What is a human right?

So are you saying that children that are born to parents without a high school education actually do better acdemically than children born of parents with a high school education?

No. That point is irrelevant.
No. That point is irrelevant.

Your words...

Care to cite the evidence of genetic differences for math/science in men and women? By the way...assuming for a second your point that there are differences, even the genetically inferior gender surely knows math and science up to an eighth grade level at a minimum.

Matt's post;
Children of same-gender parents often experience economic, legal, and familial insecurity as a result of the absence of legal recognition of their bonds to their nonbiological parents.

Now to be fair the study says these experiences are due to public policy toward same gender couples, but how the hell do they know it would different if public policy changed?

I would consider it to be a given. If government policy changed so that homosexual couples would get “civil union” status allowing them the same ease of access to benefits as a married heterosexual couples receive (legal benefits that couples get, financial opportunities that couples get, etc.) then they would get the same degree of economic, legal, and familial security. Isn’t it obvious? They would not face as much difficulty with intestate inheritance issues. They would be more likely to receive family health insurance. Check out this list of familial benefits:


Access to Military Stores
Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
Bereavement Leave
Insurance Breaks
Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Social Security Survivor Benefits
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Tax Breaks
Veteran’s Discounts
Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
Automatic Inheritance
Automatic Housing Lease Transfer
Bereavement Leave
Burial Determination
Child Custody
Crime Victim’s Recovery Benefits
Divorce Protections
Domestic Violence Protection
Exemption from Property Tax on Partner’s Death
Immunity from Testifying Against Spouse
Insurance Breaks
Joint Adoption and Foster Care
Joint Bankruptcy
Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records)
Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Certain Property Rights
Reduced Rate Memberships
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Visitation of Partner’s Children
Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Wrongful Death (Loss of Consort) Benefits

Do you contend that these things would not make a difference in family security?
I would consider it to be a given. If government policy changed so that homosexual couples would get “civil union” status allowing them the same ease of access to benefits as a married heterosexual couples receive (legal benefits that couples get, financial opportunities that couples get, etc.) then they would get the same degree of economic, legal, and familial security. Isn’t it obvious? They would not face as much difficulty with intestate inheritance issues. They would be more likely to receive family health insurance. Check out this list of familial benefits:


Access to Military Stores
Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
Bereavement Leave
Insurance Breaks
Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Social Security Survivor Benefits
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Tax Breaks
Veteran’s Discounts
Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
Automatic Inheritance
Automatic Housing Lease Transfer
Bereavement Leave
Burial Determination
Child Custody
Crime Victim’s Recovery Benefits
Divorce Protections
Domestic Violence Protection
Exemption from Property Tax on Partner’s Death
Immunity from Testifying Against Spouse
Insurance Breaks
Joint Adoption and Foster Care
Joint Bankruptcy
Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records)
Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
Certain Property Rights
Reduced Rate Memberships
Sick Leave to Care for Partner
Visitation of Partner’s Children
Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Wrongful Death (Loss of Consort) Benefits

Do you contend that these things would not make a difference in family security?

Matt I'm not disagreeing with you, I am stating under today's laws and today's society that children raised by heterosexual couples are better off than children raised by homosexual couples....
Matt I'm not disagreeing with you, I am stating under today's laws and today's society that children raised by heterosexual couples are better off than children raised by homosexual couples....

It is my opinion based loosely on research that children loose out when they are not raised by two different genders. Both genders have both strengths and weaknesses, a child is more evenly rounded when their exposed to both genders in child rearing.
Matt I'm not disagreeing with you, I am stating under today's laws and today's society that children raised by heterosexual couples are better off than children raised by homosexual couples....

Oh well. Statistical research suggests that differences, if there are differences, are insignificant. I guess that we will just agree to disagree.

Nice article. Lets discuss it.

Researchers are addressing the connection between parental influence and children’s motivation and achievement in math and science. Educators and policy makers are searching for ways to urge more students to pursue advanced studies and creers in those subjects.

There is a connection? That makes sense. No hint of gender differences yet.

Studies suggest that even subtle prodding, as well as direct encouragement, goes a long way toward determining whether boys — and especially girls — take an interest in math and science as they get older, and whether they thrive academically in them.

Ah yes, the connection is born out because the parents prod and encourage their children. So the alleged difference in math and science in men and women is irrelvant here since the connection comes from the "prodding and encouraging".

A recent study at Penn State and the University of Michigan found that fathers, in particular, have a major influence on whether daughters develop an interest in math.

Hmm interesting. I wonder if this has to do with gender stereotypes.

It also found that parents tend to do more to encourage their sons than their daughters to develop such interests. They do so through such actions as buying them more math- and science-related toys, and by voicing stereotypes about girls’ supposed shortcomings in those areas of study.

