What if instead of pronouns

Forget the chromosomes. Ask them for their SS, credit card, and bank account numbers and passwords.
Gotchya so you don’t think transsexual is something that exists.

How about gender dysphoria. Do you think that is something that exists?

Yes, gender dysphoria may exist, and the tiny, itty bitty number of them need mental health treatment.

Cross dressers are simply perverts or taking cosplay to its extreme.
Yes, gender dysphoria may exist, and the tiny, itty bitty number of them need mental health treatment.

Cross dressers are simply perverts or taking cosplay to its extreme.
It may exist? The fact that you can’t give a definitive answer to that and then suggest that all they need is mental health treatment just showcases that you really know nothing about it.

Prove me wrong and explain what mental health treatments are out there.

Same as the ones they had for the gays? Electro shock and the such??
It may exist? The fact that you can’t give a definitive answer to that and then suggest that all they need is mental health treatment just showcases that you really know nothing about it.

Prove me wrong and explain what mental health treatments are out there.

Same as the ones they had for the gays? Electro shock and the such??
I think I indicated it did exist.

And the treatment is reality. We don’t give alcoholics whisky as a treatment, do we?
What’s the treatment?. Explain it to me

First, get them away from enablers, cuz we know the motivation. What was once only a whisper became reality when the LGBTQ made their real motivations known by marching and chanting…….

We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your kids. And just weeks after one of yours shot up a school.
Fun and games time is over.
First, get them away from enablers, cuz we know the motivation. What was once only a whisper became reality when the LGBTQ made their real motivations known by marching and chanting…….

We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your kids. And just weeks after one of yours shot up a school.
Fun and games time is over.
Getting them away from the “enablers” as you call them… “people who support them” as they would see it… is not a treatment. You said seek mental health care. What care is offered by the medical community and what is the result?
Of course not. Asshole don’t give two shits what others call them. That’s why thats why they are assholes. They just need the attention

Actually only immature narcissists like you care what names other people call them.
Getting them away from the “enablers” as you call them… “people who support them” as they would see it… is not a treatment. You said seek mental health care. What care is offered by the medical community and what is the result?
Start treatment, lose license.

You’re not fooling anyone tool.

And we heard exactly why this is so important to the left.

We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children.

No outrage about those chanting that during a pride parade?

Didn’t think so. 😵‍💫

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