What if she didn't have a gun?

As well she should be.

The first time a pizza delivery person shoots someone who makes them nervous, that's a nice big deep pocket for the lawyers of the deceased to tap into.

^ point proven. Prefers unarmed victim to a woman explaining how some thug got that fatal bullet wound.

Well, when we are all so scared of each other than we all pack heat, this is a good thing to you, how?

Hey, guess how many gun murders we had last year? 11,000!

Guess how many gun murders JAPAN had last year? 11.

How many murders and suicides did they have?
BTW, they also have 52 times the rapes than we do.
You must love rape.......
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What they didn't tell you is that the employee was probably fired under company policy. I remember those days. The one time the two punks tried to rob me on delievery I beat them with a rock, my hands and a piece of a 2X4. Good times. That was a tough scrape.

Company policy sucks.
What they didn't tell you is that the employee was probably fired under company policy. I remember those days. The one time the two punks tried to rob me on delievery I beat them with a rock, my hands and a piece of a 2X4. Good times. That was a tough scrape.

As well she should be.

The first time a pizza delivery person shoots someone who makes them nervous, that's a nice big deep pocket for the lawyers of the deceased to tap into.

Makes them nervous? They fucking trapped her out of her car and threatened her.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

Some liberals would rather die than carry a gun.

Because we realize most people lack the training and judgement to have one.

32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

Funny how you never responded to my thread about training not actually making random strangers safe.
She is a young woman delivering pizza in the dead of night. I find it acceptable for her to carry a weapon for self defense.

Look at that, even the Aussie gets it.

Walking around in the dark can be dangerous, especially since pizza delivery drivers get sent to areas which you would avoid even in daylight.

Plus, she only pulled her weapon out when her life was in danger. If she had opened fire as soon as she saw the man standing on the front porch, then she'd be in trouble, but it sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders, and used her instincts to defend herself.
She is a young woman delivering pizza in the dead of night. I find it acceptable for her to carry a weapon for self defense.

Look at that, even the Aussie gets it.

Walking around in the dark can be dangerous, especially since pizza delivery drivers get sent to areas which you would avoid even in daylight.

Plus, she only pulled her weapon out when her life was in danger. If she had opened fire as soon as she saw the man standing on the front porch, then she'd be in trouble, but it sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders, and used her instincts to defend herself.

In OZ I'd be more afraid of the 1 million other things that go bump in the night that can kill me.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

Some liberals would rather die than carry a gun.

Because we realize most people lack the training and judgement to have one.

32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

How many more bad guys would be statistics and how many fewer good guys would be dead if the good guys were armed?

An armed society is a polite society. Thugs think twice before trying to rob/rape/murder someone when they know damn well that person is armed. Japan is a totally different place and its almost completely Japanese out of a population of 125 million only 1-5 million are non Japanese the biggest difference is their lack of negro criminals!

Why are you depriving StormFront of your wit and wisdom?


How many murders and suicides did they have?
BTW, they also have 52 times the rapes than we do.
You must love rape.......

Japan had 442 homicides in 2011. Compare that to the US, where we had 15,953, of which 11,000 were committed with guns.

As for the suicide rate, they had 23,000 suicides compared to 38,000 suicides in the US. Per Capita they had more. (18.41 compared to 12.3) However, they also have a society where there is a long tradition of suicide being considered "honorable", compared to the US, where suicide is a mortal sin in Christianity.

Now, for your rape statistic. I think you got it off Nationmaster, but it's a statistical compling error.


Japan has 1.1 rapes reported per 100,000 people, compared to 28.6 per 100K in the United States.

Now, I'm always a little cautious about rape statistics, as reporting is difficult to nail down.

Shit happens.

I wonder why you give a shit how people die, not that they die in the first place.

Meaning, guns are a threat, but suicide-bombers, drunk drivers, people on cell phones, abortion, any number of ways to die a violent death doesn't bother you, except guns.

Gun-free zones are the primary cause of mass shootings you know.

Nobody dies in abortion because fetuses aren't people. Sorry, we have to keep explaining that to you guys and you never get that.

Now, if you want to enforce the gun laws the way we enforce drunk driving and talking on a cell phone while driving (the fine for doing that is now up to $500.00! in IL) I'm totally game on that one.

Point is, we don't need guns, and they are at the root of too many tragedies, from the little kid who shoots his sister with grandpa's gun to the depressed loaner who takes Mom's Zombie Apocolypse arsenal to school and shoots up a bunch of preschoolers.

Shit happens.

I wonder why you give a shit how people die, not that they die in the first place.

Meaning, guns are a threat, but suicide-bombers, drunk drivers, people on cell phones, abortion, any number of ways to die a violent death doesn't bother you, except guns.

Gun-free zones are the primary cause of mass shootings you know.

Nobody dies in abortion because fetuses aren't people. Sorry, we have to keep explaining that to you guys and you never get that.

Now, if you want to enforce the gun laws the way we enforce drunk driving and talking on a cell phone while driving (the fine for doing that is now up to $500.00! in IL) I'm totally game on that one.

