What is it about a college education that...........?

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So 18 isn't old enough to know better? They're allowed to vote. If they can't make a better economic decision than that, why are they allowed to vote on economic decisions that affect eh rest of us?

If they can't understand something that simple, why are they allowed to get a high school diploma. You say they don't understand the basics yet you want us to invest in them. I make good investments. You aren't presenting a good case on their behalf.

Too bad those that like the way European countries do thing don't get the hell out of here and go there.

Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.


The social contract doesn't involve one group constantly paying for things because another group WON'T do for themselves. It doesn't apply because someone wants something they don't have and another person has it. That bullshit argument doesn't float.

I don't owe anyone a college education. If their own parents won't sacrifice in order to do it for their own kids, I won't sacrifice to do it for them. Not my place.
Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

I got the typical "social contract" argument. The social contract doesn't involve one group constantly getting something they don't have because the other group has it.
Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.


Lemme guess... you're an example of the educated class?


Since WaitingFor2020 thinks those of us that aren't a kid'd parent should fund college for that kid because their own parents won't, I'd say 2020 is an example of the indoctrinated class.
I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

Do I believe Pew's information? Yes. They are a reputable center for data and statistics.

Irrelevant to whether or not someone that isn't a kid's parent should be funding college for that kid when the kid's parents won't.
I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.


Lemme guess... you're an example of the educated class?


Let me guess....You are not.

When my wife finishes degree number four, that will SEVEN between the two of us. Not one of them was paid for or funded in any way where another person or entity was forced to do so.
I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

I got the typical "social contract" argument. The social contract doesn't involve one group constantly getting something they don't have because the other group has it.
What does a social contract have to do with a lie?
That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

I got the typical "social contract" argument. The social contract doesn't involve one group constantly getting something they don't have because the other group has it.
What does a social contract have to do with a lie?

I'm trying to figure it out. WaitingFor2020 is the one that claimed the social contract included someone that wasn't a kid's parent was responsible for funding college for that kid if the kid's actual parents wouldn't do it.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have not experienced disregard for media-riding politicians, except by unintentional, unhampered, and necessarily exhoassociative self affirmative projection.

Of those expressions I have perceived in regards to your inquiry, none of them has had an objective analysis of the politicians' personhood, nor any interest for it.

It would seem a mistake, in my opinion, to attribute any individual or institutionalized civil time with a dejection of continued support for a possibly continually providing citizenship, especially when that citizenship is mutual with an economy thereto already established and previously provided for.

In the same manner, college education, as you have proposed, is not a distinguishing factor in discriminating the propriety or temperance of political behavior, although it could be if you were interested in it.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???
The premise does not rise to the level of stupid. It is summarily dismissed
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a college education, and then some. And then some more.

I snicker at you and those like-minded. I snicker a lot.

I look down on everybody too

I don't "look down" on anyone.

I do, however, have a low tolerance for stupidity, which is as prevalent as hydrogen among the Left.
I cannot stand stupidity.
BY stupidity I refer to people who take unnecessary risks knowing full well that one slip up and they are injured or dead. UNfortunately, the stupid acts usually involve innocents.
A good example are these acts which make the list for the annual Darwin awards.
One such is the guy whop tried to rob a closed restaurant by entering the building through the exhaust duct in the roof. The guy gets stuck, and when the cooks fire up the grill, the guy gets burned to death before anyone discovers the moron is stuck in the flue.
as for Jews, sure in America
but the ones in Israel can't stand him
they have to suffer immediately under his dumb deals
with countries like Iran

In other words...
A) Now Israel is a protectorate of the US and we should annex it, and
B) Jews in America are really not looking for the best interests of Israel any longer...OR, they're too dumb to vote and vote for Obama who is really a closet-Muslim?????
You side made its bed. Now you get to sleep in it.

What the fuck are you talking about........Progressives and democrats are on the rise.......Trumpsters are starting to look for excuses.......if anybody made a flea-infested bed with Trump, it is regressive republicans who'll be scratching until 2024....LOL.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a college education, and then some. And then some more.

I snicker at you and those like-minded. I snicker a lot.

I look down on everybody too

I don't "look down" on anyone.

I do, however, have a low tolerance for stupidity, which is as prevalent as hydrogen among the Left.
I cannot stand stupidity.
BY stupidity I refer to people who take unnecessary risks knowing full well that one slip up and they are injured or dead. UNfortunately, the stupid acts usually involve innocents.
A good example are these acts which make the list for the annual Darwin awards.
One such is the guy whop tried to rob a closed restaurant by entering the building through the exhaust duct in the roof. The guy gets stuck, and when the cooks fire up the grill, the guy gets burned to death before anyone discovers the moron is stuck in the flue.

People used to electrify those things but the courts decided that was illegal not to give the crooks a fighting chance.
sure, Democratic policies have kept minorities
poor, uneducated and dependent on gov't
a "plantation mentality"

and they still vote for them as well

Above, just another way for this tacit moron to label minorities stupid.....and then these idiots wonder why they can't ever get mnority groups to vote for their lies....LOL
While you label others as stupid
Your bigotry of low expectations is showing

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Democrats are the party of the three "s"
slavery, segregation and socialism

they have always been racist
they just picked a different race now

good news, with their divisive politics
they have segregated us as a people

with Democrat's tax/spend policies
the whole US will be one big plantation and
all the American people will be slaves
Funny how dumb a college grad is nowdays as demonstrated by many celebs and news people interviewing them live......barely know their own name
I meet people that refer to themselves as college grads. I am sometimes shocked at what comes out of their mouths.
I see then on TV, when asked specific questions about their political ideology and the reasons behind them, they simply cannot answer direct questions.
In tests of knowledge, even more amusing stuff is the result.
That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

I got the typical "social contract" argument. The social contract doesn't involve one group constantly getting something they don't have because the other group has it.
What does a social contract have to do with a lie?

WaitingFor2020 is the one that claimed the social contract included someone that wasn't a kid's parent was responsible for funding college for that kid if the kid's actual parents wouldn't do it.
That's Liberal nonsense.
Provide an environment for learning a trade and saving up to go to college.
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