What is an "assault rifle"?

The second amendment isn't so much about weapons, but a well regulated militia's right to protect themselves. Perhaps we should make gun ownership contingent on being a member of a militia. So sign me up. NO problem there. So where do we sign up? What Militia do you recommend?

According to the Guncrazies, I am a gun grabber. But I think what you suggest is going a bit too far. But don't tell the guncrazies I said that, they will never believe you, they are insane, you know.
I don't know. I am conflicted as hell on this issue. Guns are like computers or cars, people abuse them. Its people that abuse anything and everything. So with computers we get the latest software to protect us from malware or scams, cars are getting more sophisticated and self driving. But guns? Shooting up a preschool full of children at Sandyhook or a Texas Wal-Mart targeting Hispanics, not exactly what the second amendment was framed for.

I am a moderate. I don't hold for gun grabbing. I don't hold for more guns. I don't claim the shootings will stop, they won't. But I do say we must do what we can to minimize them. If we can't stop them then we need to minimize the body count. One thing all of them in the last few years have in common is one weapon. We don't have to gather them up. We just need to remove the cult status of it like we did in Colorado. Do a search for the gun regulations in Colorado and see how that was done.

It used to be that the Gun Shops couldn't keep cheap junk ARs on the shelves. They flew off. But as of 2013, that all changed. All of a sudden due to some simple firearms regulations that didn't really affect almost anyone the cult was broken. Today, go into any gun shop and you will see a rack full of them and they are bargain basement priced, some as lost as 299.95. They are gathering dust. But the MINI-14 and others are back to being good sellers as well as the Model 600 and 700s, Model 70s, and other hunting rifles. Handguns are still very popular. The Glock is selling well as are the others. The venerable 1911A1s from Colt, Remington and others also well real well. But the 20, 30 and 40 round mags are gone so the 1911 all of a sudden got popular again. Again, the cult was broken. I prefer a wheel gun myself. I don't feel the need for anything more than 6 shots from a 38 special (it's actually a Model 19 357 mag loaded with Norma 38 specials). I have two speed loaders only because I can have. Let's face it, in the event I need the gun, I won't grab the reloads, I'll grab the gun and whatever it's loaded with is what I will have at my disposal. If I can't discourage you with 6, you can have whatever you can cart off. But I won't be chasing after you. I will be slowly backing away making sure everyone is secure. The TV isn't worth anyone life. Only a life is worth a life.

So I am a gun grabber that owns guns. And doesn't hold grabbing guns. Sshhhh, don't tell the guncrazies that, they won't believe you because they are just plain insane.
Nice try. That's makes the 200lbs of Nitrate Fertilizer in the Van look like a walk in the park and that only works in France, not the US.
That's why I specifically stated bio-weapons in general, not just anthrax.
(Nice try)
In Guinea, it took nearly three months for health officials and their international partners to identify the Ebola virus

Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment

And we don't let it get out of the Airport Terminal. If you wish live in an area with those kinds of problems, I suggest you pack your bags and move there. I'll even drive you to the Airport as long as you denounce your Citizenship in America before you leave.
....not exactly what the second amendment was framed for.
But it's why the media propaganda is framing it for you.
Nice Segway. But no. I voted or Trump. I get it. I see the power of like Mmm Gay PACS and their lawyers buy out common sense, Its like that like that. I see the NRA bought out American voters and common sense. Just how stupid do theses PACS think we are? Enough is enough.

Wow, you stood right up and admitted to voting for Trump. Danged, lately, that really takes nerve. Around here, the NRA became a dirty word when it costs the state of Colorado over 3 million bucks defending our newly voted in Gun Regulations. That costs us books for schools, roads, bridges and more. The good part is, it also cost the NRA 3 million to sue and you notice they are in serious trouble financially now. Frivolous lawsuits,. there should be a law where the loser pays.
The second amendment isn't so much about weapons, but a well regulated militia's right to protect themselves. Perhaps we should make gun ownership contingent on being a member of a militia. So sign me up. NO problem there. So where do we sign up? What Militia do you recommend?

According to the Guncrazies, I am a gun grabber. But I think what you suggest is going a bit too far. But don't tell the guncrazies I said that, they will never believe you, they are insane, you know.
I don't know. I am conflicted as hell on this issue. Guns are like computers or cars, people abuse them. Its people that abuse anything and everything. So with computers we get the latest software to protect us from malware or scams, cars are getting more sophisticated and self driving. But guns? Shooting up a preschool full of children at Sandyhook or a Texas Wal-Mart targeting Hispanics, not exactly what the second amendment was framed for.

