What is it about a college education that...........?

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Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

Yes....after the 1960s the left took jobs in education.......the worst of the worst...obama's good friend, domestic terrorist bomber bill ayers went into education......he lectured a history class a was in.........

Duke .....he should run for a seat in the democrat party...that is the party of racism in this country.
the democrat party controls education in this country......they knew, like the socialists around the world...in Germany, Russia, China, Cuba.....that the key to controlling a country was through the children.....and they succeeded.....
Most people do not learn the rigorous art of rationality until they are actually taught it. Most high schools do not teach analytical thinking, it's probably against the rules in red states.

In order for one to think analytically, there must first be something in one's head about which to think analytically.

Now consider the product produced by public system, particularly in the Democrat-run cities.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

I have a solution when it comes to college. Do like my wife and I did with ours. I have three degrees, she has three and is working on #4, a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice). They were either funded from out of pocket or through EARNED scholarships in academics and athletics. We currently invest in OUR children and their college education. That means were funding it because we or our children are the ones getting it. My solution is for others to do the same.

When I offer that solution, Liberals often say that I hate education. Apparently they make that claim because I don't believe it's my place to fund college for a kid whose own parents won't do it for him/her. Their kid is not my responsibility when it comes to college nor is mine their responsibility.
Yeah that would have the result of making higher education a luxury item available only to those who can afford it out of pocket. Doesn't really do much to make this country one where even the poorest can rise to the middle class. It's also called ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. I will be the first to admit that college is not for everyone but apparently a degree is useful when looking for work that will actually pay your bills.
In order for one to think analytically, there must first be something in one's head about which to think analytically.

Now consider the product produced by public system, particularly in the Democrat-run cities.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

I have a solution when it comes to college. Do like my wife and I did with ours. I have three degrees, she has three and is working on #4, a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice). They were either funded from out of pocket or through EARNED scholarships in academics and athletics. We currently invest in OUR children and their college education. That means were funding it because we or our children are the ones getting it. My solution is for others to do the same.

When I offer that solution, Liberals often say that I hate education. Apparently they make that claim because I don't believe it's my place to fund college for a kid whose own parents won't do it for him/her. Their kid is not my responsibility when it comes to college nor is mine their responsibility.
Yeah that would have the result of making higher education a luxury item available only to those who can afford it out of pocket. Doesn't really do much to make this country one where even the poorest can rise to the middle class. It's also called ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. I will be the first to admit that college is not for everyone but apparently a degree is useful when looking for work that will actually pay your bills.

Not as much anymore.........the kids in college are voting for the democrats who are driving jobs out of the country, bringing in cheap foreign labor just for the votes, and raising taxes and regulations so high on businesses, they can't hire people...especially college educated people with degrees in Women's studies.......

That...and left wing control of universities have increased the cost of college to the point these kids/democrats have higher student debt than most people have getting their first homes.....

they truly are voting against their own interests.........from mom and dad's basement......
I am an immigrant who landed in Canada speaking not a word of English.
I thought myself English.

I had no diploma of any sort.
I enrolled in high school as an adult student and got my diploma.

I got myself a factory floor job ruled by union, but I managed to piss on the union and got a transfer to a desk job.

I managed to teach myself computer programming on my own time, courtesy of the largely unused facility known as the Education Center.

I developed a program that earned me an invitation to work in our company's Head Office, with all expenses paid, apartment and transportation provided. While there I had a lowly L-1B visa, correcting grammatical and spelling errors of H-1B smart asses, who sometimes had to leave to get married in their own country, because their parents declared that they had to do so. And, bye the way, correcting grammatical and spelling violators included a large percentage of dummies with college degrees whose only redeeming quality or excuse was their birth certificate.

A college degree means nothing if it was not honestly earned. It means nothing if it is not related to real life. It means nothing if it was "earned" by affirmative action. It means nothing if the holder thereof is a natural born free loader. And that applies to everyone even to the President.
Most people do not learn the rigorous art of rationality until they are actually taught it. Most high schools do not teach analytical thinking, it's probably against the rules in red states.
Let's use you as a classic example of public school fail....:lol:
Some willfully accept the propaganda and brainwashing offered by the State and the Establishment, and some don't. I am not sure why some do and some don't.

Upbringing. Some are coddled and like decisions to be made for them, others are granted early independence and like to make their own decisions.
I suppose that could be it. It may also be that some of us study history and can think logically. How anyone can think a big unlimited government controlled by a small elite is a good form of government, is logically indefensible.

No kidding, these people worship the ivy league and are subservient to them
In order for one to think analytically, there must first be something in one's head about which to think analytically.

Now consider the product produced by public system, particularly in the Democrat-run cities.
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

I have a solution when it comes to college. Do like my wife and I did with ours. I have three degrees, she has three and is working on #4, a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice). They were either funded from out of pocket or through EARNED scholarships in academics and athletics. We currently invest in OUR children and their college education. That means were funding it because we or our children are the ones getting it. My solution is for others to do the same.

