What if instead of pronouns

I can respect them but that still doesn't mean men should be allowed to compete in women's sports.
That’s a different subject. The OP is about calling people by their biological sex over their preferred pronouns
That’s a different subject. The OP is about calling people by their biological sex over their preferred pronouns

The OP is about calling people what they are and not what they think they are. I know since I wrote the OP.
We asked people what their chromosomes are?

You can be pro-reality or pretend something false is a reality .. and then explain why someone's daughter is getting their ass kicked by a male.
You don’t have to pretend something false is a reality. You can believe whatever reality you want. Has nothing to do with respecting others
You don’t have to pretend something false is a reality. You can believe whatever reality you want. Has nothing to do with respecting others
True .. you can believe whatever reality you want .. yet .. that's not what is happening with the trans group. They believe their reality and expect / demand everyone accept it as reality.
True .. you can believe whatever reality you want .. yet .. that's not what is happening with the trans group. They believe their reality and expect / demand everyone accept it as reality.
That’s your narrative. I’m pretty sure they would be just fine with respect in leu of accept
Anybody who wants to be called something other than a guy or gal or whatever pronouns and courtesies are traditionally associated with a person's biological gender is treated respectfully by me and is otherwise ignored/left alone. I allow them to be what they are in peace, but I just don't use any pronouns at all with such people who I cannot see as normal or rational.
I give mental defectives a wide berth. They can believe anything they want. It is sad when they start convincing the public at large that their fantasies are reality. I find it amazing that we have such a large segment of the population that buy into this utter bullshit.
Society has gone beyond strange to the point of insanity when young girls are forced to refer to a biological muscular male with his genitals intact lurking in their showers and lockers as "miss". .
Well .. no .. it's not my narrative .. it's the reality of what's going on .. and most normal people know that men can't be women and vice-versa.
No that’s not what’s going on. That’s what you say is going on but that’s not at all what I see. You can accept whatever reality you want, the issue is a matter of respect and freedom for each person to live the way they want to live.

If by accept you mean accept them as equal members of our society then yes they do demand that kind of acceptance as they should. We all should
No that’s not what’s going on. That’s what you say is going on but that’s not at all what I see. You can accept whatever reality you want, the issue is a matter of respect and freedom for each person to live the way they want to live.

If by accept you mean accept them as equal members of our society then yes they do demand that kind of acceptance as they should. We all should
lol .. so you're saying that trans individuals aren't demanding we call them by proper pronouns, stealing awards, recognition and scholarships from females, demanding we accept the identity they feel like and all the horrors that come with this extreme ideology?
I give mental defectives a wide berth. They can believe anything they want. It is sad when they start convincing the public at large that their fantasies are reality. I find it amazing that we have such a large segment of the population that buy into this utter bullshit.
The thing is that the Constitution provides liberty for all Americans to believe, think, say, live as they want short of violating somebody else's right to do the same. If (the generic) you wants to transgender as an emancipated adult, go right ahead. But there is nothing in the Constitution that requires me to agree with you or support you in your choice.
lol .. so you're saying that trans individuals aren't demanding we call them by proper pronouns, stealing awards, recognition and scholarships from females, demanding we accept the identity they feel like and all the horrors that come with this extreme ideology?
Well yeah activists certainly are making noise over those things. There would be no need to make noise if there wasn’t generations of hatred and bigotry and discrimination. If everybody was treated with respect then there would t be an issue
Well yeah activists certainly are making noise over those things. There would be no need to make noise if there wasn’t generations of hatred and bigotry and discrimination. If everybody was treated with respect then there would t be an issue
A broken record I see ... disagreeing with an extreme ideology is not hatred, bigotry and discrimination. It's pro-reality that science supports, and that feeling like something doesn't make it so.
A broken record I see ... disagreeing with an extreme ideology is not hatred, bigotry and discrimination. It's pro-reality that science supports, and that feeling like something doesn't make it so.
I’m not talking about ideology I’m talking about human decency and respect for other peoples perspectives and freedoms. Y’all make everything political and then lose the human element
just finishing your sentence in a different way here, but "have absolutely no background IN science".
Whether one knows biology or not, it is a scientific fact of biology that all but a minuscule fraction of 1% of humans are born male or female and it is a biologial impossibility to change their gender.

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