What is American military And why people support it.

There are some seriously schizophrenic people running around our society nowadays. They have been made that way by demagogues on radio and TV.

One moment, these schizos are shouting, "Support Our Troops!"

The next moment, they are ranting, "Our troops will be rounding us up and putting us in FEMA camps any day now!"

They do this without experiencing the slightest sensation of cognitive dissonance.

That's what I'm talking about :eusa_clap:
Fuck off, kook. :cuckoo:

Btw, it's not that I don;t understand the purpose of having a military. The military has simply become a giant Government Union welfare system. For the most part people in the military are full on skilless... Meaning their job taught them near nothing useful in the civilian or "real" world.

The budget for military this year is something like 500+ billion.... So we can still be in Iraq (under Obama lol) and in Afghanistan (under Obama lol)... so we can start wars in Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and now Russia...

It's not that I think if you are in the military that you're a bad person, but you have to realize what you are. You are on welfare, you are a yes man, you are literally taught to NOT think for yourself.

The military is used not to uphold the constitution but rather more as mercenaries for political pet projects.

Once again I understand the point of having a strong military, but fact is we have a weak military... It has helped bankrupt the country, it has shattered our image worldwide because they fucking kill innocent people and ultimately it has created a gigantic welfare system for a mass talentless skilless group of people who gain benefits that are currently impossible to pay for without running massive deficits.

That's a broad brush, but as with all welfare systems when shit gets abused, and the US armed forces of welfare-ism is very abused, you just call it what it is... Failed progressive policy.

Hell, talk to a welfare recipient about it and they will rage out at you just like any other welfare bitch.
Did he prove your point Avorysuds or what? :lol:
- That and the images of elephants taking a dump seems to be about the only argument pro US military personnel have here.
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Some people join the military because they believe in an ideal, and that it might be more important than themselves.

An ever-growing foreign concept in our society.
I direct your attention to the "shit bag" supporter of US military who despises US president. Maybe you can tell what other ideals there are to believe in so we can examine them closer.


Old saying..........

Salute the Rank and not the person.

While I respect the Rank of Commander N Chief, I do not have to respect the person in that position.
Some people join the military because they believe in an ideal, and that it might be more important than themselves.

An ever-growing foreign concept in our society.
I direct your attention to the "shit bag" supporter of US military who despises US president. Maybe you can tell what other ideals there are to believe in so we can examine them closer.


Old saying..........

Salute the Rank and not the person.

While I respect the Rank of Commander N Chief, I do not have to respect the person in that position.
I think the purpose of this thread for me was not to offend military, but to make them aware of who they serve, and if you read my foot note in the end of OP, not to make them feel guilty, just be on a stand by and know which side to take when time comes. Saluted will be men who will liberate America from oppression of international bankers, as for today's vet's we can see how they are being treated in their old age. It is not how I want to see ANY old human being treated.
A symbol of American welfare state?

Already told you.

A symbol of the mindset behind the OP, and the anti-Americanism on this thread.

Any more dumb-ass failed segues you'd like to try?

Or are you desperate to bump the thread, because it keeps falling back on the stack?
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Can't believe no one want's to discuss American symbol. I was preserving this bald eagle on my premises for two years now and no appreciation from American patriots whatsoever.
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We had a Russian expert come talk to us at work to give us a deeper background on the inbreds that are our enemy.

It's clear where the inbreeding of the OP comes from after listening to the first parts of the lectures. Russia has always been playing catch up with the west....because it is ruled by idiots and full of idiots.
We had a Russian expert come talk to us at work to give us a deeper background on the inbreds that are our enemy.

It's clear where the inbreeding of the OP comes from after listening to the first parts of the lectures. Russia has always been playing catch up with the west....because it is ruled by idiots and full of idiots.
Tell me more about Putin...
He is a psycho that dreads old age and thinks he is some former Russian Czar back to revitalize the USSR or old Russian empire that once invaded Paris.

He is rich because he is using his political position to line his own pockets through helping rich friends running the crime groups and the various industries in Russia.

He is using Ukraine and Crimea to distract the Russian idiots away from the economic record and growing debt.

He is also bothering other European countries by working with the ethnic Russians in those countries through his goons he sent there.

He calls his enemies Nazis but he admires Hitler and follows many of his tactics.

We had a Russian expert come talk to us at work to give us a deeper background on the inbreds that are our enemy.

It's clear where the inbreeding of the OP comes from after listening to the first parts of the lectures. Russia has always been playing catch up with the west....because it is ruled by idiots and full of idiots.
Tell me more about Putin...
He is a psycho that dreads old age and thinks he is some former Russian Czar back to revitalize the USSR or old Russian empire that once invaded Paris.

He is rich because he is using his political position to line his own pockets through helping rich friends running the crime groups and the various industries in Russia.

He is using Ukraine and Crimea to distract the Russian idiots away from the economic record and growing debt.

He is also bothering other European countries by working with the ethnic Russians in those countries through his goons he sent there.

He calls his enemies Nazis but he admires Hitler and follows many of his tactics.

We had a Russian expert come talk to us at work to give us a deeper background on the inbreds that are our enemy.

It's clear where the inbreeding of the OP comes from after listening to the first parts of the lectures. Russia has always been playing catch up with the west....because it is ruled by idiots and full of idiots.
Tell me more about Putin...
Do you think Putin really has power, or is he just a mouth piece like Obama?
Putin has the rich, the military leaders and criminals in his bed with him....he is safe as long as they are making money thanks to him.

