What is it about a college education that...........?

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Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

I have a college education, and then some. And then some more.

I snicker at you and those like-minded. I snicker a lot.

Evidently, Mr. Kinetta you most likely graduated in the lower 20% of your class and then less, and then lesser again.
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

The things you "learn" from right wingers on this board.....had no idea that "Trump is rising"....Thanks for the clarification.
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

Ahhha, a FOX watcher and acolyte......Congratulations.

You are clueless to what is happening on college campuses across this nation. There is a movement inspired by people like this

People are sick and tired of the speech police. Academia has produced an entire generation incapable of dealing with people with differing opinions, that have been taught that they have the moral imperative to shout down and scream at those they disagree with.

You and people like you have instituted the most intolerant, repressive environments on campus--and are utterly obvious to the coming consequences.


and let's be honest
who would hire her
and for what?

When I see statements like this, about how terrible college campuses are these days it makes me think back to the late 1960's when the kids on the Columbia University campus were so "intolerant" and "incapable" that they took over administration buildings on campus, which ended up with the NYPD having to intervene. (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/25/remembering-columbia-1968/?_r=0)

It makes me think of those spoiled brats at Kent State and how "intolerant" the National Guard became during one of the student demonstrations.

It makes me think that too many people on the right have absolutely no grasp of American history, but instead are myopic and short-sighted.

College kids these days are nowhere close to the generation that rebelled against the establishment in the late 1960s.....which ultimately ended the war in Vietnam.
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

Ahhha, a FOX watcher and acolyte......Congratulations.

You are clueless to what is happening on college campuses across this nation. There is a movement inspired by people like this

People are sick and tired of the speech police. Academia has produced an entire generation incapable of dealing with people with differing opinions, that have been taught that they have the moral imperative to shout down and scream at those they disagree with.

You and people like you have instituted the most intolerant, repressive environments on campus--and are utterly obvious to the coming consequences.


and let's be honest
who would hire her
and for what?

When I see statements like this, about how terrible college campuses are these days it makes me think back to the late 1960's when the kids on the Columbia University campus were so "intolerant" and "incapable" that they took over administration buildings on campus, which ended up with the NYPD having to intervene. (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/25/remembering-columbia-1968/?_r=0)

It makes me think of those spoiled brats at Kent State and how "intolerant" the National Guard became during one of the student demonstrations.

It makes me think that too many people on the right have absolutely no grasp of American history, but instead are myopic and short-sighted.

Both sides suffer from the same maladies.
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

Ahhha, a FOX watcher and acolyte......Congratulations.

You are clueless to what is happening on college campuses across this nation. There is a movement inspired by people like this

People are sick and tired of the speech police. Academia has produced an entire generation incapable of dealing with people with differing opinions, that have been taught that they have the moral imperative to shout down and scream at those they disagree with.

You and people like you have instituted the most intolerant, repressive environments on campus--and are utterly obvious to the coming consequences.


and let's be honest
who would hire her
and for what?

When I see statements like this, about how terrible college campuses are these days it makes me think back to the late 1960's when the kids on the Columbia University campus were so "intolerant" and "incapable" that they took over administration buildings on campus, which ended up with the NYPD having to intervene. (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/25/remembering-columbia-1968/?_r=0)

It makes me think of those spoiled brats at Kent State and how "intolerant" the National Guard became during one of the student demonstrations.

It makes me think that too many people on the right have absolutely no grasp of American history, but instead are myopic and short-sighted.

College kids these days are nowhere close to the generation that rebelled against the establishment in the late 1960s.....which ultimately ended the war in Vietnam.

Are you serious? I love how the left selectively edits history. There were literally 1,000's of terrorist bombings during the 60's and 70's committed by far leftist terrorist organizations. The ROTC building was burned to the ground at Kent State. A uniformed ROTC student was savagely attacked and put in a comma two days before the National Guard was brought in. The students pelted them with rocks and glass bottles. You completely omit the reasons why the National Guard was brought in in the first place, as a result of the violence that was being committed by leftist revolutionaries.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

I have a solution when it comes to college. Do like my wife and I did with ours. I have three degrees, she has three and is working on #4, a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice). They were either funded from out of pocket or through EARNED scholarships in academics and athletics. We currently invest in OUR children and their college education. That means were funding it because we or our children are the ones getting it. My solution is for others to do the same.

When I offer that solution, Liberals often say that I hate education. Apparently they make that claim because I don't believe it's my place to fund college for a kid whose own parents won't do it for him/her. Their kid is not my responsibility when it comes to college nor is mine their responsibility.
Yeah that would have the result of making higher education a luxury item available only to those who can afford it out of pocket. Doesn't really do much to make this country one where even the poorest can rise to the middle class. It's also called ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. I will be the first to admit that college is not for everyone but apparently a degree is useful when looking for work that will actually pay your bills.

Maybe you didn't read or it didn't register. My entire undergraduate was funded by EARNED academic and athletic scholarships. You do realize you have to actually do something in order to get those? For the others, what funding wasn't provided by an employer that wanted the higher level skills was paid by MY investment in MYSELF.

I'm not ignoring anything. Apparently you're ignoring that if a kid's own parents won't pay for his/her education that it isn't a good investment for me since I'm not their parent.