I am a moderate. I don't hold for gun grabbing. I don't hold for more guns. I don't claim the shootings will stop, they won't. But I do say we must do what we can to minimize them. If we can't stop them then we need to minimize the body count. One thing all of them in the last few years have in common is one weapon. We don't have to gather them up. We just need to remove the cult status of it like we did in Colorado. Do a search for the gun regulations in Colorado and see how that was done.

It used to be that the Gun Shops couldn't keep cheap junk ARs on the shelves. They flew off. But as of 2013, that all changed. All of a sudden due to some simple firearms regulations that didn't really affect almost anyone the cult was broken. Today, go into any gun shop and you will see a rack full of them and they are bargain basement priced, some as lost as 299.95. They are gathering dust. But the MINI-14 and others are back to being good sellers as well as the Model 600 and 700s, Model 70s, and other hunting rifles. Handguns are still very popular. The Glock is selling well as are the others. The venerable 1911A1s from Colt, Remington and others also well real well. But the 20, 30 and 40 round mags are gone so the 1911 all of a sudden got popular again. Again, the cult was broken. I prefer a wheel gun myself. I don't feel the need for anything more than 6 shots from a 38 special (it's actually a Model 19 357 mag loaded with Norma 38 specials). I have two speed loaders only because I can have. Let's face it, in the event I need the gun, I won't grab the reloads, I'll grab the gun and whatever it's loaded with is what I will have at my disposal. If I can't discourage you with 6, you can have whatever you can cart off. But I won't be chasing after you. I will be slowly backing away making sure everyone is secure. The TV isn't worth anyone life. Only a life is worth a life.

So I am a gun grabber that owns guns. And doesn't hold grabbing guns. Sshhhh, don't tell the guncrazies that, they won't believe you because they are just plain insane.
I am a moderate too. I (despite my hyperbole) I think guns are really cool. Ever had a gun pointed at you? I have, its really unnerving. Last night there was gun fight down the street. Pop Pop pop over a dozen times. Those where not well regulated militia men fighting oppression. Far from it. What it really was? You tell me....
Nice try. That's makes the 200lbs of Nitrate Fertilizer in the Van look like a walk in the park and that only works in France, not the US.
That's why I specifically stated bio-weapons in general, not just anthrax.
(Nice try)
In Guinea, it took nearly three months for health officials and their international partners to identify the Ebola virus

Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment

And we don't let it get out of the Airport Terminal. If you wish live in an area with those kinds of problems, I suggest you pack your bags and move there. I'll even drive you to the Airport as long as you denounce your Citizenship in America before you leave.
Are you ignorant or just trying to fuck with me ??
It was an analogy, in the first place and now you're putting words in my mouth.
Watch it pal.
The second amendment isn't so much about weapons, but a well regulated militia's right to protect themselves. Perhaps we should make gun ownership contingent on being a member of a militia. So sign me up. NO problem there. So where do we sign up? What Militia do you recommend?

According to the Guncrazies, I am a gun grabber. But I think what you suggest is going a bit too far. But don't tell the guncrazies I said that, they will never believe you, they are insane, you know.
I don't know. I am conflicted as hell on this issue. Guns are like computers or cars, people abuse them. Its people that abuse anything and everything. So with computers we get the latest software to protect us from malware or scams, cars are getting more sophisticated and self driving. But guns? Shooting up a preschool full of children at Sandyhook or a Texas Wal-Mart targeting Hispanics, not exactly what the second amendment was framed for.

I am a moderate. I don't hold for gun grabbing. I don't hold for more guns. I don't claim the shootings will stop, they won't. But I do say we must do what we can to minimize them. If we can't stop them then we need to minimize the body count. One thing all of them in the last few years have in common is one weapon. We don't have to gather them up. We just need to remove the cult status of it like we did in Colorado. Do a search for the gun regulations in Colorado and see how that was done.

It used to be that the Gun Shops couldn't keep cheap junk ARs on the shelves. They flew off. But as of 2013, that all changed. All of a sudden due to some simple firearms regulations that didn't really affect almost anyone the cult was broken. Today, go into any gun shop and you will see a rack full of them and they are bargain basement priced, some as lost as 299.95. They are gathering dust. But the MINI-14 and others are back to being good sellers as well as the Model 600 and 700s, Model 70s, and other hunting rifles. Handguns are still very popular. The Glock is selling well as are the others. The venerable 1911A1s from Colt, Remington and others also well real well. But the 20, 30 and 40 round mags are gone so the 1911 all of a sudden got popular again. Again, the cult was broken. I prefer a wheel gun myself. I don't feel the need for anything more than 6 shots from a 38 special (it's actually a Model 19 357 mag loaded with Norma 38 specials). I have two speed loaders only because I can have. Let's face it, in the event I need the gun, I won't grab the reloads, I'll grab the gun and whatever it's loaded with is what I will have at my disposal. If I can't discourage you with 6, you can have whatever you can cart off. But I won't be chasing after you. I will be slowly backing away making sure everyone is secure. The TV isn't worth anyone life. Only a life is worth a life.

