What if instead of pronouns

... LGBQ+ is well funded ... always has been, always will be ...
Guillotine and Pitchfork Time

In his Symposium, Plato claimed that it was the special and exquisite sexuality of those who are born in the upper class. Gore Vidal stated that it was rampant in his prep school way back in the 1930s, at a time when Real American high school boys didn't even know what it was.
There are no parrots .. and the evidence men are marginalizing women has been demonstrated in several mainstream news stories(e.g. Riley Gaines, Connecticut track female and many many more). If you're not familiar with these and / or the number of "detransitioners" suing providers , then it demonstrates your lack of insights into current events.
I guess I have lack of insight then. Sorry for wasting your time
Interesting… when did I tell you to use a pronoun? Can you show the quote?
Oh well when you ignore the entire point of a movement which is Gender Identity, act like it doesn’t exist and paint it as simply biological then you are mocking and belittling and showing lack of understanding and respect for fellow humans.

Forcing the masses to accept?! What in the world are you talking about. It’s basic respect and civility for your fellow humans. Why do you have get all over dramatic about it. People have all kinds of differences, always have

Coercion is a form of force. “You’re only nice if you do it my way” is coercion. And that has been forced on society for years now.

In public, in business and now in schools.
Coercion is a form of force. “You’re only nice if you do it my way” is coercion. And that has been forced on society for years now.

In public, in business and now in schools.
Neither of those two quotes show me telling anybody to say anything.

Am I not allow to call assholes assholes?
Neither of those two quotes show me telling anybody to say anything.

Am I not allow to call assholes assholes?
Sure, but that’s a stupid comparison.

But saying I can’t be socially responsible unless I call others asshole is coercion. Especially if you are someone with power over others, which I doubt you have.
Sure, but that’s a stupid comparison.

But saying I can’t be socially responsible unless I call others asshole is coercion. Especially if you are someone with power over others, which I doubt you have.
I’m not telling you to call anybody an asshole. I’m not telling anybody to say anything. I don’t know what you think you’re reading but it isn’t that.
How am I forcing speech onto anybody?

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