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What in the hell is wrong with people?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:
I wondered for years how on earth did Hitler or Stalin or Mao come to wield such absolute power. I've found my answer witnessing the "new left" and their utter devotion to a leader and they walk in lock step with the ideaology never waivering, never questioning.

Progressives aren't liberals at all. They are pro government in your face control freaks but who pretend to be liberal.

One of the most disturbing trends of late is the "get Congress out of the way and let Obama do his job" talking point.

It's jaw dropping unreal because left wing whackos genuinely believe that Obama should rule by EO.

So I've found my answer to an old question and it's most disturbing to say the least.

ETA: i am not saying Obama is Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Just wanted to be perfectly clear. It's the devotees, the rabid followers of any "leader" that disturbingly are willing to give said leader/government the power of complete control over their lives.

Progressives fit the bill. And I do differentiate between Progressives and true classical liberals.
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Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

-- posted from the bar using Drunkatalk

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Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal

Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind.


and after you define what a 'liberal' is you will be exposed. why? because your caricature is one force fed by right wing media that demands a polarized society -- with us or against us -- conservative or liberal


I can tell who a liberal is just by stating ANY position as a right wing conservative. As a right wing conservative, I think we should all support fuzzy kittens! ...Now let's wait for a liberal to jump on that and tell me why I am a racist who is out of touch with mainstream Americans!
whatever you are talking about here does it involve reality? :eusa_shifty:
Actually...all parties have tunnel vision.

You don't need a political party to have "tunnel vision".

The so-called "independents" are just as bad.

As to the OP - most people on both sides are full of shit. Everything in the OP applies just as well to "your side". Your own biases are what causes you to notice it in the "other side" while ignoring it on your own.
The OP is hilarious because if you replace "liberal" with "conservative and "Bush" with "Obama" I think most Democrats would agree with his post.

Proving just how fucking insane you've all gone.

It's pretty funny to me that you started this thread claiming your weren't trying to "flame", but couldn't seem to help yourself from "flaming" as soon as someone disagreed with your OP...
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

Follow the $$$.

Also, avoid the parties. The parties brainwash their followers to believe they are the only ones correct about anything and everything.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-RrtHaAgtU]Patriocracy News Dissect Segment - www.patriocracymovie.com - YouTube[/ame]

People aren't stupid. They just hate politics and don't want to take time out of their busy day to think about politics.

Today, politicians know people hate politics and dress up new bills with "pretty" names such as the "Patriot Act". Everyone will vote for it because who isn't a Patriot, (R)ight?
Okay, I realize this runs the risk of being bumped over to the Flame Zone board, but I am genuinely not intending to flame here. I think this is a legitimate topic of discussion amongst the non-crazy people in society. Every day, I am confronted with yet another liberal who seems to have completely lost their mind. At first, I thought it was just a simple difference in ideology, which is normally a good thing in political discourse, you need another side to certain arguments, it is a healthy thing for society to have contrasting viewpoints.

I started noticing during the Bush years, the rhetoric from the left became more shrill and harsh, the resentfulness and hostility was thick, and I chalked it all up to Bush just not being their cup of tea. Many on the left were still angry over what happened to Clinton, so I figured okay, turn about is fair play, Bush is going to be the scapegoat for all this angst. And of course, they railed on Bush and are still railing on Bush, but this goes even deeper.

It has now become outright ridiculous. Almost 6 years into the Obama presidency, and arguably the worst performance of a president in modern history with one failure on top of another as far as they eye can see. Scandals unfolding on a daily basis, and not just little meaningless ones, really big ones... impeachable ones, as a matter of fact. The economy is still in the crapper, jobs are still virtually non-existent, despite all the fluff and propaganda being fed to us daily. But still, I can rationalize that left-wing liberals are still standing by their guy because that's who brought them to the dance. Fair enough, Bush had avid supporters who loved everything he did and still do. This goes deeper.

