What is it about a college education that...........?

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Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.

You are an elitist snob. The opinions of those without a college education are inferior to yours. Continue insult and denigrate 60% of hardworking Americans. Let them know loud and clear you and the left look down your collective noses at them.

If asking someone to verify their claims is elitist and snobbish, then guilty as charged.
By the way, Mr. Google, if Trump is elected will you insist that he be accountable for his claims? Most Trump supporters seem to not care that he doesn't care what he says, as long as it is entertaining.

(P.S. Mr. Google, if you will kindly scroll back, Mr. Indeep is the snob here, stating that his community is primarily comprised of PhD's. Minor oversight on your part, I know....)
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?

So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
I did answer the question; you were simply saddened by the answer.
Trump is NOT a Conservative; he seems to actually care about people and that's why Jews can vote for him.
I know your brain cannot accept that.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.

It's rather hard to follow your thought process given that you have slaughtered your sentence structure and grammar. I don't think you're one of those PhDs Mr. Indeep is talking about.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.

You are not accustomed to my posting style.
Get used to it.
My posting style will also lack insults to randomly selected groups of people.
Get used to it.

You are not accustomed to being accountable for your statements.
You have NO idea what it's like to live amongst Observant Jews.
I have to give a dissertation to back up everything I say including the toilet paper facing out rather than in.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.

It's rather hard to follow your thought process given that you have slaughtered your sentence structure and grammar. I don't think you're one of those PhDs Mr. Indeep is talking about.
I have to agree...take your time and use proper grammar.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?

So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
I did answer the question; you were simply saddened by the answer.
Trump is NOT a Conservative; he seems to actually care about people and that's why Jews can vote for him.
I know your brain cannot accept that.

What answer? You refuse to name the town and the polling entity.
You're full of overly fermented methane, like Mr. Trump.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?

So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
I did answer the question; you were simply saddened by the answer.
Trump is NOT a Conservative; he seems to actually care about people and that's why Jews can vote for him.
I know your brain cannot accept that.

What answer? You refuse to name the town and the polling entity.
You're full of overly fermented methane, like Mr. Trump.
I only address my personal information, via PM, to users who seem to be emotionally stable.
At this point in time, you do not seem to fit into that profile.

Based on your logic, you should want the media to provide a discreet list of everyone who responds to any given poll; the media does not do this and it doesn't seem to bother you.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.

You are not accustomed to my posting style.
Get used to it.
My posting style will also lack insults to randomly selected groups of people.
Get used to it.

You are not accustomed to being accountable for your statements.
You have NO idea what it's like to live amongst Observant Jews.
I have to give a dissertation to back up everything I say including the toilet paper facing out rather than in.

You have no idea where I have lived besides New Orleans, Mr. Indeep. But I lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for much of my undergraduate school life. So you tell me.
Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.

It's rather hard to follow your thought process given that you have slaughtered your sentence structure and grammar. I don't think you're one of those PhDs Mr. Indeep is talking about.
I have to agree...take your time and use proper grammar.

I have to agree with Pocahontas. You made a claim that you never substantiated. Honestly, you haven't made one tangible point in this entire thread.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.

You are not accustomed to my posting style.
Get used to it.
My posting style will also lack insults to randomly selected groups of people.
Get used to it.

You are not accustomed to being accountable for your statements.
You have NO idea what it's like to live amongst Observant Jews.
I have to give a dissertation to back up everything I say including the toilet paper facing out rather than in.

You have no idea where I have lived besides New Orleans, Mr. Indeep. But I lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for much of my undergraduate school life. So you tell me.

And few, if any people, in Williamsburg, would vote for ANY Neo-Con leaning candidate.
Trump is NOT a Neo-Con leaning candidate.
Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?

So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
I did answer the question; you were simply saddened by the answer.
Trump is NOT a Conservative; he seems to actually care about people and that's why Jews can vote for him.
I know your brain cannot accept that.

What answer? You refuse to name the town and the polling entity.
You're full of overly fermented methane, like Mr. Trump.
I only address my personal information, via PM, to users who seem to be emotionally stable.
At this point in time, you do not seem to fit into that profile.

Based on your logic, you should want the media to provide a discreet list of everyone who responds to any given poll; the media does not do this and it doesn't seem to bother you.

Asking someone to verify a simple statistical claim shows emotional instability? You are a coward, sir. And you should stop trying to be something online that you clearly aren't in real life.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.

