What is it about a college education that...........?

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Asking someone to verify a simple statistical claim shows emotional instability? You are a coward, sir. And you should stop trying to be something online that you clearly aren't in real life.
Please provide a list of people who responded to any given poll and I will know the poll was real.
But you can't.
And you can't ignore the fact the Trump is NOT a Conservative.

Your ramblings are becoming incoherent.
I'm quite coherent.
I want the precise names of those called by Rasmussen.
Because you want the precise names of people I converse with on a weekly basis.

I haven't made any claims about Rasmussen. And I didn't ask for names of people you talk to. I asked for the polling firm and the name of the town. You truly are an idiot, sir.
Please provide the fine details of any given poll in the last week.

You are like a fly buzzing around my head, Mr Indeep. Where have I made any claims about any polls anywhere on this thread, or any other for that matter that I need to justify? Keep digging, at this rate you're going to at least hit water.
Please provide a list of people who responded to any given poll and I will know the poll was real.
But you can't.
And you can't ignore the fact the Trump is NOT a Conservative.

Your ramblings are becoming incoherent.
I'm quite coherent.
I want the precise names of those called by Rasmussen.
Because you want the precise names of people I converse with on a weekly basis.

I haven't made any claims about Rasmussen. And I didn't ask for names of people you talk to. I asked for the polling firm and the name of the town. You truly are an idiot, sir.
Please provide the fine details of any given poll in the last week.

You are like a fly buzzing around my head, Mr Indeep. Where have I made any claims about any polls anywhere on this thread, or any other for that matter that I need to justify? Keep digging, at this rate you're going to at least hit water.
I want you to apply the same standards to the media polls as you do to me.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I can't believe anyone with an advanced degree thinks emergency room care for the poor and insurance corporations making life and death decisions based on their profit margin is a good idea, Mr. Don't. Unless you want health care to become unaffordable for everyone except the extremely wealthy.

Obama care was the answer?

Trickle up poverty and misery
Well, Mr. Con, not here in the States, anyway. We believe in allowing for-profit colleges to sell loans to 18-year-old kids who have no idea what they are signing, since our public education system is so poor they don't even know how to write a check when they graduate from high school.

The end result being kids who are saddled for many years with student loans that exceed the national credit card debt. These kids can't become homeowners, which will affect our entire economy, turning a nation into renters and borrowers, pushing the middle class even further out of existence.

Too bad we can't follow Germany's model for higher education.

So 18 isn't old enough to know better? They're allowed to vote. If they can't make a better economic decision than that, why are they allowed to vote on economic decisions that affect eh rest of us?

If they can't understand something that simple, why are they allowed to get a high school diploma. You say they don't understand the basics yet you want us to invest in them. I make good investments. You aren't presenting a good case on their behalf.

Too bad those that like the way European countries do thing don't get the hell out of here and go there.

Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

So 18 isn't old enough to know better? They're allowed to vote. If they can't make a better economic decision than that, why are they allowed to vote on economic decisions that affect eh rest of us?

If they can't understand something that simple, why are they allowed to get a high school diploma. You say they don't understand the basics yet you want us to invest in them. I make good investments. You aren't presenting a good case on their behalf.

Too bad those that like the way European countries do thing don't get the hell out of here and go there.

Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.
So 18 isn't old enough to know better? They're allowed to vote. If they can't make a better economic decision than that, why are they allowed to vote on economic decisions that affect eh rest of us?

If they can't understand something that simple, why are they allowed to get a high school diploma. You say they don't understand the basics yet you want us to invest in them. I make good investments. You aren't presenting a good case on their behalf.

Too bad those that like the way European countries do thing don't get the hell out of here and go there.

Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.


Lemme guess... you're an example of the educated class?

Most people do not learn the rigorous art of rationality until they are actually taught it. Most high schools do not teach analytical thinking, it's probably against the rules in red states.

In order for one to think analytically, there must first be something in one's head about which to think analytically.

Now consider the product produced by public system, particularly in the Democrat-run cities.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

1) Concentrate on the three "R"s, American history and the sciences. Drop all time-wasting curricula in multiculturalism and diversity. Stress memorization. One cannot think analytically without first putting something in their head.

2) Set academic standards to the highest possible. Stop restraining the smart kids by kowtowing to the slow. Those who do not excel in academics go to vocational programs to learn a useful trade. End all social promotion.

3) Return discipline to the system. Disruptive individuals are removed without question and dealt with on a case-by-case basis outside of the system

4) All teachers K-6 must have a degree in a hard academic subject. No garbage degrees like gender studies or modern feminist poetry. Teachers 7-12 must have a degree in their chosen subject. All teachers will be paid at professional pay scales, with any advancement based upon merit. If you don't produce, you get the boot, and fast.

5) End all tenure.

6) Restore physical education, music and art classes. Two periods of recess per day at the elementary level.