That is why he is pulling back his troops from Ukraine....he was costing them rubles.

He is a psycho that dreads old age and thinks he is some former Russian Czar back to revitalize the USSR or old Russian empire that once invaded Paris.

He is rich because he is using his political position to line his own pockets through helping rich friends running the crime groups and the various industries in Russia.

He is using Ukraine and Crimea to distract the Russian idiots away from the economic record and growing debt.

He is also bothering other European countries by working with the ethnic Russians in those countries through his goons he sent there.

He calls his enemies Nazis but he admires Hitler and follows many of his tactics.

Tell me more about Putin...
Do you think Putin really has power, or is he just a mouth piece like Obama?
Putin has the rich, the military leaders and criminals in his bed with him....he is safe as long as they are making money thanks to him.

That is why he is pulling back his troops from Ukraine....he was costing them rubles.
Putin is an absolute puppet, of course he is rich, it comes with the position, but if he would not be international banker's bitch, then when threatened with sanctions, he would have told America and Europe to go fuck themselves and the bankers to pack their shit and announce that their money printing services of IMF are no longer needed in Russia. That is EXACTLY what I would have done if I was in charge in Russia, but YOU and your media and your government are trying to present one of your OWN as a foe - And I am not buying your bull shit. It's like that guy in the other thread telling me that I have been brainwashed by the liberal television, I don't even OWN a fucking television service, you are all confusing me with YOURSELF.
Just as I was typing this a minute ago, a breaking news showed up on CNN (image below)

Why do people join the military? - for career, for money, for benefits.
Why do politicians and political pundits on the media and political forums support the military? Politicians support military because military serves the interests of politicians, when militiamen such as those in Nevada protect an American rancher, they are called terrorists, not military. Family members support their kids in the military because they understand that military is their career, their paycheck, their retirement, and that without military most of their kids would be leeches to society like the welfare class is officially. When USSR collapsed, most of the military quickly turned into mafia and gangsters, American military volunteers are no different. if they would be, they would have protected tens of millions of American families who were losing their homes to non other than the banks which were baled out by the government who then used the bail out money to give bonuses to their CEO's.
What percentage of American society actually support the military? Much less than is made believe by the propaganda on TV. at the height of American patriotism in late 2001/2002 I used to count percentage of cars that had the "support our troops" bumper stickers on their cars around Philadelphia - only about 2% of cars had those stickers. There was a commercial showing every house on the block with American flag on their house - in reality only about 2% of homes had or have American flags displayed. If I would create a poll on the political forum it would not accurately reflect this, because many here are seeking career in politics weather they admit it or not, and there is no career in politics if you do not kiss up to the establishment, of which the military is a part of.
Is US. military responsible for American greatness? No, American military is only responsible for destruction of other nations which makes America look better than the rest of the world. There are no successful nations left in the world that are not controlled by international bankers, which controls the governments, which controls the US military - nations which are not controlled by international bankers are being systematically destroyed through out history as they rise to success.
As an average laborer, am I better than the US military? No, like military men I serve my customers who pay me money before serving my country.


The beautiful part about US Military is that they fight, die, and give limbs so that fux and pos like this can be spewed across the free US-MILITARY made Internet. Keep on serving your customer.
Just as I was typing this a minute ago, a breaking news showed up on CNN (image below)

Why do people join the military? - for career, for money, for benefits.
Why do politicians and political pundits on the media and political forums support the military? Politicians support military because military serves the interests of politicians, when militiamen such as those in Nevada protect an American rancher, they are called terrorists, not military. Family members support their kids in the military because they understand that military is their career, their paycheck, their retirement, and that without military most of their kids would be leeches to society like the welfare class is officially. When USSR collapsed, most of the military quickly turned into mafia and gangsters, American military volunteers are no different. if they would be, they would have protected tens of millions of American families who were losing their homes to non other than the banks which were baled out by the government who then used the bail out money to give bonuses to their CEO's.
What percentage of American society actually support the military? Much less than is made believe by the propaganda on TV. at the height of American patriotism in late 2001/2002 I used to count percentage of cars that had the "support our troops" bumper stickers on their cars around Philadelphia - only about 2% of cars had those stickers. There was a commercial showing every house on the block with American flag on their house - in reality only about 2% of homes had or have American flags displayed. If I would create a poll on the political forum it would not accurately reflect this, because many here are seeking career in politics weather they admit it or not, and there is no career in politics if you do not kiss up to the establishment, of which the military is a part of.
Is US. military responsible for American greatness? No, American military is only responsible for destruction of other nations which makes America look better than the rest of the world. There are no successful nations left in the world that are not controlled by international bankers, which controls the governments, which controls the US military - nations which are not controlled by international bankers are being systematically destroyed through out history as they rise to success.
As an average laborer, am I better than the US military? No, like military men I serve my customers who pay me money before serving my country.


The beautiful part about US Military is that they fight, die, and give limbs so that fux and pos like this can be spewed across the free US-MILITARY made Internet. Keep on serving your customer.
My/our internet is not free, and there is nothing beautiful about being insulted on every turn for merely speaking the truth, notably often by the same people who feel entitled and even obligated to insult their own president in order to justify their own hypocrisy.

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