What Is It About "Obamacare" That Is Going To "Ruin America"?

My friends did not post the proof on the internet. I doubt you speak 3 languages fluently. You have trouble with the English language as it is.

You don't speak or understand English.
I speak fluent English. In two dialects.
Gaelic, both Irish and Scottish.
I speak a little welsh, some Cornish.
Conversational German, Norwegian, Russian and Flemish.
Barely any french( unless drunk ).
Masai, Swahili, Afrikaans xhosha.
Though not proficiently.

3 languages I grew up with.

You criticize my English?

You cannot speak the language, never mind understand it!

Yes I criticize your English. I'll point it out the next time you slip up. You'll never convince me you speak 3 languages. You would need to literate in order to do that and it's plain you left school in the 5th grade and haven't touched a book since.

You cannot form a sentence.
Go back and correct the error in your fourth sentence.
Good man.

We don't have 5th grade where I grew up.
I did however complete my GCEs at O level in English, History, Geography, Physics and Biology.
At A level in History and Geography.
BA(Hons) in combined arts, History and Politics from the University of Huddersfield.

The Irony of your post!!
Thats probably because they cant read minds. I'm sure they dont report the racially motivated crimes by whites for the same reason.

Zimmerman is a household name, Elkins is not.

A white who kills a black gets daily mentions in the national news for months, years even.
A black who kills a white?
It never happens!!!
Only the whites are racist, because they are subhuman don't you know!

GZ is a household name because it took a month for him to get arrested and he had a well publicized trail. Elkins immediately went to jail and faded form the news scene because their was nothing further to report. Are you really that unaware of how this works Paul?
A well publicized TRAIL?

He was not arrested because Florida law would not allow it in a case where self defense was a possibility.
The investigation was continuing to gather the evidence!
We have to follow them even if we disagree with them!!

Where was Zimmermans Trail?
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?

I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I do as well. All of them are amazed we are going through this sideshow now and wondering why it was not done long ago.

Which is all utterly irrelevant because Obamacare is not socialism, nor nationalized healthcare. It's simply a law forcing us to buy insurance. Along with some token regulations which will be systematically neutralized by the very same lobbyists who wrote the law in the first place.

Democrats should be ashamed. ACA is a corporatist sellout of the worst sort.
Europeans only laugh at low intellect people like you Paul. They are simply amazed we dont have more as a people considering our wealth. They wonder at our love of war and the amount we spend on the military as opposed to educating our people. All of my European friends speak at least 3 languages fluently. One guy is going to be teaching me Catalonian here soon and that will be his 5th language.

Mostly because thier economies are in the shitter, and they get to stay in school until they are 35.

Professional students dont impress me.

Maybe you should look at their median income before saying that. This guy is a businessman and a professional student. I'm quite sure knowledge is not very impressive to you. You prove that quite often.

I got a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, so I've forgotten more crap then you have probably ever known. What is not impressive is smart-asses who are not as intellectual as they think they are.

and a stipend from the government to stay in school and off the unemployment rolls is not "income".
Still silence.
Tell me more about zimmies trail?
Where does it lead us?
Who maintains this trail?

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Mostly because thier economies are in the ****ter, and they get to stay in school until they are 35.

Professional students dont impress me.

Maybe you should look at their median income before saying that. This guy is a businessman and a professional student. I'm quite sure knowledge is not very impressive to you. You prove that quite often.

I got a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, so I've forgotten more crap then you have probably ever known. What is not impressive is smart-asses who are not as intellectual as they think they are.

and a stipend from the government to stay in school and off the unemployment rolls is not "income".

Does a Masters in Chemical Engineering define a well rounded intellectual. :) Just poking...
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Borrowing to fund obamacare.
Call me low intellect.
Or illiterate, but introducing a service that costs more than is available cannot be a good thing.
Borrowing to fund obamacare.
Call me low intellect.
Or illiterate, but introducing a service that costs more than is available cannot be a good thing.

More than is available what?

What else would it cost?
We don't price out health care in Chinese food.
Just money.
We don't have enough.
Tell me , in my low intelligence, how is it a good thing to create unsustainable policies that drive us into debt?
Borrowing to fund obamacare.
Call me low intellect.
Or illiterate, but introducing a service that costs more than is available cannot be a good thing.

More than is available what?

What else would it cost?
We don't price out health care in Chinese food.
Just money.
We don't have enough.
Tell me , in my low intelligence, how is it a good thing to create unsustainable policies that drive us into debt?

Can you answer the question? More than is available what?
More than is available what?

What else would it cost?
We don't price out health care in Chinese food.
Just money.
We don't have enough.
Tell me , in my low intelligence, how is it a good thing to create unsustainable policies that drive us into debt?[/

Can you answer the question? More than is available what?

Call me crazy and illiterate but I just did.
Read what I posted.
When a programme COSTS, what does COST refer to?
Chinese food?
Just money
(^^^^^^^ that bit , exactly as you missed the first time).
What else would it cost?
We don't price out health care in Chinese food.
Just money.
We don't have enough.
Tell me , in my low intelligence, how is it a good thing to create unsustainable policies that drive us into debt?[/

Can you answer the question? More than is available what?

Call me crazy and illiterate but I just did.
Read what I posted.
When a programme COSTS, what does COST refer to?
Chinese food?
Just money
(^^^^^^^ that bit , exactly as you missed the first time).

I know I'm going to regret this but are you saying we do not have enough money for this?

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