What if instead of pronouns

Start treatment, lose license.

Youā€™re not fooling anyone tool.

And we heard exactly why this is so important to the left.

Weā€™re here, weā€™re queer and weā€™re coming for your children.

No outrage about those chanting that during a pride parade?

Didnā€™t think so. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
You said start treatmentā€¦ what treatment? be specificā€¦
Yeah you've been whining about people being disrespectful, boo hoo.
Yeah yeah, Iā€™m whining about disrespect, youā€™re whining about pronouns. We are all whiney little bitches. Booooring. Is this all you have left ?
Quit the nonsense.

And still no outrage about members of your community threatening children. Why does this not surprise me?
No nonsense. Youā€™re using a lazy ignorant argument. You say to Seek help! What help? You donā€™t know. Thatā€™s funny
No nonsense. Youā€™re using a lazy ignorant argument. You say to Seek help! What help? You donā€™t know. Thatā€™s funny
Whatā€™s funny is that most who claim it self resolve after puberty. But whatā€™s really the danger is those that use this to forward theyā€™re threats, openly voiced at a pride parade, threatening children. Something you refuse to voice outrage against.
Whatā€™s funny is that most who claim it self resolve after puberty. But whatā€™s really the danger is those that use this to forward theyā€™re threats, openly voiced at a pride parade, threatening children. Something you refuse to voice outrage against.
Are you trying to change the subject now? Itā€™s pretty clear that you know nothing about mental healthcare treatments or gender dysphoria. Correct?
Are you trying to change the subject now? Itā€™s pretty clear that you know nothing about mental healthcare treatments or gender dysphoria. Correct?

Oh dear, we have a call to authority. And still no outrage from you over the overt threat to children chanted by the LBGTQ?

Mental health? Seek some.
Oh dear, we have a call to authority. And still no outrage from you over the overt threat to children chanted by the LBGTQ?

Mental health? Seek some.
Any threat to children is horrible but this isnā€™t one. Itā€™s a distraction from the topic that you are obviously ill-equipped to debate
Yeah yeah, Iā€™m whining about disrespect, youā€™re whining about pronouns. We are all whiney little bitches. Booooring. Is this all you have left ?

I asked a simple question you went off like a nuclear bomb
Any threat to children is horrible but this isnā€™t one. Itā€™s a distraction from the topic that you are obviously ill-equipped to debate
Iā€™ve not seen your massive qualifications. And a gang of people marching down the street chanting that theyā€™re coming for children is not a threat?

Says a world about you!
Iā€™ve not seen your massive qualifications. And a gang of people marching down the street chanting that theyā€™re coming for children is not a threat?

Says a world about you!
I donā€™t need to have any qualifications for you to answer a question and back up your statementsā€¦ something that you obviously canā€™t do as you continue to try and skirt away from the subject.

You donā€™t know a thing about mental care treatments do you?
Haha, not at allā€¦ Is that really how you saw it?? Rather dramatic interpretation

You have spent this entire thread trying to tell me what the thread is about even though I wrote it and told you what it was about.

Then you whine like a bitch about respecting peoples' delusions.

And yes bitch refers to a female not a male
You have spent this entire thread trying to tell me what the thread is about even though I wrote it and told you what it was about.

Then you whine like a bitch about respecting peoples' delusions.

And yes bitch refers to a female not a male
Iā€™ve spent this thread trying to talk about the subject of your OP and not the tangents that you being up to divert from our discussion
Iā€™ve spent this thread trying to talk about the subject of your OP and not the tangents that you being up to divert from our discussion

No you spent it trying to tell me what the thread was about.

It's about calling people what they are not what they "feel" like they are.
It's about calling people what they are not what they "feel" like they are.
Whether you like it or not how somebody feels and perceptive things is a factor in what and who they are. Biology is also a factor. Thatā€™s why we have these things called gender and gender identity. You are in denial about the latter and pretend it doesnā€™t exist. And then you presume to want to tell people how they should define themselves, like itā€™s any of your business

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