What is it about a college education that...........?

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Most people do not learn the rigorous art of rationality until they are actually taught it. Most high schools do not teach analytical thinking, it's probably against the rules in red states.
So true. In fact critical thinking, thinking on one's feet, problem solving and enlarging one's paradigm are all discouraged.
IN some high school districts, achievement is even discouraged as some have dumped the Valedictorian and Salutatorian awards. Even the National Honor Society in some cases has been eschewed.....
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

College campuses are now bastions of repressive, fascist group think. It is the reason why alumni donations have plummeted in the last five years Declining Alumni Giving: What’s happening? Why is it happening? And, what can we do about it? | Giving USA. Why the value of college degrees are plummeting at the same time tuition is sky rocketing.

It really is horrible on college campuses, and we've quickly reached the tipping point. What has happened in academia, the fact that comedians won't even play on campuses, is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.
When US Universities are handing out about one million degrees each year, the value of those degrees is diminished.
You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

I got the typical "social contract" argument. The social contract doesn't involve one group constantly getting something they don't have because the other group has it.
What does a social contract have to do with a lie?

WaitingFor2020 is the one that claimed the social contract included someone that wasn't a kid's parent was responsible for funding college for that kid if the kid's actual parents wouldn't do it.
That's Liberal nonsense.
Provide an environment for learning a trade and saving up to go to college.

There is a technical college close to where I live. It offers AA degrees, certification programs for trade like plumbing, electrical, and HVAC, and non degree/certificate programs for people wanting to better themselves.

The AA degree is 64 - 68 hours for most programs. Jobs that are available, and many are placed before graduating, pay well. The total costs, according to the school's website, is between $6 - $7,000 dollars depending on the exact number of hours. The school heavily applies lottery money and in county residents get a better price because local property taxes offset the costs of the school. Not much of an investment for the return.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

Liberal indoctrination camps.
Most people do not learn the rigorous art of rationality until they are actually taught it. Most high schools do not teach analytical thinking, it's probably against the rules in red states.

In order for one to think analytically, there must first be something in one's head about which to think analytically.

Now consider the product produced by public system, particularly in the Democrat-run cities.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.
Under fund education?.....As though throwing money at education has been a viable solution.
The issue is not funding. There is plenty of that. The issue is what happens to the money once the educrats get their hands on it.
Here in NC, it is a requirement that every high school no matter the size or budget MUST have athletic facilities.
This is apparently a major issue with parents of children who play certain sports.
For example, in a large school district here, as a cost cutting idea a proposal was floated where certain schools would close their athletic fields, the land sold and developed. The schools would then share upgraded facilities. This proposal was met with howls of protest from angry parents. The main complaint was that if their child attended a school that did not have its own football or baseball/softball fields, that school and the children would be stigmatized. What nonsense.
There are school districts, mainly in urban areas that spend in excess of $20k per student annually. That's more than the cost of tuition for in state student attending a State university..
In order for one to think analytically, there must first be something in one's head about which to think analytically.

Now consider the product produced by public system, particularly in the Democrat-run cities.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

I have a solution when it comes to college. Do like my wife and I did with ours. I have three degrees, she has three and is working on #4, a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice). They were either funded from out of pocket or through EARNED scholarships in academics and athletics. We currently invest in OUR children and their college education. That means were funding it because we or our children are the ones getting it. My solution is for others to do the same.

When I offer that solution, Liberals often say that I hate education. Apparently they make that claim because I don't believe it's my place to fund college for a kid whose own parents won't do it for him/her. Their kid is not my responsibility when it comes to college nor is mine their responsibility.
Yeah that would have the result of making higher education a luxury item available only to those who can afford it out of pocket. Doesn't really do much to make this country one where even the poorest can rise to the middle class. It's also called ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. I will be the first to admit that college is not for everyone but apparently a degree is useful when looking for work that will actually pay your bills.
Higher education IS a luxury.
One element of this "free college tuition" thing that is missing is the effect it would have on admission standards.
I suppose the attack on that would be next. The left would view admissions standards as "unfair". They would again seek to use government as a bludgeon against any college that did not have an open door admissions policy. They would claim the schools are simply getting around the new federal free college( shit) mandate by increasing or even maintaining admissions standards. They would argue, "After all, why should only the smart kids get to go to college"......It never ends with you people. It is as though the word "earn" has been relegated to profanity status....Instead of saying "SHIT", you replace it with "EARN"....
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

Ahhha, a FOX watcher and acolyte......Congratulations.