So I am a gun grabber that owns guns. And doesn't hold grabbing guns. Sshhhh, don't tell the guncrazies that, they won't believe you because they are just plain insane.
I am a moderate too. I (despite my hyperbole) I think guns are really cool. Ever had a gun pointed at you? I have, its really unnerving. Last night there was gun fight down the street. Pop Pop pop over a dozen times. Those where not well regulated militia men fighting oppression. Far from it. What it really was? You tell me....

I am retired Military. I am well versed in weapons of all kinds. And what you are talking about is the difference between a Organized Militia and an Unorganized Militia. An Unorganized Militia is a bunch of gunnuters running around with guns. An Organized Militia would be the State Defense Force of State Militia or the Cops or the National Guard when not Federalized. Those others that call themselves the "Militia" are just gunnuters running around the woods wearing green pickle suits playing with guns. And they bear watching closely.
Nice try. That's makes the 200lbs of Nitrate Fertilizer in the Van look like a walk in the park and that only works in France, not the US.
That's why I specifically stated bio-weapons in general, not just anthrax.
(Nice try)
In Guinea, it took nearly three months for health officials and their international partners to identify the Ebola virus

Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment

And we don't let it get out of the Airport Terminal. If you wish live in an area with those kinds of problems, I suggest you pack your bags and move there. I'll even drive you to the Airport as long as you denounce your Citizenship in America before you leave.
Are you ignorant or just trying to fuck with me ??
It was an analogy, in the first place and now you're putting words in my mouth.
Watch it pal.
I really like having assholes shooting at each other like this is the wild west or something. Last night we had a gunfight down the street. OPPS! If out forefathers were alive now they would go: Wait a minute! This isn't what we meant by arming a well regulated militia. Thomas Jefferson would rethink the Second amendment if only...
Organized militias are out of the loop here.Who is organizing them and who's regulating them? Back in the innocent days of 1965 and the Texas tower shooter. That guy had a brain tumor and all the background checks in the world would never have caught it. Um, that speaks to the issue now.
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Organized militias are out of the loop here.Who is organizing them and who's regulating them? Back in the innocent days of 1965 and the Texas tower shooter. That guy had a brain tumor and all the background checks in the world would never have caught it. Um, that speaks to the issue now.

This is why the Red Flag laws are so important along with universal background checks. One without the other probably won't work as effective. Waiting on the barrage on that statement.
Any semi auto rifle which can use large capacity magazines.


Is it? They sure have proven capable of killing lots of people really fast. Call them what you want, but semi auto rifles which can use large capacity magazines must be banned.

thats exactly what every dictator in history said and did right before they killed millions of people
And? We have checks and balances. You think our military would throw out the constitution and follow a dictator? You insult them.
You think the military would throw out the Constitution and enforce a ban of firearms ? Because it would take the military to enforce such a ban.
Any semi auto rifle which can use large capacity magazines.


Is it? They sure have proven capable of killing lots of people really fast. Call them what you want, but semi auto rifles which can use large capacity magazines must be banned.

thats exactly what every dictator in history said and did right before they killed millions of people
And? We have checks and balances. You think our military would throw out the constitution and follow a dictator? You insult them.
You think the military would throw out the Constitution and enforce a ban of firearms ? Because it would take the military to enforce such a ban.

The Military would do nothing. You keep thinking the Military, one day, will rise up and do your bidding. Turn that damned TV off.
and once again, another mass shooting, several more useless threads with the same people saying the same thing. again. and again. and again. and once again.

we still can't define an assault rifle to the point where it doesn't interfere with almost every other "semi-automatic" rifle out there.
a few people and how cute. it simply proves the point that you can't do it.
and then we invariably fall to the "we don't want all your guns" people to have to say they all need to go then if we can't define them. on queue, that fires up the gun advocates to say SEE WE TOLD YOU.

rinse / repeat.

it's a forgone conclusion *something* needs to change. *what* is our main driver. there are some studies out there to find the commonalities of the shooters and try to figure out what is setting them off. what is happening in our culture that is making young white males go so crazy these days?

if we're to create laws, they need to address what is found and what can be done to stop it. simply passing more laws or banning guns of one sort or another does not address the core issue. if these people feel the need to act out in a violent manner, that is not going to go away because you removed a type of gun. we've seen far too many mass killings with knives, vehicles, planes into buildings and so forth.

