What if instead of pronouns

Where did I mock anyone?

Quote the post.

How is it bigoted to refer to people as what they actually are ? DNA does not lie. In fact the only truly nonbiased way to refer to anyone is by using their genes\tic makeup
Oh well when you ignore the entire point of a movement which is Gender Identity, act like it doesn’t exist and paint it as simply biological then you are mocking and belittling and showing lack of understanding and respect for fellow humans.
Do you respect Trump supporters?
That depends on the supporter. I don’t blanket judge people like that. I have many family and friends that voted for Trump that I respect. I don’t agree or respect their vote but people are much more than that.

How about you with Biden supporters?
That depends on the supporter. I don’t blanket judge people like that. I have many family and friends that voted for Trump that I respect. I don’t agree or respect their vote but people are much more than that.

How about you with Biden supporters?
Do you agree and respect their opinion when they say the 2020 election was rigged or Trump is innocent of all charges?

No .. I don't respect Biden because of his extreme positions on gender identification, Ukraine support, 2nd Amendment rights and the corruption we continue to see unfold with he and Hunter.
Do you agree and respect their opinion when they say the 2020 election was rigged or Trump is innocent of all charges?
Of course not. I engaged with an open mind for months as simply asked for what evidence they have to back up those claims and not one person could present anything. Parroting things you hear from Trump or the media and presenting it as fact isn’t respectable
No .. I don't respect Biden because of his extreme positions on gender identification, Ukraine support, 2nd Amendment rights and the corruption we continue to see unfold with he and Hunter.
I didn’t ask if you respected Biden. I asked if you respected Biden supporters
Oh well when you ignore the entire point of a movement which is Gender Identity, act like it doesn’t exist and paint it as simply biological then you are mocking and belittling and showing lack of understanding and respect for fellow humans.

How does forcing the many to accept the delusions of the few as fact prove any point?

And yes we are biological beings.

Men are not women and women are not men.

Men can think they are women all they want but they really aren't. Women can think they are men all they want but they really aren't.

These people can live their lives believing whatever they want.

What they can't do is force their delusions to be accepted by others as fact.
How does forcing the many to accept the delusions of the few as fact prove any point?

And yes we are biological beings.

Men are not women and women are not men.

Men can think they are women all they want but they really aren't. Women can think they are men all they want but they really aren't.

These people can live their lives believing whatever they want.

What they can't do is force their delusions to be accepted by others as fact.
Forcing the masses to accept?! What in the world are you talking about. It’s basic respect and civility for your fellow humans. Why do you have get all over dramatic about it. People have all kinds of differences, always have
You are certainly implying there is absolutely no difference between men and women and that me saying there is makes me a bigot.
Haha, I’m absolutely not implying that there are no differences between men and women. That’s a lie
Forcing the masses to accept?! What in the world are you talking about. It’s basic respect and civility for your fellow humans. Why do you have get all over dramatic about it. People have all kinds of differences, always have

So letting men paly against women in sports is required in order for me to be respectful? People have to ley men into restrooms with their tender age daughters in order to be respectful?

This is what is being demanded of people like me who know men are not women. If you deny that you are being willfully ignorant.
So letting men paly against women in sports is required in order for me to be respectful?
What is with you? You haven’t listen to a word I’ve said. Are you just stuck on repeat?
What did I say about the sports situation
What is with you? You haven’t listen to a word I’ve said. Are you just stuck on repeat?
What did I say about the sports situation
Why is the "sports situation" any different than the bathroom situation?

Why if women are not men do I have to act like I believe they are?

How about I call a "trans woman" a man who believes he is a woman is that respectful enough for you? After all the facts can never be offensive can they?
Of course not. I engaged with an open mind for months as simply asked for what evidence they have to back up those claims and not one person could present anything. Parroting things you hear from Trump or the media and presenting it as fact isn’t respectable
There are no parrots .. and the evidence men are marginalizing women has been demonstrated in several mainstream news stories(e.g. Riley Gaines, Connecticut track female and many many more). If you're not familiar with these and / or the number of "detransitioners" suing providers , then it demonstrates your lack of insights into current events.
How about I call a "trans woman" a man who believes he is a woman is that respectful enough for you? After all the facts can never be offensive can they?
How about you just call people what they prefer and be a decent person and not cause needless drama

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