What is happening to Trump's "best economy in history"?

No, it's a fact, dear.

I know that shit burns.

Don't listen to a progressive, especially G5000. They lie, they're ignorant and/or they're intellectually dishonest. If you're G5000, then you're a useless troll as well.
So you deny reality. Just like I always say. Willfully blind monkeys.

What you read or hear is your reality but my reality is based on what I can see first hand.

I agree. What I see is an economy doing pretty damned well.

Yep, doing about the same as it has been for the last 6 years, though signs of slowing are popping up more and more.

It was bound to happen, we are just a few months shy of the longest period of economic expansion in the history of our county. Our financial system was designed to fail on a regular basis as part of a system of control.

Oh I do expect it to slow. As you know that's how economies work.

Sure hope it picks up again and continues to do well.
Stock Market Analysis: Dow Jones Close 1/20/09 - Stock Market Closing Prices

The Dow closed at 7,949.09 the day Obama was inaugurated.

Stock Market Analysis: Dow Jones Close 11/29/10 - Stock Market Closing Prices

The Dow closed at 11,052.22 on November 29, 2010.

That's a growth of 39.04 percent.

STOCKS CLIMB: Here's what you need to know | Markets Insider

The Dow closed at 19,827.25 on January 20, 2017.

The Dow is currently at 24,563.20.

That's a growth of 23.89 percent.

Despite Trump being elected on third base, he is trailing Obama BIGLY.

That's a growth of 39.04 percent.

And here it comes.

The amazing bullshit TardLogic which says a President who comes into office with the economy running off a cliff and bleeding 600,000 jobs a month had it easier than a retard who was elected on third base with a booming economy.

Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
That's a growth of 39.04 percent.

And here it comes.

The amazing bullshit TardLogic which says a President who comes into office with the economy running off a cliff and bleeding 600,000 jobs a month had it easier than a retard who was elected on third base with a booming economy.

They’re such imbeciles.

To trump’s credit though, he has not yet fucked up the economy he was handed.
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
The Dow sure tanked as trump policy really took effect.
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
If this tariff business isn't resolved soon it's going to hurt Higher prices and lay offs imo
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

Actually those without a savings cushion are lucky in that they're avoiding taking the losses that those of us with investments have been suffering.
GM just announced a lay off of 15,000 jobs.
GM to layoff nearly 15,000 workers in North America

Housing boom is slowing and ending in some places:
The U.S. Housing Boom Is Coming to an End, Starting in Dallas

Oil prices are threatening U.S. drillers
Oil’s Tumble Threatens U.S. Shale Drillers

Stock market keeps dropping
Dow: Why stocks keep dropping - CNN

Oh yeah! It's OK because the unemployment level is so low. Lots of people working 2-3 jobs driving Uber and flipping burgers, but still don't have 6 months in savings in case of emergency.

Thanks, Trump!

DETROIT (AP – UPDATE) – General Motors will lay off 14,700 factory and white-collar workers in North America and put five plants up for possible closure as it restructures to cut costs and focus more on autonomous and electric vehicles.

The reduction includes 8,100 white-collar workers, some of whom will take buyouts and others who will be laid off. Most of the affected factories build cars that won’t be sold in the U.S. after next year. They could close or they could get different vehicles to build. They will be part of contract talks with the United Auto Workers union next year.

Plants without products include assembly plants in Detroit; Lordstown, Ohio; and Oshawa, Ontario. Also affected are transmission factories in Warren, Michigan, as well as Baltimore.

About 6,000 factory workers could lose jobs in the U.S. and Canada, although some could transfer to truck plants.

So with so many jobs out there conceivably these persons could land elsewhere. The car industry is evolving. Are you going to blame Trump because there aren't anymore typewriter or encyclopedia sales people?

-- Housing boom --- with rates rising fewer people will qualify for mortgages it is basic math. Trump doesn't control the Fed.

-- Lower oil prices is great for everyday people who rely on it for gas in cars and to heat homes. Shale oil drillers do suffer but that is a minority compared to the majority that benefits.

-- Stocks and bonds have an inverse relationship. The market was over inflated. Rising interest rates will push investors towards bonds and away from equities. Under BHO the Fed never raised rates so to get their return investors had to put $$ into equities.

Not sure what the OP was trying to state but he just made himself look very uninformed.

Good post stating mostly the obvious....there are a few naysayers above who know better but choose take sides with their tribe....

You beat me to it.

One of the failed plants makes the now defunct VOLT ....which was always a lemon and had a larger carbon footprint than 90 percent of it's hydrocarbon competitors.....what we are seeing is the catharsis of bad policy dying off and giving way to good policy...more or less like an economic weed wacker cleaning up the lawn and making way for new grass seed. The Transition will not be painless. The Trade war with China is about to begin and it too will not be painless....freeing oneself from handcuffs without the key always hurts but it's always worth it.

