What is a "construct" anyway?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Or what is a microaggression? Or racism? Can you prove it in a court of law? All these other conceits the liberals have invented. Liberals say facts are constructs, 2+2 = racism, it's one thing to be liberal it's another to be rational ; accept anything. BLM is construct, so is bad white cops, or hate crimes.
The BLM can go to hell. Look up the actual facts by the Justice department , white cops or systemic racism are the least problem 99% of blacks need to worry about. Black on black violence is a far larger issue 99% of the time. What systemic racism? BLM might as well protest witchcraft.
A construct?

The BLM can go to hell. Look up the actual facts by the Justice department , white cops or systemic racism are the least problem 99% of blacks need to worry about. Black on black violence is a far larger issue 99% of the time. What systemic racism? BLM might as well protest witchcraft.
If you are curious, I mean, if you really want to know, how the other side thinks, it is wise to be educated.

I would start with these two videos. It is important to know, yes, there are some real problems with policing in America. These problems, systemic institutional problems, tend to affect, disproportionately, the poor communities, and by extension, because of cultural practices that keep them poor, Latino and Black communities. Thus, departments profile these segments of our young men (and to a lesser extent, women,) in society.

. . . and then, I would recommend reading this. You can't get anymore left than a book excerpt from Paul Von Blum, Senior Lecturer in African American Studies and Communication Studies at UCLA, edited by Angela J. Davis.

Policing the Black Man
The BLM can go to hell. Look up the actual facts by the Justice department , white cops or systemic racism are the least problem 99% of blacks need to worry about. Black on black violence is a far larger issue 99% of the time. What systemic racism? BLM might as well protest witchcraft.
If you are curious, I mean, if you really want to know, how the other side thinks, it is wise to be educated

I would start with these two videos. It is important to know, yes, there are some real problems with policing in America. These problems, systemic institutional problems, tend to affect, disproportionately, the poor communities, and by extension, because of cultural practices that keep them poor, Latino and Black communities. Thus, departments profile these segments of our young men (and to a lesser extent, women,) in society.

. . . and then, I would recommend reading this. You can't get anymore left than a book excerpt from Paul Von Blum, Senior Lecturer in African American Studies and Communication Studies at UCLA, edited by Angela J. Davis.

Policing the Black Man
. Thanks for that. But I want to know what liberal intellectuals mean by a "construct"? Gravity VS made up STUFF err, like hate crimes? Racism is "construct". Cultural appropriation? Every culture since the fucking neanderthals took stuff from other cultures, it's what we humans do.
I think you mean 'race' is a social construct, because it is. It is something that is made up as a useful categorization tool, but it isn't really, "real."

We are all related. How do you tell the child of a black man and a white woman that "race" is a real thing? :dunno: You can't, because it isn't. There is only one race, the human race, homo sapiens.

I mean, I grow tired of the ignorant folks from the white nationalist/supremacist sites that come here and want to tell me, someone that studied physical anthropology, that there is any quantitative or qualitative differences between blacks and whites. . . there isn't.

Hell, we have some black forum members that are so attached to their race. . . which, having had shade thrown their way their entire lives, I can understand, but, they have gone out of their way to convince themselves that white people and black people are actually of a different type. . . they aren't. They have convinced themselves of the superiority of "blacks." But? If we are all one? That is nonsense. People are people, and they all have the same strengths and weaknesses.

If you do genetic studies, you will find, there is more genetic variation within white populations and within black populations than there is between them.

. . . with that said, racism? That is what is known as IN-GROUP behavior and OUT-GROUP behavior, preferences that develop subcultures due to melanin differences? yeah, that is a real thing. But, these In-Group behaviors also develop among and between the old and the young, between and among different religious groups, between men and women, different sexual preferences and habits, different political beliefs, etc. etc.

It is basically something that will always be here, and will never go away, it is something all animals are born with, and humans will not be exempt. You can't get rid of racism any more than you can get rid of being suspicious of strangers or folks that are different than you are.

The only way to reduce it is through education.

Humans always find ways to separate themselves out into like interest groups.

This is one of the co-authors of that paper.

Nobody wants to inform me what a "construct" is? Black African culture isn't any more a construct than white European culture? Or sexuality? Or economy... politics. If you don't like America, leave. If you don't like the politics, leave. If you don't like the culture, leave. Find better country that supports your nonsense.

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