What If the People United Against "The Rich Men North of Richmond"?

You stupid hate filled uneducated Moon Bats have a distorted view of America. You get it by listening to fake news, believing what a corrupt and incompetent President tells you and watching TV commercials and Disney movies that only have Negroes in them.

You live in Libtard La La Land and you have your head so far up your Moon Bat asses that you will never see day light.

This song articulates how fucked up this country is because of the destruction of the Progressives.

You don't have a clue because you are not intelligent enough to understand. You never will be.

You Moon Bats aren't exactly the best and the brightest, know what I mean?

His ballad went right over your Moon Bat head, you ignorant asshole.
Then again, the guy is probably just angling to get a music contract. After which, you'll never hear the song again. :)

You're a bit angry there, snowflake. You need to relax. This country is fucked up because of Trump and his MAGA band of followers.
And yes, I include you in those. I remember Republicans went out of their tree when a black man was elected President. But as soon
as the Orange Roughy backed into the office, they done went and lost their friggin minds! :)
Why would you consider "rich men" to be the enemy? Don't we all strive to be rich? If rich men are the enemy does it justify stealing from them?
I do find it funny that republicans are touting this song.

The very first line "Overtime hours for bullshit pay"

Republicans don't want employees to unionize and generally don't give a shit about the working class so .....

His song is about the POLITICAL CLASS.
Well..about that.

I read this entire article. I am not sure this ruling class journo's opinion can be taken very seriously, TBH.

There are elite donors in both parties, that manipulate policy toward the financial and political elites, that control the parties, on both sides. I don't believe, this is a partisan problem, though the author of this piece, want to make it one. More, "divide and rule," garbage from the establishment.

For instance;

"Therein lies the key to understanding why the GOP — the party of tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation for corporations. . . "

The deregulation of corporations? That is mostly done through the administration and at the courts. . . and the ruling class liberal donors & billionaire class, agree with that agenda, as much as the right. Hell, it was the Clinton administration that replealed the Glass–Steagall_legislation regulations, by signing the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.

And then this guy wrote;

"As for the conservative music that does exist, most of it is just bad (see here, or here)."

What? He thinks this is "just bad?" Are you kidding me? Even I don't care for country, but that is funny.


IMO, that's the problem we have, folks don't have a sense of humor anymore. . . .
This video should scare the daylights out of the Rich Men and their copious bootlickers, who typically vote Democrat. Notice the racial diversity in these reaction videos. Black men, Black women, Asians.

If the people would really unite against the Elite and the Cadre of Bootlickers, this would be all over, and fast.

^^ dreaming of civil war again
Which is why I said I don't know why republicans are so excited about it.


The POLITICAL CLASS is authoritarian.

What they claim to be is immaterial.
Don't need a union to care aout the working class, just a good company. Maybe the guy singing just needs a different job.

So what if you don't need a union? Why do you care if other people exercise their rights and join a union or form a union?

Republicans have never been a champion of the working class. Democrats aren't really either.

Again this song slams both parties which is why republicans are loving it so much. I guess they're just not smart enough to understand the lyrics
So what if you don't need a union? Why do you care if other people exercise their rights and join a union or form a union?

Republicans have never been a champion of the working class. Democrats aren't really either.

Again this song slams both parties which is why republicans are loving it so much. I guess they're just not smart enough to understand the lyrics
I like the singer he does a great job.
But if there are so many jobs available, like at my company with $25/hour wages and full benefits that remain unfilled, then why does a protest song of working overtime for crap wages become so popular? My company may be unique but I have to think there are others in red states like mine that never shut down and need workers.
Right now I think we have a workforce issue in that many Democrats don't want to work at all, while we have never stopped.
Well jeepers. You're about 50 years too late to complain about this.
And just for the record, Democrats care about these issues. Republicans don't. :)
No they don’t. The only thing democrats care about is retaining power. Which is why they are fixated on Donald Trump and the Ukraine and not the domestic issues they have created base solely on buying votes and gaining votes.
No, that article seethes with hatred and criticism, while admitting folks like a good song that has stuck a honest chord of the nation, evaluating the state of things.


Not to mention arrogance, pomposity, and elitism. This is the same sort of "balanced" writing that brings about SJW rioting.
Then again, the guy is probably just angling to get a music contract. After which, you'll never hear the song again. :)

You're a bit angry there, snowflake. You need to relax. This country is fucked up because of Trump and his MAGA band of followers.
And yes, I include you in those. I remember Republicans went out of their tree when a black man was elected President. But as soon
as the Orange Roughy backed into the office, they done went and lost their friggin minds! :)
Man, you act like these are two divided camps, opposed to each other.

I know a lot of folks, that voted for both Obama and Trump, because both those clowns promised the people things, that neither delivered on.

Obama promised hope & change, and the American people got neither hope, nor change. Trump promised to drain the swamp, and filled his administration with members of the swamp.

All we ever get is large doses of Hopium and never ending corruption.

Just stahp.

You just don't get what the post in the OP is talking about at all. . .

I like the singer he does a great job.
But if there are so many jobs available, like at my company with $25/hour wages and full benefits that remain unfilled, then why does a protest song of working overtime for crap wages become so popular? My company may be unique but I have to think there are others in red states like mine that never shut down and need workers.
Right now I think we have a workforce issue in that many Democrats don't want to work at all, while we have never stopped.

You think something has to be true to be popular?

All it has to do is affirm someone's narrative.

But like I said republican who are loving this song don't realize that this guy is criticizing them as much as he is the democrats
Well jeepers. You're about 50 years too late to complain about this.
And just for the record, Democrats care about these issues. Republicans don't. :)
In which alternative reality? That sounds like a fever swamp thing.

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