The OP is a political demagogue repeating mostly the talking points of the day that they get from lefty central .com somewhere over the rainbow of common sense and intelligence. Additionally they tend to forget that a good economy for Wall Street is often different from a good economy for main street....so we can actually have a dual effect...one getting better while the other portends to be decaying....Very rarely do they rise together. It just so happens that GM stock took a pretty good bump up because of the streamlining of non contributing expenses. The high fivers who posted under the OP are probably totally ignorant of economics.

Last edited:
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
The Dow sure tanked as trump policy really took effect.
I've been busy with work and have little knowledge of the ups and downs of the past week or two. If the bottom falls out then we have a problem but how long have we been on an upward trajectory without any major corrections that weren't regained?
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
The Dow sure tanked as trump policy really took effect.
I've been busy with work and have little knowledge of the ups and downs of the past week or two. If the bottom falls out then we have a problem but how long have we been on an upward trajectory without any major corrections that weren't regained?
I think we are back to where we were in 2017...
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
If this tariff business isn't resolved soon it's going to hurt Higher prices and lay offs imo
Possibly. If it fails the that's on Trump for challenging China so aggressively and getting called on it by them. China is banking on you "the left" to cause enough stink that we capitulate before they have to. Trump is taking a calculated risk.
We shall see if it pays off or not. Will you be as eager to give him the credit as you are the blame if China blinks?
Here is a screen grab from the Wallstreet Journal

Screenshot_20181127-153238_Samsung Internet.jpg

Looks quite volatile and based on the daily headlines it looks to be thanks to oil and Tech mostly.
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
If this tariff business isn't resolved soon it's going to hurt Higher prices and lay offs imo
Possibly. If it fails the that's on Trump for challenging China so aggressively and getting called on it by them. China is banking on you "the left" to cause enough stink that we capitulate before they have to. Trump is taking a calculated risk.
We shall see if it pays off or not. Will you be as eager to give him the credit as you are the blame if China blinks?
I certainly will While I despise the man he must be given credit where credit is due Just don't get his 100mph charge into the delicate situation
Small business owner here in KC. From everything I can see the economy is rocking right along. Housing starts/remodels always slow in the winter months. I've had one major remodel after another for nearly a year now.
Can't speak to car sales obviously but black Friday numbers will be in shortly and that will be a good gauge of consumer confidence.

Perhaps the left shouldn't celebrate the demise of the US economy so soon. Reserve your happiness for when real misery hits.
Who will gramps and trump blame??

Another Warning Sign That the U.S. Economy Will Slow Next Yearupdated 3 hours ago
U.S. Stocks Mixed as Investors Weigh Trade, Retail: Markets Wrap
Missing Word in Fed Vice Chair Speech Creates Some Mystery on Rates
Fed Balance Sheet in Focus: These Are the Market Clues to Watch
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
If this tariff business isn't resolved soon it's going to hurt Higher prices and lay offs imo
Possibly. If it fails the that's on Trump for challenging China so aggressively and getting called on it by them. China is banking on you "the left" to cause enough stink that we capitulate before they have to. Trump is taking a calculated risk.
We shall see if it pays off or not. Will you be as eager to give him the credit as you are the blame if China blinks?
I certainly will While I despise the man he must be given credit where credit is due Just don't get his 100mph charge into the delicate situation
Then there's this
GM Layoffs Show Even President Trump Can't Stop Market Forces44 minutes ago
Trump Threatens to End GM Electric-Car Subsidies
GM's Factory Closings Cast Pall Over Finances of Rust Belt Towns
Ohio GM Workers Voted for Trump. Now They Want Him to ‘Step Up’
If it tanks on Trumps watch then he may very well be to blame if it is his policies causing the dive. Blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs if we are to take note not to make the same mistakes in the future.
If this tariff business isn't resolved soon it's going to hurt Higher prices and lay offs imo
Possibly. If it fails the that's on Trump for challenging China so aggressively and getting called on it by them. China is banking on you "the left" to cause enough stink that we capitulate before they have to. Trump is taking a calculated risk.
We shall see if it pays off or not. Will you be as eager to give him the credit as you are the blame if China blinks?
I certainly will While I despise the man he must be given credit where credit is due Just don't get his 100mph charge into the delicate situation
Then there's this
GM Layoffs Show Even President Trump Can't Stop Market Forces44 minutes ago
Trump Threatens to End GM Electric-Car Subsidies
GM's Factory Closings Cast Pall Over Finances of Rust Belt Towns
Ohio GM Workers Voted for Trump. Now They Want Him to ‘Step Up’
I will respond if and when the economy tanks but not based on political propaganda news articles. For instance I don't know shit about the car business so they could be telling 100% truth or partial truth with a twisted spin for political biases. Either way I couldn't tell the difference so I will stick to reacting from actual results.
Don't listen to a progressive, especially G5000. They lie, they're ignorant and/or they're intellectually dishonest. If you're G5000, then you're a useless troll as well.
So you deny reality. Just like I always say. Willfully blind monkeys.

What you read or hear is your reality but my reality is based on what I can see first hand.

I agree. What I see is an economy doing pretty damned well.
Best it's been since Bush left office

Yet all the lefty loons see nothing but a disaster. Idiots.

Hope we see even more improvement.
even more improvement?

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