What is an "assault rifle"?

A vial of anthrax is an assault rifle × 1,000,000.

So is a good old fashioned flash flood. But it's tough to get one of those to rampantly run though a school full of school children.
That's not the case with a vile of anthrax.
Use your imagination - airports, subway stations, hospitals, -- in 2 weeks there could be a global epidemic before we knew what hit us much less figure out how it happened. Any number of bioweapons out there....just ask our DOD. Rumsfeld's Gilead Sciences made a fortune on the Tamiflu patent .
Is one of these an "assault rifle"? If so, which one?
thankfully the 2nd amendment covers both
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Well. HMM. Second Amendment was written 1791 as part of the bill of rights. And the most powerful firearm at that time? Naval brass cannons. But mostly muzzle loading firearms that took a bit of time to reload... Clean the barrel. Then put in the wadding, then take out the powder , and so many other steps. We also had mental illness since Adam, but only since we made guns so efficient do we get mad men threatening us. No, not the weapons fault. Its on US. So, lets rethink the necessity of the 2nd Amendment.
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Is one of these an "assault rifle"? If so, which one?
thankfully the 2nd amendment covers both
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Well. HMM. Second Amendment was written 1791 as part of the bill of rights. And the most powerful firearm at that time? Naval brass cannons. The Puckle gun. But mostly muzzle loading firearms that took a bit of time to reload... Clean the barrel. Then put in the wadding, then take out the powder , and so many other steps. We also had mental illness since Adam, but only since we made guns so efficient do we get mad men threatening us. No, not the weapons fault. Its on US. So, lets rethink the necessity of the 2nd Amendment.
Damn right. Read about George Washington and ask ourselves what would he do ?
Cowards would have run back to the King and bailed on the Minutemen, like Beto and the so-called 'progressive' Democrats..
A vial of anthrax is an assault rifle × 1,000,000.

So is a good old fashioned flash flood. But it's tough to get one of those to rampantly run though a school full of school children.
That's not the case with a vile of anthrax.

Actually, it's tougher than you think. You know, "Think". Using ones grey matter? And Anthrax is curable. But a bullet through the head is rarely curable.
The second amendment isn't so much about weapons, but a well regulated militia's right to protect themselves. Perhaps we should make gun ownership contingent on being a member of a militia. So sign me up. NO problem there. So where do we sign up? What Militia do you recommend?
Fuck yourself then jerk off and explain the difference between a military assault rifle and a civilian one
There are no civilian assault rifles, dumbass.

There is also no civilian ARs either. I don't like the term assault weapon. I use the term "Weapon of War" because that is exactly what it was designed for. Every inch of it.
A vial of anthrax is an assault rifle × 1,000,000.

So is a good old fashioned flash flood. But it's tough to get one of those to rampantly run though a school full of school children.
That's not the case with a vile of anthrax.
Use your imagination - airports, subway stations, hospitals, -- in 2 weeks there could be a global epidemic before we knew what hit us much less figure out how it happened. Any number of bioweapons out there....just ask our DOD. Rumsfeld's Gilead Sciences made a fortune on the Tamiflu patent .

Within a couple of hours they will know exactly where it came from. Do you know who or what would have to be used to produce weapons grade Anthrax that you are saying would be used? The list is so limited. And to do what you are saying, it will have to be weapons grade. Otherwise, it's more an annoyance than an epidemic.
The second amendment isn't so much about weapons, but a well regulated militia's right to protect themselves. Perhaps we should make gun ownership contingent on being a member of a militia. So sign me up. NO problem there. So where do we sign up? What Militia do you recommend?

According to the Guncrazies, I am a gun grabber. But I think what you suggest is going a bit too far. But don't tell the guncrazies I said that, they will never believe you, they are insane, you know.
Within a couple of hours they will know exactly where it came from. Do you know who or what would have to be used to produce weapons grade Anthrax that you are saying would be used? The list is so limited. And to do what you are saying, it will have to be weapons grade. Otherwise, it's more an annoyance than an epidemic.
Not if it's a virus that spreads undetected for up to 2 weeks or more.
You never saw Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman ?
In Guinea, it took nearly three months for health officials and their international partners to identify the Ebola virus

Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment
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Fuck yourself then jerk off and explain the difference between a military assault rifle and a civilian one
The capability of burst and fully automatic fire

As has been stated umpteen times

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Just throwing this out here: ( IE:Second Amendment) big question WHO is going to regulate the militia? Its very ambiguous. God? Gingers? Republicans? Democrats? NRA? Doesn't that sort of open the door to ambiguity? I leave it at that.
A vial of anthrax is an assault rifle × 1,000,000.

So is a good old fashioned flash flood. But it's tough to get one of those to rampantly run though a school full of school children.
That's not the case with a vile of anthrax.
Use your imagination - airports, subway stations, hospitals, -- in 2 weeks there could be a global epidemic before we knew what hit us much less figure out how it happened. Any number of bioweapons out there....just ask our DOD. Rumsfeld's Gilead Sciences made a fortune on the Tamiflu patent .

Within a couple of hours they will know exactly where it came from. Do you know who or what would have to be used to produce weapons grade Anthrax that you are saying would be used? The list is so limited. And to do what you are saying, it will have to be weapons grade. Otherwise, it's more an annoyance than an epidemic.
Not if it's a virus that spreads undetected for up to 2 weeks.

Incubation period when exposed to Military Grade Anthrax is one to 2 days. It's not contagious. That will give them enough time to quarantine. Once that is done, there is a 45% chance of death if you have allowed it to go the full 2 weeks incubation. If it's caught quickly, it isn't any more serious than a common cold. On a battlefield, it's more an incompacitator rather than a killer. When your entire unit is coughing, sneezing, getting rashes and more at the same time, they are out of combat. And it's going to take time to get them over it. Finding out where it came from is actually pretty easy. Every lab capable of making the Weapons grade Anthrax leaves a trace. it's usually a University, Advanced Lab, Military or a Government Lab. Once they locate the source, all resources in the WORLD will be used to find out how it got out of those facilities and who used it. It's going to be a matter of a few hours. This is why Anthrax is not the weapon of choice by anyone. It's too hard to get, too hard to transfer, too hard to use (getting anthrax yourself isn't a plan) and it's too hard to dispense in a large enough area to do that much damage. And you won't get away with it.

Nice try. That's makes the 200lbs of Nitrate Fertilizer in the Van look like a walk in the park and that only works in France, not the US.
The second amendment isn't so much about weapons, but a well regulated militia's right to protect themselves. Perhaps we should make gun ownership contingent on being a member of a militia. So sign me up. NO problem there. So where do we sign up? What Militia do you recommend?

According to the Guncrazies, I am a gun grabber. But I think what you suggest is going a bit too far. But don't tell the guncrazies I said that, they will never believe you, they are insane, you know.
I don't know. I am conflicted as hell on this issue. Guns are like computers or cars, people abuse them. Its people that abuse anything and everything. So with computers we get the latest software to protect us from malware or scams, cars are getting more sophisticated and self driving. But guns? Shooting up a preschool full of children at Sandyhook or a Texas Wal-Mart targeting Hispanics, not exactly what the second amendment was framed for.
....not exactly what the second amendment was framed for.
But it's why the media propaganda is framing it for you.
Nice Segway. But no. I voted or Trump. I get it. I see the power of like Mmm Gay PACS and their lawyers buy out common sense, Its like that like that. I see the NRA bought out American voters and common sense. Just how stupid do theses PACS think we are? Enough is enough.

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