You assume that those of us that went to college came from rich families. I was the first one in my family that graduated from a four year college. That's the difference between people like me and those you want me to fund for college. I did what it took to go and now you expect people like me to provide it for nothing to others. Not how it works.

Well, Mr. Con, not here in the States, anyway. We believe in allowing for-profit colleges to sell loans to 18-year-old kids who have no idea what they are signing, since our public education system is so poor they don't even know how to write a check when they graduate from high school.

The end result being kids who are saddled for many years with student loans that exceed the national credit card debt. These kids can't become homeowners, which will affect our entire economy, turning a nation into renters and borrowers, pushing the middle class even further out of existence.

Too bad we can't follow Germany's model for higher education.
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

Ahhha, a FOX watcher and acolyte......Congratulations.

You are clueless to what is happening on college campuses across this nation. There is a movement inspired by people like this

People are sick and tired of the speech police. Academia has produced an entire generation incapable of dealing with people with differing opinions, that have been taught that they have the moral imperative to shout down and scream at those they disagree with.

You and people like you have instituted the most intolerant, repressive environments on campus--and are utterly obvious to the coming consequences.


and let's be honest
who would hire her
and for what?

When I see statements like this, about how terrible college campuses are these days it makes me think back to the late 1960's when the kids on the Columbia University campus were so "intolerant" and "incapable" that they took over administration buildings on campus, which ended up with the NYPD having to intervene. (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/25/remembering-columbia-1968/?_r=0)

It makes me think of those spoiled brats at Kent State and how "intolerant" the National Guard became during one of the student demonstrations.

It makes me think that too many people on the right have absolutely no grasp of American history, but instead are myopic and short-sighted.

College kids these days are nowhere close to the generation that rebelled against the establishment in the late 1960s.....which ultimately ended the war in Vietnam.

myopic and short-sighted
like pretending to be a Native American when you are not .
just to get some position ?

and the majority of the population was under 30, at that time
now it is over 30

as is, that girl is totally unemployable
outside of some subsided gov't activity
Last edited:
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.

What arrogant, snobbish drivel. Look down you nose at blue collar Americans, carpenters, police, plumbers--their opinions and stance are marginalized and insulted by supposedly superior snobs like you because you have a degree. F-you. I can't wait till November.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.

You are an elitist snob. The opinions of those without a college education are inferior to yours. Continue insult and denigrate 60% of hardworking Americans. Let them know loud and clear you and the left look down your collective noses at them.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.

You are not accustomed to my posting style.
Get used to it.
My posting style will also lack insults to randomly selected groups of people.
Get used to it.
Meanwhile Trump received larger percentage of college educated Republican voters in many of the primary elections.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Your postings are froth with generalizations and I'M digging myself deep?

So Mr. Indeep, you will not answer a simple question in order to provide credibility to your statement? Then I advise you not to make such stupid statements in the future.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Mr. Indeep, what town would that be? You are really digging yourself indeep.
Oh, and please give us the pollster who came up with the 90% for your town.
Oh, and your average PhD would know that capitalizing the "D" and "T" is poor grammar since neither degree or town are proper nouns as you have used them in your sentence.

You are not accustomed to my posting style.
Get used to it.
My posting style will also lack insults to randomly selected groups of people.
Get used to it.

You are not accustomed to being accountable for your statements.
The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

Sorry for the smiley face.....But, i'm genuinely curious: What was the "N" in that survey of all your town's Ph.D.'s; and what was the so-called sampling or margin error in that survey you so accurately and laboriously implemented?.
I belong to 2 Orthodox Temples and know about 1,000 people in town...Orthodox Jews are EXTREMELY intrusive in each others lives and we discuss politics to death.
Jews live by their portfolios and most are voting for Trump.
They actually watch his interviews and don't live by the sound bite.
Even the non-religious Jews with Clinton bumper stickers are voting for Trump.

Queen Hillary and Papa Obama are no friends of Israel
especially after the worse deal in history with Iran

Please don't get the Left started on Jews
they get really ugly
Funny how dumb a college grad is nowdays as demonstrated by many celebs and news people interviewing them live......barely know their own name

Years back when I was managing a restaurant this stressed out female server lost it and broke down in tears and looked me right in the eyes and said "I have a masters degree, I shouldn't be here". After I calmed her down and resolved the situation later that night I asked her what she had a Master's degree in.

I will never ever forgot her answer, "Gender Studies". She was thousands and thousands of dollars in debt, spent over four years to get a Master's degree--and the only job she could get is waiting tables.

Academia is a scam. It is a crime what the left has done, they have hijacked colleges for wholly political reasons at the expense of the students that are being deprived of an actual education in favor of political indoctrination.
I hear this kind of thing all the time from conservatives. You do know colleges also still offer business, law, medical, teaching and other supposedly useful degrees. A liberal arts degree is and always has been something a rich person takes to have an university education when they will never have to actually work. Going in debt for that stuff is a stupid move but it is hardly a representative example.
Boy that was a deep thought right there......I never knew that...LLMMAAOOOO bet you're gradiated dint ya
The jealousy is palpable.
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