Point is, we don't need guns, and they are at the root of too many tragedies, from the little kid who shoots his sister with grandpa's gun to the depressed loaner who takes Mom's Zombie Apocolypse arsenal to school and shoots up a bunch of preschoolers.

Unfortunately for you s0n, nobody agrees with you except a fringe minority of bozo's.

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

But social oddballs never think they look stoopid in public.:2up:
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Ashley Marie Hurd, 26, a driver for Domino’s Pizza, took the order to a house on the 200 block of Stuart Avenue about 10 p.m., a police report said.
When she arrived, a man was standing outside, and she told him how much the bill was, said Lt. Todd Joyce, Fayetteville police spokesman.
As she was doing so, Joyce said, a second man, wearing a dark-colored jacket, came around from the side of the house.

The man put something to the back of Hurd’s head and demanded money, Joyce said.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

Not the first time delivery people have been held up. Why the commercials always state like "Drivers carry less than $20."

If she was licensed to carry a weapon I have no issues. If she wasn't she'll a)be fired (no delivery places condone carrying a weapon, b)she'll be charged with carrying an unlawful concealed weapon. Might, but I wouldn't wanna see her charged with assault with a deadly weapon, or some kind of manslaughter charge if the would-be robber died.

If you feel carrying a firearm to stay safe is required, don't do that kind of work. Or if you do make sure it's legal and condoned by your employer. If it isn't, justified or not you're exposing yourself to massive life-ending lawsuits.
People deserve to have the right to defend themselves. I daresay some people don't value human life when they try their hardest to take guns away from those who simply wish to be legally protected. That kind of behavior is shameful, too. Just imagine if this young woman didn't have a gun to protect her, and these two men weren't satisfied with just taking her money. I especially believe all women should be armed, at the very least. People shouldn't have to be worried about being robbed, raped, or worse. In the future I plan to train and arm my daughters in order to be better protected from the monsters in our society.
Things like this never happen, but I still think we should have the right to carry a gun.

Would-be victim delivering pizza thwarts would-be robbery with her concealed weapon « Hot Air

Some liberals would rather die than carry a gun.

Because we realize most people lack the training and judgement to have one.

32,000 gun deaths in the US Last year.

How many of those were good guys defending themselves from "bad" guys?

I'm not buying your statistics. The cause of most violent death in America is usually crime, drugs, alcohol, poverty. Not guns.

And the problem with proper training can be solved easily. And people that shouldn't have weapons shouldn't have access to them. It shouldn't be simply being treated for a case of depression. It should be people with clinical mental disorders and people with criminal records. But even a rational person can be a danger with a weapon they aren't familiar with. It would make the same sense as allowing someone who can't pass a driving test to have a driver's license.

When I went through anti-terrorist school they wouldn't allow us to do live fires inside of buildings unless I proved I was proficient enough to do it safely and accurately. One accidental-discharge and I would be sent home. Most of the problem with firearm accidents is lack of familiarly with the weapon.
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I'm not buying your statistics. The cause of most violent death in America is usually crime, drugs, alcohol, poverty. Not guns.

And the problem with proper training can be solved easily. And people that shouldn't have weapons shouldn't have access to them. It shouldn't be simply being treated for a case of depression. It should be people with clinical mental disorders and people with criminal records. But even a rational person can be a danger with a weapon they aren't familiar with.

When I went through anti-terrorist school they wouldn't allow us to do live fires inside of buildings unless I proved I was proficient enough to do it safely and accurately. One accidental-discharge and I would be sent home. Most of the problem with firearm accidents is lack of familiarly with the weapon.

But the problem is, every last one of those sensible gun rules you mention, the NRA fights tooth and nail. Required training, required licensing, required background checks for mental illness.

The NRA is against all of those. Becuase clearly, they want people so scared they go on pizza deliveries packing.

How many murders and suicides did they have?
BTW, they also have 52 times the rapes than we do.
You must love rape.......

Japan had 442 homicides in 2011. Compare that to the US, where we had 15,953, of which 11,000 were committed with guns.

As for the suicide rate, they had 23,000 suicides compared to 38,000 suicides in the US. Per Capita they had more. (18.41 compared to 12.3) However, they also have a society where there is a long tradition of suicide being considered "honorable", compared to the US, where suicide is a mortal sin in Christianity.

Now, for your rape statistic. I think you got it off Nationmaster, but it's a statistical compling error.


Japan has 1.1 rapes reported per 100,000 people, compared to 28.6 per 100K in the United States.

Now, I'm always a little cautious about rape statistics, as reporting is difficult to nail down.

So they have a higher suicide rate, without guns. So basically guns should be removed from the argument where suicide is concerned. Also, it appears, and a rational person can agree to this, Japan's statistics have more to do with their society, not the fact that they have made guns illegal. And your statistics on rape are bullshit and outdated. And if that is the case I suspect so are the rest of your statistics. Your stats are according to the UN, which is a biased body to be sure.
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