When I offer that solution, Liberals often say that I hate education. Apparently they make that claim because I don't believe it's my place to fund college for a kid whose own parents won't do it for him/her. Their kid is not my responsibility when it comes to college nor is mine their responsibility.
Yeah that would have the result of making higher education a luxury item available only to those who can afford it out of pocket. Doesn't really do much to make this country one where even the poorest can rise to the middle class. It's also called ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. I will be the first to admit that college is not for everyone but apparently a degree is useful when looking for work that will actually pay your bills.

Maybe you didn't read or it didn't register. My entire undergraduate was funded by EARNED academic and athletic scholarships. You do realize you have to actually do something in order to get those? For the others, what funding wasn't provided by an employer that wanted the higher level skills was paid by MY investment in MYSELF.

I'm not ignoring anything. Apparently you're ignoring that if a kid's own parents won't pay for his/her education that it isn't a good investment for me since I'm not their parent.

You assume that those of us that went to college came from rich families. I was the first one in my family that graduated from a four year college. That's the difference between people like me and those you want me to fund for college. I did what it took to go and now you expect people like me to provide it for nothing to others. Not how it works.
the democrat party controls education in this country......they knew, like the socialists around the world...in Germany, Russia, China, Cuba.....that the key to controlling a country was through the children.....and they succeeded.....

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

Which is why the leftist fight school vouchers
it would break their monopoly

really considering we tend to spend more than
other Western nations and get the worse results

Why even have public schools?

With school vouchers, gov't schools would be like county hospitals

it is where the people go when the system can't handle
special need; parents who are too dumb or lazy to pick a school

But a poor student with talent could go to a better school
like the one Obama's daughter went to ,,, but denied
poor black kids from going to
Wow, think about that statement next time your red state wants to slash the education budget again and you call teachers a bunch of greedy bastards when they complain. America underfunds our education system everywhere but nowhere is it starved for funds like it is when republicans run things.

Every year more money is thrown at the system, and every year the product produced is of lesser quality.
I hear you people complaining but I am not hearing any solutions except to perhaps underfund education even more than it is. In the meantime take a look at for-profit higher education that conservatives were sure would be the answer to "liberal indoctrination" in our public institutions.

I have a solution when it comes to college. Do like my wife and I did with ours. I have three degrees, she has three and is working on #4, a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice). They were either funded from out of pocket or through EARNED scholarships in academics and athletics. We currently invest in OUR children and their college education. That means were funding it because we or our children are the ones getting it. My solution is for others to do the same.

When I offer that solution, Liberals often say that I hate education. Apparently they make that claim because I don't believe it's my place to fund college for a kid whose own parents won't do it for him/her. Their kid is not my responsibility when it comes to college nor is mine their responsibility.
Yeah that would have the result of making higher education a luxury item available only to those who can afford it out of pocket. Doesn't really do much to make this country one where even the poorest can rise to the middle class. It's also called ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. I will be the first to admit that college is not for everyone but apparently a degree is useful when looking for work that will actually pay your bills.

Not as much anymore.........the kids in college are voting for the democrats who are driving jobs out of the country, bringing in cheap foreign labor just for the votes, and raising taxes and regulations so high on businesses, they can't hire people...especially college educated people with degrees in Women's studies.......

That...and left wing control of universities have increased the cost of college to the point these kids/democrats have higher student debt than most people have getting their first homes.....

they truly are voting against their own interests.........from mom and dad's basement......

And they're doing from that basement of parents who think it's someone else's responsibility to do for their kids what they won't do for their own.
Seriously, what can it be that when someone receives a college education from some reputable institution, no longer believes or backs folks like

et al....

or snickers at

Global warming deniers
Universal health care opponents
Religious intolerants
Tacit and border-line racism

Can we "blame" it all on those left-leaning professors, textbooks publishers and peer pressures???

The average Degree in my Town is a PhD and over 90% are voting for Trump.

A smiley icon...how weak.
Didn't mean to piss right wingers off with my thread....really.....

So,perhaps in simpler, and more direct 2 questions.....

1. Do college graduates side more with Trump or with Clinton?
2. Do college graduates side more with the belief of global warming or not?
is one of the many reasons why Trump is rising.

Ahhha, a FOX watcher and acolyte......Congratulations.

You are clueless to what is happening on college campuses across this nation. There is a movement inspired by people like this

People are sick and tired of the speech police. Academia has produced an entire generation incapable of dealing with people with differing opinions, that have been taught that they have the moral imperative to shout down and scream at those they disagree with.

You and people like you have instituted the most intolerant, repressive environments on campus--and are utterly obvious to the coming consequences.


and let's be honest
who would hire her
and for what?
I am an immigrant who landed in Canada speaking not a word of English.
I thought myself English.

I had no diploma of any sort.
I enrolled in high school as an adult student and got my diploma.

I got myself a factory floor job ruled by union, but I managed to piss on the union and got a transfer to a desk job.

I managed to teach myself computer programming on my own time, courtesy of the largely unused facility known as the Education Center.
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