7) Administer all tests without artificial aids such as calculators or computers. If you don't know the answer without them, then you don't know the answer.

8) Stop awarding points for effort. Measure knowledge.

9) Institute a school uniform program.

Just a start.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a college education, and then some. And then some more.

I snicker at you and those like-minded. I snicker a lot.

Evidently, Mr. Kinetta you most likely graduated in the lower 20% of your class and then less, and then lesser again.

I love how the Lefties muse out of their own minds, sans evidence. It's rather like a fugue state.
I work with the generation of kids that many of you apparently believe are losers. Some straight out of college and some college students who are interns. I've found the vast majority to be extremely bright, well educated, creative and hard working. It makes me wonder what kind of backwater shit holes the critics of these kids must live in.
Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

Gee.......Obama in the last TWO elections (2008-2012) got an average of 76% of the Jewish vote.......
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I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

Now, use all that education you got and ask me if I care what you believe about MY education.....Go on......LOL
I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

Thank you, my dear....We both don't need to flaunt our respective levels of education.
Right wingers on this thread alone are adequate proof of theirs.
Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.

And you actually believe this.

Do I believe Pew's information? Yes. They are a reputable center for data and statistics.
Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

You want all the benefits of living in this country without any of the responsibilities or compliance with even the basics of America's social contract. So go ahead, and while you're at it, please explain this from Pew, and note the U.S. in bold font.

If it wasn't for Silicon Valley and the fact that an overwhelming number of people there are foreigners on H1-B visas, we'd be growing cotton again.


Lemme guess... you're an example of the educated class?


Let me guess....You are not.
Given the putrid quality of what passes for education in this country that's hardly surprising.

....and I "pollute" lots of young minds with socialistic ideals.....Good thing you chose Trump U.

If Mr. Don't is lucky, Mr. Trump will be convicted of fraud this winter when he goes to trial, and he will get his money back. Unless Mr. Trump files for bankruptcy, again.
I work with the generation of kids that many of you apparently believe are losers. Some straight out of college and some college students who are interns. I've found the vast majority to be extremely bright, well educated, creative and hard working. It makes me wonder what kind of backwater shit holes the critics of these kids must live in.

Fairfax/Loudoun county area, just outside Washington DC. Two of the wealthiest counties in the country. Hardly a backwater.

Also, I am not criticizing the kids, just the system.
Well, Mr. Con, not here in the States, anyway. We believe in allowing for-profit colleges to sell loans to 18-year-old kids who have no idea what they are signing, since our public education system is so poor they don't even know how to write a check when they graduate from high school.

The end result being kids who are saddled for many years with student loans that exceed the national credit card debt. These kids can't become homeowners, which will affect our entire economy, turning a nation into renters and borrowers, pushing the middle class even further out of existence.

Too bad we can't follow Germany's model for higher education.

So 18 isn't old enough to know better? They're allowed to vote. If they can't make a better economic decision than that, why are they allowed to vote on economic decisions that affect eh rest of us?

If they can't understand something that simple, why are they allowed to get a high school diploma. You say they don't understand the basics yet you want us to invest in them. I make good investments. You aren't presenting a good case on their behalf.

Too bad those that like the way European countries do thing don't get the hell out of here and go there.

Yes, we should invest in our children. They will inherit the country. That's why the right constantly preaches about the national debt. Or am I wrong about that, too? Republicans constantly harp about how worried they are that their children will inherit this mess. You're not, Mr. Con? Don't you wish them to be smarter, faster and better than the Chinese and Indian kids who are kicking our @sses at everything from science to spelling bees?
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a Master's Degree and I don't support universal health care nor do I believe in man made climate change.

I also don't believe you received any higher education.

I recall Mr. Nat from previous forums, and he is a college professor in western state.

I do invest in MY children. All I expect is for others to do the same for THEIRS. It's not my place to invest in theirs while they refuse to do so.

That would be fine, Mr. Con, if you lived in an isolated and self-sustaining environment, which you do not. Sometimes it is not a matter of parents refusing to do so. Many parents cannot afford the astronomical tuition costs these days.

So a little reading about what many college kids are doing to afford tuition might be enlightening for you:

Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills
MAY 29, 2016 3:59 PM
Websites connect college students with ‘sugar daddies’ willing to pay the bills

That doesn't, by default, make it someone else's responsibility to do so. There are things I can't afford. Does that mean you should be forced to do so on my behalf? No, nor do I think you should.

I want one of these. Who do I call at the DNC?

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

Gee.......Obama in the last TWO elections (2008-2012) got an average of 76% of the Jewish vote.......
Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

Gee.......Obama in the last TWO elections (2008-2012) got an average of 76% of the Jewish vote.......

sure, Democratic policies have kept minorities
poor, uneducated and dependent on gov't
a "plantation mentality"

and they still vote for them as well

as for Jews, sure in America
but the ones in Israel can't stand him
they have to suffer immediately under his dumb deals
with countries like Iran
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