object to the so-called ground zero mosque.

you haven't understood anything that has been posted in this thread, amazing :cuckoo:

Do you know that historically muslims have built a mosque on the site of a muslim victory? Do you support a victory mosque at the 9/11 site?

What would that have to do with the 1st Amendment, unless you're confirming what I said earlier?

And secondly, what would that have to do with the fight in Murfreesboro Tennessee to keep Muslims from building a mosque there?
Show me any conservative poster here who agrees that Sharia law, or least parts of it, would be protected under the 1st amendment even though it contradicted federal law.

let me ask you, was obama violating federal law when he unilaterally changed the ACA law numerous times? The law contains specific implementation schedules, obama changed them without congressional action, should he be impeached for violating his oath of office?

the exact law is still in effect, the dates were postponed, so no, Federal law wasn't changed.

:cuckoo: The LAW says that parts of the law are to be implemented on certain dates, the law says that no company is exempt. Obama, without congress, changed the implementation dates and issued illegal exemptions.

federal law was broken.
So we can safely conclude that the conservative consensus is that using the 1st amendment's religious protections to trump federal law in a non-religious activity should only be a privilege extended to Christians?

lol, how predictable.

Show me where Hobby Lobby has made demands that people can't fuck anything or anybody that they want to.

Show me where Hobby Lobby has made the demand that you can't have an orgy or trade partners or get drilled up the ass or made the demand that you can't use a dildo or all of the above.

Then and only then will I buy into your argument.

Your post has nothing to do with my post. Sober up and try again.
let me ask you, was obama violating federal law when he unilaterally changed the ACA law numerous times? The law contains specific implementation schedules, obama changed them without congressional action, should he be impeached for violating his oath of office?

the exact law is still in effect, the dates were postponed, so no, Federal law wasn't changed.

:cuckoo: The LAW says that parts of the law are to be implemented on certain dates, the law says that no company is exempt. Obama, without congress, changed the implementation dates and issued illegal exemptions.

federal law was broken.

then look who broke the law ..

House GOP votes to delay Obamacare for one year


Such changes are common in Congress, according to our experts.

"Legislators aren't perfect," said Jost. "They don't get everything right the first time. That’s the nature of the legislative process."

It is also clear that Obama did not drive the majority of the changes. They emerged as Congress worked on various elements of a multi-faceted law. Still, Obama signed off on those changes as part of larger pieces of legislation.
Last edited:
let me ask you, was obama violating federal law when he unilaterally changed the ACA law numerous times? The law contains specific implementation schedules, obama changed them without congressional action, should he be impeached for violating his oath of office?

the exact law is still in effect, the dates were postponed, so no, Federal law wasn't changed.

:cuckoo: The LAW says that parts of the law are to be implemented on certain dates, the law says that no company is exempt. Obama, without congress, changed the implementation dates and issued illegal exemptions.

federal law was broken.

That has nothing to do with whether Muslims should be protected under the 1st amendment.

Goddam there is so much dodging the issues around USMB anymore...
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."

sharia law makes women second class citizens, Christianity does not. Sharia law requires that women not drive or show their hair in public, Christianity does not.

Hobby Lobby has moved their female employees into a lower class by denying them a financial benefit of employment that other female employees at other businesses are legally entitled to.
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."

from above;
good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all age

The last I heard Obama had a few muslims killed and he isn't a good white American Christian. I call you a racist.
So we can safely conclude that the conservative consensus is that using the 1st amendment's religious protections to trump federal law in a non-religious activity should only be a privilege extended to Christians?

lol, how predictable.

Show me where Hobby Lobby has made demands that people can't fuck anything or anybody that they want to.

Show me where Hobby Lobby has made the demand that you can't have an orgy or trade partners or get drilled up the ass or made the demand that you can't use a dildo or all of the above.

Then and only then will I buy into your argument.

Your post has nothing to do with my post. Sober up and try again.

That's nuts... Sharia directly conflicts with the U.S. constitution. We don't allow dismemberment, prohibiting driving based on gender, killing people because of sexual preference, etc. Not to mention that Sharia is a form of government, well, you know... that whole establishment clause thingy.

Try again?
How does Sharia law violate the US Constitution but Christianity does not? Both claim to be the only "correct" religion and everyone else will go to Hell.

Please don't say that it's because Christianity doesn't tell its followers to go out and kill. The body counts on both sides of this 13-year-long war show that good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all ages. If Hobby Lobby gets religious freedom then so does every corporation. A Muslim corporation can adopt Sharia law in the United States if it wants to, because corporations are people with deeply held religious beliefs. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."

from above;
good white American Christians don't have any problem at all with killing Muslims of all age

The last I heard Obama had a few muslims killed and he isn't a good white American Christian. I call you a racist.
What part of "good white American Christians love to kill Muslims" involves Obama? You said yourself that Obama isn't a white American Christian, so.....

Wholesome white American Christian Conservatives love to kill Muslims of all ages.

Or are you saying that good white American Conservative Christians oppose Obama for killing Muslims? Is that it? Would you really like to try to argue that?

Good, wholesome, whitebread American white Christian Conservatives LOVE to kill Muslims. It doesn't matter who the President is.

Muslim corporations are allowed their religious freedom, too. That's the ruling.

"Learn to live with it."
the exact law is still in effect, the dates were postponed, so no, Federal law wasn't changed.

:cuckoo: The LAW says that parts of the law are to be implemented on certain dates, the law says that no company is exempt. Obama, without congress, changed the implementation dates and issued illegal exemptions.

federal law was broken.

That has nothing to do with whether Muslims should be protected under the 1st amendment.

Goddam there is so much dodging the issues around USMB anymore...

Yes and if you far left Taliban member would be willing to go against your programming and not only admit when you are wrong, but start answering questions without using far left talking points and propaganda, this board would be much better.

The change will need to start with you and all your fellow far left religious followers.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Then they would look a lot like Democrats running school systems and forbidding Christmas display, Easter egg hunts, Bible-As-Literature studies, and any other activities due to their fear and paranoia over anything religious. Or at least, anything that is the least bit different from THEIR own religion (atheism).

And they would look nothing like what Hobby Lobby is actually doing: Welcoming all religions (including atheism and other non-religions), and even paying for many things that support them all, but declining to pay for a few things that directly violate their own religion (while letting all employees practice them anyway and not discriminating against them one bit).

Does that answer your question? :D
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

The Supreme Court would have ruled the same way..However, it would never have gotten as far as the Supreme Court, the Libs would not make an issue against Muslims Religious Rights.
Yes. That's exactly what they are saying.

It's Hobby Lobby that's the bad guy. Not them for imposing this stupid law on all of us to begin with.

Hobby Lobby defied the messiah's wishes, they are lucky they are still in business

Don't be so quick.
Eric Holder is probably looking into something right now in order to do it.
I bet he can find something that he thinks they violated with China's laws like they did with Gibson guitars.

I'm not saying Obama won't get them, it's just that they are still around now. They defied the messiah, should they be around?

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