It's rather hard to follow your thought process given that you have slaughtered your sentence structure and grammar. I don't think you're one of those PhDs Mr. Indeep is talking about.
I have to agree...take your time and use proper grammar.

I have to agree with Pocahontas. You made a claim that you never substantiated. Honestly, you haven't made one tangible point in this entire thread.

So list for me EXACTLY who responded in the last 10 media polls.
Or ignore those polls.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?

So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
I did answer the question; you were simply saddened by the answer.
Trump is NOT a Conservative; he seems to actually care about people and that's why Jews can vote for him.
I know your brain cannot accept that.

What answer? You refuse to name the town and the polling entity.
You're full of overly fermented methane, like Mr. Trump.
I only address my personal information, via PM, to users who seem to be emotionally stable.
At this point in time, you do not seem to fit into that profile.

Based on your logic, you should want the media to provide a discreet list of everyone who responds to any given poll; the media does not do this and it doesn't seem to bother you.

Asking someone to verify a simple statistical claim shows emotional instability? You are a coward, sir. And you should stop trying to be something online that you clearly aren't in real life.
Please provide a list of people who responded to any given poll and I will know the poll was real.
But you can't.
And you can't ignore the fact the Trump is NOT a Conservative.
Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly

The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.

It's rather hard to follow your thought process given that you have slaughtered your sentence structure and grammar. I don't think you're one of those PhDs Mr. Indeep is talking about.
I have to agree...take your time and use proper grammar.

I have to agree with Pocahontas. You made a claim that you never substantiated. Honestly, you haven't made one tangible point in this entire thread.

So list for me EXACTLY who responded in the last 10 media polls.
Or ignore those polls.

Provide to link for the polls.
Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.

You are not accustomed to my posting style.
Get used to it.
My posting style will also lack insults to randomly selected groups of people.
Get used to it.

You are not accustomed to being accountable for your statements.
You have NO idea what it's like to live amongst Observant Jews.
I have to give a dissertation to back up everything I say including the toilet paper facing out rather than in.

You have no idea where I have lived besides New Orleans, Mr. Indeep. But I lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for much of my undergraduate school life. So you tell me.

And few, if any people, in Williamsburg, would vote for ANY Neo-Con leaning candidate.
Trump is NOT a Neo-Con leaning candidate.

I didn't say he was. You did.
I asked you the name of the town that is chock full of PhDs and the polling firm who conducted the survey that shows his favorability at 90%.
Your clucking is getting so loud I may have to turn the volume down on this computer.
The anti-Semitism among with left, particularly in academia, is astounding and akin to the same rhetoric of the KKK. Gays of Palestine rant and rave about the injustices of Israel, all the while excusing the fact that Palestinians would kill them for being gay. That the penalty for being gay in 11 Islamic countries is death. These people are perhaps to dumbest people on the face of the planet. The left is joined to Islam solely because of their hatred of the west.

It's rather hard to follow your thought process given that you have slaughtered your sentence structure and grammar. I don't think you're one of those PhDs Mr. Indeep is talking about.
I have to agree...take your time and use proper grammar.

I have to agree with Pocahontas. You made a claim that you never substantiated. Honestly, you haven't made one tangible point in this entire thread.

So list for me EXACTLY who responded in the last 10 media polls.
Or ignore those polls.

Provide to link for the polls.
Provide the names of the people who were called in the last Rasmussen Poll.
That should be easy enough to prove the poll was on the up and up.

Park time.
The big mistake that low information (mostly left wing) idiots make is to assume that anyone who disagrees with them is less educated. You almost gotta laugh that they pin labels like "deniers" on people simply because it's easier and they don't have the intellectual capability to argue their point.
So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
I did answer the question; you were simply saddened by the answer.
Trump is NOT a Conservative; he seems to actually care about people and that's why Jews can vote for him.
I know your brain cannot accept that.

What answer? You refuse to name the town and the polling entity.
You're full of overly fermented methane, like Mr. Trump.
I only address my personal information, via PM, to users who seem to be emotionally stable.
At this point in time, you do not seem to fit into that profile.

Based on your logic, you should want the media to provide a discreet list of everyone who responds to any given poll; the media does not do this and it doesn't seem to bother you.

Asking someone to verify a simple statistical claim shows emotional instability? You are a coward, sir. And you should stop trying to be something online that you clearly aren't in real life.
Please provide a list of people who responded to any given poll and I will know the poll was real.
But you can't.
And you can't ignore the fact the Trump is NOT a Conservative.

Your ramblings are becoming incoherent.
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