What if Trump -is- a fascist?

Don't the enemies of fascism advocate taking America's assault weapons off the streets?
The biggest lie of the 20th Century was in convincing people that Hitler wasn't a socialist.

Fascism IS socialism. Hitler was a National Socialist not a Fascist but he got a lot of his ideas from Mussolini (who was). And is also who coined the word "Totalitario"(as in 'totalitarian') which was further described as meaning “all within the state, none outside the state, none against the state.” A Fascist motto for the entirety of its existence

Sound a little socialist to you? Yeah, me too.

But this is the state of miseducation we live in, folks. Hitler, who named his political party The National Socialist blah, blah, wasn't a socialist and Trump, a total and complete Free Marketer; is. Even though Trump, and most people with two brain cells to rub together, despise socialism; which is absolutely, positively Fascism, we're the Fascists.

BTW, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. I don't care what they call themselves, they are scum through and through and out.

ALL of them. Especially their voters. I can almost understand the leaders being Fascist dimocrap scum -- They're getting stinking rich out of it. But low-rent Karen and Stoner Jim?

They're just too stupid to be considered anything but scum.
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The biggest lie of the 20th Century was in convincing people that Hitler wasn't a socialist.

Fascism IS socialism. Hitler was a National Socialist not a Fascist but he got a lot of his ideas from Mussolini (who was). And is also who coined the word "Totalitario"(as in 'totalitarian') which was further described as meaning “all within the state, none outside the state, none against the state.” A Fascist motto for the entirety of its existence

Sound a little socialist to you? Yeah, me too.

But this is the state of miseducation we live in, folks. Hitler, who named his political party The National Socialist blah, blah, wasn't a socialist and Trump, a total and complete Free Marketer; is. Even though Trump, and most people with two brain cells to rub together, despise socialism; which is absolutely, positively Fascism, we're the Fascists.

BTW, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. I don't care what they call themselves, they are scum through and through and out.

ALL of them. Especially their voters. I can almost understand the leaders being Fascist dimocrap scum -- They're getting stinking rich out of it. But low-rent Karen and Stoner Jim?

They're just too stupid to be considered anything but scum.
Hitler started with the Strassers who supported socialism, Otto Strasser and Gregor Strasser. Once Hitler solidified is power, he opposed it. By 1933, he purged it at the night of long knives, killing Gregor Strasser, and socialism was ousted from his party.

Hitler took a pragmatic position on economics, accepting private property and allowing capitalist private enterprises to exist so long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state, but not tolerating enterprises that he saw as being opposed to the national interest.
Hitler started with the Strassers who supported socialism, Otto Strasser and Gregor Strasser. Once Hitler solidified is power, he opposed it. By 1933, he purged it at the night of long knives, killing Gregor Strasser, and socialism was ousted from his party.

Hitler took a pragmatic position on economics, accepting private property and allowing capitalist private enterprises to exist so long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state, but not tolerating enterprises that he saw as being opposed to the national interest.
We can't be sure who opposed whom pre-1932. Hitler was never wild about socialists (especially the Russian variety) in the first place. It is believed that the Sozi's came out against Hitler because he didn't go along with Russian style socialism, which I strongly suspect is true.

socialists of all types, national or international, are far less interested in doctrine than they are in power. Very much like dimocrap scum; who just stabbed the leader of their own party in the back. Power Uber Alles, right dimocrap scum??

Anybody that thinks Kim Jong Un is the least bit interested in the purity of communism is stupid enough to be a dimocrap. And that is seriously stupid.
We can't be sure who opposed whom pre-1932. Hitler was never wild about socialists (especially the Russian variety) in the first place. It is believed that the Sozi's came out against Hitler because he didn't go along with Russian style socialism, which I strongly suspect is true.

socialists of all types, national or international, are far less interested in doctrine than they are in power. Very much like dimocrap scum; who just stabbed the leader of their own party in the back. Power Uber Alles, right dimocrap scum??

Anybody that thinks Kim Jong Un is the least bit interested in the purity of communism is stupid enough to be a dimocrap. And that is seriously stupid.
we can be sure. This is recent history. Its not like thousands of years ago; its within a hundred years.

When the nazis had no power in the early 20's, they had to cast a wide tent into the working class. For that time period, socialism was the pro worker ideology. Hitler had to hold his nose for a few years to get them under his party to get the votes. After he solidified his power in the early 1930's, he then ousted the strassers, and any vestiges of socialism were cast out. Hitler's views on this are basically the same for both communism & socialism.

And separately, about Fascism in general. Fascism is opposed to democracy and liberalism.
We can't be sure who opposed whom pre-1932. Hitler was never wild about socialists (especially the Russian variety) in the first place. It is believed that the Sozi's came out against Hitler because he didn't go along with Russian style socialism, which I strongly suspect is true.

socialists of all types, national or international, are far less interested in doctrine than they are in power. Very much like dimocrap scum; who just stabbed the leader of their own party in the back. Power Uber Alles, right dimocrap scum??
You shouldn't leave out you Fascist scum. Note: I won't call you a republican. You are a JBS in drag.

Anybody that thinks Kim Jong Un is the least bit interested in the purity of communism is stupid enough to be a dimocrap. And that is seriously stupid.

Mussolini was into power, nothing else and he established the first Fascist Government which Germany and Spain fashioned themselves. While I wasn't yet conceived to visit Germany during it's fascist days I did spend time in Spain when Franco was alive. Although Spain was a NATO member back then, the only reason the United States had anything to do with them was the fact they allowed us to place large military bases. We needed it because France would not. Fascism is capitalism out of control. When Franco died, they established about the same government type that Norway had. Under Franco there was no reason to smile since the Gendarmes could kill you anytime the wanted to and not be prosecuted. And Franco was actually a mild Fascist and refused to join in WWII. Hitler and Mussolini were fringe Fascists where they became dictators just like Stalin whom they both hated.

I keep seeing the government types done is a linear method. It's not. It's a circle where sides link up at the top of the circle which is Dictatorship. Stalin got there from the left while Hitler and Mussolini got there by going extreme right.

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