What Is It With Democrats?

Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Cherokee. She isn't.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What - The Atlantic

Oh btw -- nothing about anyone named "Churchill" in the story either.

Oh btw - It was merely another example. Did it confuse you?

There's no such person in the story. Who in the fuck is "Ward Churchill"? Are we supposed to just somehow know by some osmosis of the universal subconscious?

RE Warren: your link does not show the negative, which is what you asserted, which is what I asked for.
So you lose.

I just told you "don't play stoopid". I didn't figure on it not being a 'play'.
A libtard not knowing who ward Chuchill is, either ignorant or lying.
"Libtard"? :lol:

What are you, thirteen? Posting from junior high?
What is there for someone that is part Indian? Not much,,no....
but arent all Americans part Indian? being they were the first ones here, well, actually it was the space aliens who landed here first, just ask John Kerry and Michael Dukakis.
I don't live in this soup of Fox Noise and MSNBCs and Limblobs that summa y'all seem to. If I had to guess I'd guess Winston Churchill was a fan of Leave it to Beaver when he named his son. That's all I got until somebody gives me a reason to care. Or a link like the one you forgot.

What you're saying is that you rely exclusively on institutionally left wing biased news sources.
Like it or not, FNC is necessary for balance and for vetting and for info that is often omitted by mainstream news because it doesn't jibe with the politic (e.g., Ward Churchill). Get past the obvious right wingers on FNC and you'll realize you'll be informed more than you knew you needed.
It's important to know about Churchill, etc., to realize how corrupt college curriculum can be. Especially at a state school funded in part by taxpayers.

Aha, a clue.
So this Ward Churchill has something to do with Fox Noise stories?

He must be black then, amirite?

Btw, most of my news exposure comes from outside this country altogether. It's less biased that way.
It's even more biased that way because most foreign countries are jealous of the US and thrive on bad US news and love lefties because they espouse Euro socialist values.

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