You are clueless to what is happening on college campuses across this nation. There is a movement inspired by people like this

People are sick and tired of the speech police. Academia has produced an entire generation incapable of dealing with people with differing opinions, that have been taught that they have the moral imperative to shout down and scream at those they disagree with.

You and people like you have instituted the most intolerant, repressive environments on campus--and are utterly obvious to the coming consequences.


and let's be honest
who would hire her
and for what?

When I see statements like this, about how terrible college campuses are these days it makes me think back to the late 1960's when the kids on the Columbia University campus were so "intolerant" and "incapable" that they took over administration buildings on campus, which ended up with the NYPD having to intervene. (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/25/remembering-columbia-1968/?_r=0)

It makes me think of those spoiled brats at Kent State and how "intolerant" the National Guard became during one of the student demonstrations.

It makes me think that too many people on the right have absolutely no grasp of American history, but instead are myopic and short-sighted.

College kids these days are nowhere close to the generation that rebelled against the establishment in the late 1960s.....which ultimately ended the war in Vietnam.

Todays version of radicalism on college campuses in no way resembles the events of the 1960's.
And no, the war was not ended by a bunch of no bathing drug induced unkempt slobs. The society evolved because it just did.
And case and point most of the kids whop marched in the streets in protest went on to....wait for it....Essentially normal productive lives. This occurs when school time expires and one must be thrown to the wolves in the real world. Once that realization hits, it is go time. They stopped using substances which harmed them, improved their appearance, got jobs, got married and raised families in..........The suburbs,.
These little spoiled brats don't have a fucking clue about the real world. That is why they are pushing this safe space, speech and thought police thing so hard,. They want it extended to the legitimate business world.
Newsflash, that ain't gonna happen.
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

The things you "learn" from right wingers on this board.....had no idea that "Trump is rising"....Thanks for the clarification.

Perhaps the foam in Mr. Trump's mouth is rising. His bile. But his popularity? I surely do not think so.
Well, that is what the main stream left wing media wants you to think.....This is their way of telling the voters that if they are not going to vote for Hillary Clinton, don't bother voting because according to them, the election is already decided.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

You're not college educated are you?
Most people do not learn the rigorous art of rationality until they are actually taught it. Most high schools do not teach analytical thinking, it's probably against the rules in red states.

What do you know about the "art of rationality"?
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???
Explain, then...

The vast numbers of blue collar and union workers who gravitate to the Democratic side of the aisle...

The vast numbers of 1st-gen Mexicans who never made it past fourth grade who gravitate to the Democratic side of the aisle...

The vast numbers of ignorant, near-feral inner-city shit-hole Blacks, who gravitate to the Democratic side of the aisle...

More self-serving LibTard horseshit, with logic-holes big enough to drive a Mack Truck through...

Bahhhhh... humbug.
I'm old fashioned and just think colleges can be as communist or conservative as they want. People get upset about a liberal bias (which exist) but would you want to replace that with a conservative bias? They are both equally bad because if one bias in one direction happens to be false then what is the point? I just wish people had a bias towards truth and who cares if it 'liberal' or conservative.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I have a doctorate. I agree with you. It's completely irrational to look at all the contradictory nonsense the global warming advocates come up with at conclude it's anything but political sophistry.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

College education here... and then some more.

My conclusion is that you are full of shit, primarily.

Not all college educated people get stuck in a leftist echo chamber. Indoctrination is in fact not education at all, even though the regressives believe otherwise. Some kids get in college and leave dumber than they went in.

"Misogynists, racists, xenophobes"... you are not only full of shit, but also an idiot.
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