CDZ What is a charity ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

There has been much annoyance in the UK that this group has been given charitable status. It gives it a veneer of respectability and I also believe that they gain certain tax advantages.

The LGB Alliance is an anti trans organisation that campaigns to exclude transgender folk from the wider LGBT community. The benefits to society from this are not apparent. The LGB Alliance is shunned by the LGBT community for its aggressive and unpleasant stance.

So I come back to the original question. What is a charity ?

From my perspective, it should be an organisation that helps our society in a positive way on a non-profit basis. SO the upkeep of your chapel would qualify you as a charity but if you also wanted to destroy the mosque next door then that would be a disqualifier.

Raising money to build a football pitch is ok but then refusing access to certain groups isnt fine.

Excessive wages would make you a non qualifier and so would making an excessive surplus.

I dont think that these people not wanting to help trans folk should prevent them from getting trans status but their active campaigns against them should do so.
Well, if this group helps preserve the rights of women to compete against actual women in sports, I would say they are doing charitable work -- especially in light of the MMA contestant having her skull cracked after being forced to compete against a male.

As far as what isn't a Charity, I would say any of the Islamic ones that fund money to terrorists or encourage jihad.
Well, if this group helps preserve the rights of women to compete against actual women in sports, I would say they are doing charitable work -- especially in light of the MMA contestant having her skull cracked after being forced to compete against a male.

As far as what isn't a Charity, I would say any of the Islamic ones that fund money to terrorists or encourage jihad.
I would agree with that. I also have a problem with churches that fund private jets for pastors that live in huge mansions. A charity should not be a passport to riches.

There has been much annoyance in the UK that this group has been given charitable status. It gives it a veneer of respectability and I also believe that they gain certain tax advantages.

The LGB Alliance is an anti trans organisation that campaigns to exclude transgender folk from the wider LGBT community. The benefits to society from this are not apparent. The LGB Alliance is shunned by the LGBT community for its aggressive and unpleasant stance.

So I come back to the original question. What is a charity ?

From my perspective, it should be an organisation that helps our society in a positive way on a non-profit basis. SO the upkeep of your chapel would qualify you as a charity but if you also wanted to destroy the mosque next door then that would be a disqualifier.

Raising money to build a football pitch is ok but then refusing access to certain groups isnt fine.

Excessive wages would make you a non qualifier and so would making an excessive surplus.

I dont think that these people not wanting to help trans folk should prevent them from getting trans status but their active campaigns against them should do so.
There shouldn't be any tax breaks for so called charities.

If you want to run at zero profit then run at zero profit you don't need any special carve outs to do that
So much annoyance? By who? The sick cross-dressers that want to put men in women’s sports?

Tammy never fails to show her true colors.
Well there are two schools of opinion here. My view is that if they want to do that it is their business and they can do it at their own expense not mine.

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