Oh, hey apparently it is about stereotypes. Interestingly enough, according to the other studies kids of gay parents are less inclined to fit squarely in one gender stereotype or the other. If the parents aren't stereotyping based on gender (which for obvious reasons gay parents would do less of), then this actually helps kids of gay parents.

According to the study, parents tend to provide more “math supportive” environments for their sons than for their daughters, not only by buying them more math- and science-related toys, books and games, but also by spending more time with them on these subjects and activities.

Parents also hold gender stereotypes and convey them to their children.

Wait...is this evidence that the relation between math/science and gender is caused by society and NOT by genetics? Why yes, yes it is.

Thanks for the article destroying your point of view.
Matt I'm not disagreeing with you, I am stating under today's laws and today's society that children raised by heterosexual couples are better off than children raised by homosexual couples....

And whites are better off than blacks. But really, saying that homosexuals are bad parents because society is fucked and bigoted isn't helping much.
And whites are better off than blacks. But really, saying that homosexuals are bad parents because society is fucked and bigoted isn't helping much.

Oh, I see someone has a personal axe to grind....
Nice article. Lets discuss it.

There is a connection? That makes sense. No hint of gender differences yet.

Ah yes, the connection is born out because the parents prod and encourage their children. So the alleged difference in math and science in men and women is irrelvant here since the connection comes from the "prodding and encouraging".

Hmm interesting. I wonder if this has to do with gender stereotypes.

Oh, hey apparently it is about stereotypes. Interestingly enough, according to the other studies kids of gay parents are less inclined to fit squarely in one gender stereotype or the other. If the parents aren't stereotyping based on gender (which for obvious reasons gay parents would do less of), then this actually helps kids of gay parents.

Wait...is this evidence that the relation between math/science and gender is caused by society and NOT by genetics? Why yes, yes it is.

Thanks for the article destroying your point of view.

Call it stereotypes, that's fine. But that's reality not fantasy.
Oh, I see someone has a personal axe to grind....

And what axe would that be?

Call it stereotypes, that's fine. But that's reality not fantasy.

No, I'm saying that stereotypes creates the difference via societal means, NOT genetic means. The article YOU posted supports that.
And what axe would that be?

No, I'm saying that stereotypes creates the difference via societal means, NOT genetic means. The article YOU posted supports that.

You tell me...you would know better than me what axe you have to grind.....
It is sterotypes as well as genetics...unless you say women and men are the same genetically you would have to agree right?
You tell me...you would know better than me what axe you have to grind.....

Ah, well having made the accusation I assumed you would have some more information as opposed to just making shit up. My bad, I forgot what a scumbag you are.

It is sterotypes as well as genetics...unless you say women and men are the same genetically you would have to agree right?

For the 50th time, any EVIDENCE that its genetics?
Ah, well having made the accusation I assumed you would have some more information as opposed to just making shit up. My bad, I forgot what a scumbag you are.

For the 50th time, any EVIDENCE that its genetics?
If you can't read it's not my fault, read my previous two posts, they suggest there is genetics involved.....arguing with ignorance is pointless
If you can't read it's not my fault, read my previous two posts, they suggest there is genetics involved.....arguing with ignorance is pointless

Therefore continue if you want but I have made my points on the subject...argue with the 2 posts...fine...say there cherry picked....say you know 10 people that somehow translates to the whole population...go ahead...like I said ignorance has no point
If you can't read it's not my fault, read my previous two posts, they suggest there is genetics involved.....arguing with ignorance is pointless

Yeah, you keep suggesting that genetics is involved, but yet you've provided absolutely zero evidence. Perhaps because you are just making shit up to fit your preconceived beliefs?

Therefore continue if you want but I have made my points on the subject...argue with the 2 posts...fine...say there cherry picked.

You've made assertions with no evidence. If you want to call them points, then go for it, but they are extremely shoddy.

say you know 10 people that somehow translates to the whole population...go ahead...like I said ignorance has no point

I'm sorry, when did I say that 10 people translates to the whole population? Oh wait, I didn't. Nor did I provide that as proof for my side. By keep on lying there.
Yeah, you keep suggesting that genetics is involved, but yet you've provided absolutely zero evidence. Perhaps because you are just making shit up to fit your preconceived beliefs?

You've made assertions with no evidence. If you want to call them points, then go for it, but they are extremely shoddy.

I'm sorry, when did I say that 10 people translates to the whole population? Oh wait, I didn't. Nor did I provide that as proof for my side. By keep on lying there.

Your words....
Personal experiences matter when you are talking about such a small sample size.


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