What Is A Greater Threat To America? An Al-Qaeda Terrorist?, New GOP Fundamentalist?

The world will be a better place when few are willing to die for their religion.

The world will be a much better place when few are willing to kill for their beliefs.

What is needed to kill, is the will, to kill....
I say to check the numbers. Who has been the cause of more Americans dead and maimed?
There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


Is the DNC sharia compliant yet?

Why not start a thread on that topic and ask em? I have no idea what the DNC is up to. I've got my hands full dealing with the terrorists that have taken over my GOP.

I guess you're missing the point...it was designed to indicate how absurd your premise is.
There is a FLIP side to extreme conservatives in the US; not so with al Qaeda. Here is some SANTORUM:

Santorum had been a prominent leader in the GOP Senate caucus from 2001 through 2007, when he served as the chair of the Senate Republican Policy conference. The Pennsylvania lawmaker had been "a big supporter of AIDS funding in the Senate," a former Santorum staffer told Yahoo News Wednesday on condition of anonymity because she does not work for campaign. "He took the lead in funding for African development. He cares a lot about the underdog."

"We need to keep and expand our commitment to humanitarian aid, especially in Africa," Santorum said in a speech to the National Press Club in April 2011. "China and Islam are competing for the hearts and minds of much of Africa, and we cannot turn our back from the investment and commitments we have made. I helped lead many of our efforts to address third-world debt and the global AIDS crisis, and our investments have paid off."
I'm sure you can tell what those were?

Here is just one example... There are dozens of others..do your own fucking work bitch..I'm not your secretary and if you are too brain dead to remember just take my word for it.

""WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House late Saturday night approved the Republican version of a measure amending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by a vote of 227-183, with most Republicans and conservative Democrats supporting the bill.

The White-House backed legislation closes what the Bush administration has called critical gaps in U.S. intelligence capability by expanding the government's abilities to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects whose communications pass through the United States.

Lawmakers have been scrambling to pass a bill acceptable to the White House before they leave for a monthlong summer recess.

President Bush had threatened to veto any bill that Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell said did not meet his needs.

The Senate approved its Republican-sponsored bill Friday night. Immediately after that vote, a Democratic-sponsored bill failed to reach the 60-vote majority.

Saturday night's vote followed fireworks in the House, where an angry group of Republicans accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of delaying a vote on the bill, the president's legislative priority.

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"Last night, the Senate passed this bill at about 9:30. Now it's almost 1 o'clock. We should have had the FISA bill on the floor the first thing this morning," Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan told reporters in the early afternoon.

"We could have passed a rule and passed this bill by 11 o'clock this morning, and it could have been on its way, and the president could have signed it," said Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.""


Congress gives Bush administration more eavesdropping leeway - CNN.com


I'm sorry...I should have remembered that you folks have the memory of fruit flies.

You forgot ALL about the illegal wire taps... That's just one of many of the midnight terrorist activities of the New GOP Fundamentalist traitors that have infiltrated into Congress.

Stupid Bush and Cheney thought that thier illegal actvities supported by the New GOP congress in the middle of the night was only going to apply when they were in charge.. As usual..they and you are/were wrong.
There is a FLIP side to extreme conservatives in the US; not so with al Qaeda. Here is some SANTORUM:

Santorum had been a prominent leader in the GOP Senate caucus from 2001 through 2007, when he served as the chair of the Senate Republican Policy conference. The Pennsylvania lawmaker had been "a big supporter of AIDS funding in the Senate," a former Santorum staffer told Yahoo News Wednesday on condition of anonymity because she does not work for campaign. "He took the lead in funding for African development. He cares a lot about the underdog."

"We need to keep and expand our commitment to humanitarian aid, especially in Africa," Santorum said in a speech to the National Press Club in April 2011. "China and Islam are competing for the hearts and minds of much of Africa, and we cannot turn our back from the investment and commitments we have made. I helped lead many of our efforts to address third-world debt and the global AIDS crisis, and our investments have paid off."

All good stuff. That is what makes for a lively debate. Even monsters like Hitler did some good things once in a while. Al Qaeda would get NO traction in the mid east if they were not doing SOME good once in a while. They must be pleasing SOMEBODY.
There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


So says the new breed of Hitler Youth. (Same crap).
The world will be a better place when few are willing to die for their religion.

The world will be a much better place when few are willing to kill for their beliefs.

What is needed to kill, is the will, to kill....

Or convincing leaders...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av4x6nZlefc]The Beatles - Helter Skelter - YouTube[/ame]
There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


dang... ya caught me dead to rights, huggy...

before now, I wanted to kill baby kittens for breakfast... 'specially the dark ones 'cause they reminded me of Obama...

but you've shown me the light... I'm ready to throw all that mean and nasty stuff aside and be guided by the rainbows and sparkly sprinkles...
There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


The biggest threat to America re idiots like liesmatters.
Your "different" views are not unlike Al Qaeda. You both want to destroy America for the benefit of a handful of religious zealots.

At least the Arabs are honest about thier intentions...You guys...not so much.

dear gawd, how do you sleep at night? they coming to get YOU...:eek:

It isn't easy sometimes. Some of the most heinous legislation forced on the American public by the New GOP Fundamentalists was done in the dead of night.

No !
That is what the Dems did when they passed the Health Care Bill that the majority of this nation don't want. In the dead of night.
There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


dang... ya caught me dead to rights, huggy...

before now, I wanted to kill baby kittens for breakfast... 'specially the dark ones 'cause they reminded me of Obama...

but you've shown me the light... I'm ready to throw all that mean and nasty stuff aside and be guided by the rainbows and sparkly sprinkles...

