What if instead of pronouns

Meh, I figure if someone confronted me on improper pronoun use I would just say OK then, you are just a asshole....That should cover the bases. ;)

Just to remind men they're not as smart as women? ... men have less genetic material ... 90% of which are superfluous to the reproductive process ...

What do Dead Heads know these past 50 years that still confuses you? ...

So you are saying men and women are different?

I knew that when I was 5 years old and didn't need a bunch of drugged out musicians to tell me

It does seem that the point of the thread sailed right over your flat head though.
I call people what they tell me they'd like to be called ... why should I ask about chromosomes? ...

"Don't be such a Jill":

Anybody who wants to be called something other than a guy or gal or whatever pronouns and courtesies are traditionally associated with a person's biological gender is treated respectfully by me and is otherwise ignored/left alone. I allow them to be what they are in peace, but I just don't use any pronouns at all with such people who I cannot see as normal or rational.
... but I just don't use any pronouns at all with such people who I cannot see as normal or rational.

If gender identity is all someone is, then we have very little in common ... and that includes heterosexuals as well ... men leaving behind babies where ever they go is worse for society than trans-folk IMEIO ...
If gender identity is all someone is, then we have very little in common ... and that includes heterosexuals as well ... men leaving behind babies where ever they go is worse for society than trans-folk IMEIO ...
One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. But the same people who demand that we all 'follow the science' always want to ignore the fact that biological science identifies two genders, i.e. male and female. And no amount of mutilating surgery or dangerous hormones can change a biological male into a woman or vice versa.

And I for one think it morally wrong to encourage anybody to do that to themselves and I think anyone who would do that to children is sick beyond words and should be locked away from normal society.

So if I choose to allow mentally ill people to choose what they want for themselves and do not treat them unkindly in any way, that does not translate to I should or have to approve it, condone it, encourage it, accept it as normal in any way including bowing to PC pressure to use ridiculous pronouns.
... ignore the fact that biological science identifies two genders, i.e. male and female ...

Words have gender ... and only personal pronouns retain this in English ... in German, all nouns have gender; masculine, feminine and neuter ... and verbs are conjugated differently depending on the gender of the subject noun ... I believe French and Spanish also use gender more extensively ...

The OP is about which pronoun to use ... I say use the one the person asks us to use and not get flustered if it's not what we want ... and they shouldn't get flustered if some of us refuse ...

It's just pronouns ... let's fight over money instead ... sheesh ... LGBQ+ is well funded ... always has been, always will be ...
Sure .. feel like whatever you want to be .. yet .. there are demands and expectations for everyone to accept the delusional fantasies of the transgender community as a reality.
You can respect others and get along or be an ass and only think about yourself. It’s a free country

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