We can go through a host of issues, it doesn't really matter what they are... Illegal immigration, voter IDs, gay marriage, global warming... whatever it is, the left has their talking points ready and are prepared to do battle. But it's not just these issues, it's the level at which they absolutely refuse to acknowledge any other viewpoint and just automatically reject anything the right has to say... on ANYTHING. Doesn't matter! If the political right came out tomorrow in favor of fuzzy puppies and fluffy kittens, the left would launch an anti-fuzzy puppy and fluffy kitten campaign, charging that the right were racist bigots who were out of touch with mainstream Americans.

I realized the level at which this has reached today, as I was discussing the Israeli mobilization on Gaza with a liberal friend. He says... "What right does Israel have to exist?" Now, this person has always been liberal, but I've always respected the arguments they made and felt like they articulated some valid points, even when I didn't agree with them. But this just blew me away. I couldn't believe he said that. Then I notice that he and several other liberals were posting all these videos put out by Al Jazeera, showing the civilian casualties and whatnot.

Then I come here and there is a debate about voter ID and some liberal is saying "you just don't want the poor to vote!" Like the poor are somehow suddenly unable to show identification to prove who they are, even though they must've shown ID to get food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, AFDC, EIC, and all other government subsidies. In another thread, some liberal is whining about the greedy corporations getting rich off the bailouts and stimulus that OBAMA DEMANDED!

All over my facebook, there are my liberal friends posting cartoons which depict the Mayflower arriving to the shores of America and the Native American's watching... the meme is about how they look like "illegal immigrants" to them! Each day, I see images of literally thousands of illegals climbing the fences into America and nothing being done to stop it... in fact, we're sending them aid! Hell, they're probably getting Obama phones and food stamps by now!

What in the hell is wrong with people, have they just lost their goddamn minds? Has one political faction in this country gone completely insane? Because that is how it seems to me, and I don't know why. It's not simply politics, it's mentally disturbing. It's as if the left is poised to take a counter position to rationality in any form. The more off-the-rails the better! And it's not just a handful of nutters, it's the whole entire left wing. It's not just a little bit of stupid, it's complete ignorance of anything approaching common sense reasoning. They don't even bother debating anymore, they just blurt out something sublimely ignorant and start hurling names at republicans and "teabaggers!"

Is this something in the water they're drinking? Hormones in the meat? Have radical Islamists contaminated our food supply? Are they under some kind of hypnotic spell? Minds being controlled by aliens? What in the hell is wrong with people??? :eusa_shifty:

Yeah, give Bush a pass. He's just "not our cup of tea". If anyone is under some kind of spell, it has to be republicans. I swear, if Obama came out tomorrow in favor of breathing, republicans would all be turning blue within minutes.
As a centrist, I can fault both liberals, as well as conservatives, which is why I think a political party called the Centrist Party should exist. The party would take moderate stands from elements of both sides. No major swing to the far left or far right. Just ignore the extremist views.
I'll admit that a lot of the left's social beliefs are messed up, but so is the rights fiscal!

So both suck!

Hey, I can live with the fact that left and right disagree on some social beliefs, but this is WAY beyond that. It's like there is some kind of mantra instilled in them to oppose anything said by the right, regardless of what it is or how much sense it makes. No compromise, no discussion, no negotiation, no debate... just straight up NO... you're a rightie, therefore we oppose anything you say. It doesn't even seem to matter if the right moderates to their side on an issue... still it's NO! Not going to budge, not going to agree with you, on general principle.

On every issue that comes down the pike... it can be anything... a freaking trial in Florida or something... doesn't matter... they wait to see what position most on the right are going to take, then oppose it. It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong or even if it contradicts their own stated principles. If the right is for something, they have to be opposed. If they have to support radical Islamic terrorists to oppose the right... FINE! If they have to destroy every freedom we have in America... FINE! If they have to dissolve our borders and create chaos in the border cities having to deal with the influx of illegals, so be it! They don't care, they are going to oppose the right on whatever. Nothing seems to matter more to the left than simply bowing up and refusing to listen to the right on anything or find any way to get along.

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