more laws won't address the core issue. at best, it could just change how it's carried out and who is impacted with these life changes. i simply don't see how that is any better.

we need to take our focus off the tools used to express the anger and figure out why the anger is there.
Nice try. That's makes the 200lbs of Nitrate Fertilizer in the Van look like a walk in the park and that only works in France, not the US.
That's why I specifically stated bio-weapons in general, not just anthrax.
(Nice try)
In Guinea, it took nearly three months for health officials and their international partners to identify the Ebola virus

Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment

And we don't let it get out of the Airport Terminal. If you wish live in an area with those kinds of problems, I suggest you pack your bags and move there. I'll even drive you to the Airport as long as you denounce your Citizenship in America before you leave.
Are you ignorant or just trying to fuck with me ??
It was an analogy, in the first place and now you're putting words in my mouth.
Watch it pal.
I really like having assholes shooting at each other like this is the wild west or something. Last night we had a gunfight down the street. OPPS! If out forefathers were alive now they would go: Wait a minute! This isn't what we meant by arming a well regulated militia. Thomas Jefferson would rethink the Second amendment if only...
Move out of the shitty area you live in
How is giving up the right to protect myself and my family at home
going to get guns off the streets and away from the criminals ?

That being said, I'm not sure what to make of this ;
As of 2012, there are an estimated 2.5–3.7 million rifles from just the AR-15 family of rifles in civilian use in the United States; the total number of assault weapons in the United States among all types is not known, and can not be known because of the different definitions in different jurisdictions...
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Nice try. That's makes the 200lbs of Nitrate Fertilizer in the Van look like a walk in the park and that only works in France, not the US.
That's why I specifically stated bio-weapons in general, not just anthrax.
(Nice try)
In Guinea, it took nearly three months for health officials and their international partners to identify the Ebola virus

Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment

And we don't let it get out of the Airport Terminal. If you wish live in an area with those kinds of problems, I suggest you pack your bags and move there. I'll even drive you to the Airport as long as you denounce your Citizenship in America before you leave.
Are you ignorant or just trying to fuck with me ??
It was an analogy, in the first place and now you're putting words in my mouth.
Watch it pal.
I really like having assholes shooting at each other like this is the wild west or something. Last night we had a gunfight down the street. OPPS! If out forefathers were alive now they would go: Wait a minute! This isn't what we meant by arming a well regulated militia. Thomas Jefferson would rethink the Second amendment if only...
and a little further down the street someone was driving drunk. beating up their spouse. doing a lot of things that people legally do with the world around us. removing tools of expression simply changes the tool used to express.
How is giving up the right to protect myself and my family at home
going to get guns off the streets and away from the criminals ?

That being said, I'm not sure what to make of this ;
As of 2012, there are an estimated 2.5–3.7 million rifles from just the AR-15 family of rifles in civilian use in the United States; the total number of assault weapons in the United States among all types is not known, and can not be known because of the different definitions in different jurisdictions...
like many have said - there is no clear cut definition of what constitutes an "assault" rifle. it's a scary term the media made up / stole from the original "assault" german rifle and we all get caught in semantics vs. trying to fix the problem.

violent anger in our society.

limit high capacity mags: what about the millions already out there? what about simply putting (3) 15 round mags together and move 'em over in a matter of seconds? what is this *really* doing other than giving off an illusion of effort? you will never get all that have them now to turn them in so you can ban them sure. this will add "illegal use of high capacity mag" to their mass killing rap sheet. i just don't see how that can be effective.

ban bump stocks: sure. have at it. they'll use a rubber band instead.

rate of fire: like all semi-automatic weapons, it fires as fast as you pull the trigger. here's where the anti-gun crowd starts to realize it's not as simple as they try to make it and instead of digging in to understand, the emotions fan out and now want all semi-automatic guns gone.

so you show them a video of a dude with a revolver getting off 12 shots in under 4 seconds. this is where the anti-gun crowd will usually start saying you advocate killing kids.
It's the same weapon except that one can fire full auto
The gun-grabbers KNOW this, but it doesn't serve their purpose so they ignore it. It's easier to raise public fear by comparing cosmetic features rather than actual function. It's a very dishonest approach, but one that is very normal for them.
It's the same weapon except that one can fire full auto
The gun-grabbers KNOW this, but it doesn't serve their purpose so they ignore it. It's easier to raise public fear by comparing cosmetic features rather than actual function. It's a very dishonest approach, but one that is very normal for them.
Know what?

That an AR-15 is just as deadly as an M-4/M-16? That they are essentially the same weapon?

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