Good man Bill. :clap2:
dear gawd, how do you sleep at night? they coming to get YOU...:eek:

It isn't easy sometimes. Some of the most heinous legislation forced on the American public by the New GOP Fundamentalists was done in the dead of night.

No !
That is what the Dems did when they passed the Health Care Bill that the majority of this nation don't want. In the dead of night.

Those evil Dems... Damn them to HELL!!! If they had done what the public wanted (70%) we would have single payer by now. THEN small businesses would be playing on an even field with the big boys and start ups would be startin up and everything.. What a horid thought! Horid I tell you!
There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


When are you going to stop pretending to be a conservative?

I think your honesty is on par with TMs.
Wonderful, so now us TRAITOROUS Americans get to be compared to terrorist AGAIN

Truth sucks don't it...

It's a fair comparison.

you my dear are the Traitor...No matter how bad things got nobody I know would call their fellow Americans, terrorists.... just for having different views than they do..

Your "different" views are not unlike Al Qaeda. You both want to destroy America for the benefit of a handful of religious zealots.

At least the Arabs are honest about thier intentions...You guys...not so much.
AQs strategy, if you pulled your head out of your ass for half a second, was the financial destruction of America. They knew that was how to bring the US to its knees.

Now, please tell me, who is more eager to pursue the financial destruction of America, especially for the sake of the global economy, wealth redistribution (globally), social justice, environmental justice, etc?
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There is only one real major Difference. The New GOP Fundamentalists have already infiltrated the republican Party and into the Congress of the country. Al Qaeda...not so much...

Both live in a fantasy world where they hear "god" voices and are terrorist zombie tools for those that want to destroy America.

The Muslims want to kill us for what we have done to thier "Homeland" the Mid East.

The New GOP Fundamentalists want to destroy America because they hate Obama.


Is the DNC sharia compliant yet?

Why not start a thread on that topic and ask em? I have no idea what the DNC is up to. I've got my hands full dealing with the terrorists that have taken over my GOP.
The GOP just called. They asked me to relay that you you should stick your alleged allegiance and future donations straight up your ass.
Population is the biggest threat.
Human rights.
Free will.
Stupid ass people.
The Money system.
That's an easy one - hands down New GOP Fundamentalists. Al-Qaeda are fighting a religious war and their belief system has stayed pretty much as is for centuries - so I'd say we know what we're dealing with - more or less.

However, these New Republican Fundamentalists bear little or no resemblance to any Republican I've known. And I was raised in a Republican household. The Republican Party advocated small fiscally responsible Federal Government, which oversaw the big stuff and kept its nose out the States' business, as well as that of the individual citizen. No self-respecting Republican would have become involved in the issue of abortion, nor would they have argued before the Supreme Court in an effort to restore life support to a woman who had been brain dead for 15 years. Both issues would have been considered off limits by those old Republicans or at best each State's business.

Republicans of yesteryear would never promise the nation that morality and honesty would be restored to government, probably because they knew there was no morality or honesty in government, especially in Congress.

Charles Keating (Bush Srs. and Jeb's friend) was responsible for the largest (at that time) bank failure in American history - for which he was sent to Country Club jail while the American taxpayer ate the bill. And then there was ENRON, another Bush - Cheney bud. The bill for the wreckage from that massive fraud will cost Californians and other States into the next eon.

There are those among us who come as wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their primary purpose is amassing great wealth and they don’t give a damn how or what they must do to acquire it. Even if that means the total financial destruction the United States of America, which these individuals have just about done. They represent a malignancy in our land, which if left unchecked is destined to overcome us. If they have not already done so.

Lincoln, a great man, a great President, and an honesty to goodness American Statesman was a Republican. If anyone sees even a remote similarity between the men who today call themselves Republicans and Abraham Lincoln, then they either don't know a damned thing about the Republican Party or Abraham Lincoln.
That's an easy one - hands down New GOP Fundamentalists. Al-Qaeda are fighting a religious war and their belief system has stayed pretty much as is for centuries - so I'd say we know what we're dealing with - more or less.

However, these New Republican Fundamentalists bear little or no resemblance to any Republican I've known. And I was raised in a Republican household. The Republican Party advocated small fiscally responsible Federal Government, which oversaw the big stuff and kept its nose out the States' business, as well as that of the individual citizen. No self-respecting Republican would have become involved in the issue of abortion, nor would they have argued before the Supreme Court in an effort to restore life support to a woman who had been brain dead for 15 years. Both issues would have been considered off limits by those old Republicans or at best each State's business.

Republicans of yesteryear would never promise the nation that morality and honesty would be restored to government, probably because they knew there was no morality or honesty in government, especially in Congress.

Charles Keating (Bush Srs. and Jeb's friend) was responsible for the largest (at that time) bank failure in American history - for which he was sent to Country Club jail while the American taxpayer ate the bill. And then there was ENRON, another Bush - Cheney bud. The bill for the wreckage from that massive fraud will cost Californians and other States into the next eon.

There are those among us who come as wolves in sheep’s clothing. Their primary purpose is amassing great wealth and they don’t give a damn how or what they must do to acquire it. Even if that means the total financial destruction the United States of America, which these individuals have just about done. They represent a malignancy in our land, which if left unchecked is destined to overcome us. If they have not already done so.

Lincoln, a great man, a great President, and an honesty to goodness American Statesman was a Republican. If anyone sees even a remote similarity between the men who today call themselves Republicans and Abraham Lincoln, then they either don't know a damned thing about the Republican Party or Abraham Lincoln.

you have holes in your knowledge about the ways things came to be...

gaping holes big enough to drive elephants, two by two...

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