what is it with this self hating jew?

Bingo. It's the historic Jewish state.

Why only go back 2000 or 3000 years? Why not go all the way back to Lucy, the homonid that we all descend from, and since she was found in Africa and then her descendants travelled the globe, are we restricted to reclaiming our african "historical" homeland, or can we claim anywhere that upright walkers roamed? Of course, anywhere but Israel, we don't dare question jews actions or motives, that makes us a racist anti-semite. And NOBODY wants to be branded an anti-semite by a jewish supremacist, Oh the horror!!!
When it comes to the modern state of Isreal, the only history that matters is modern history.

The state exists and just like every other nation, it has the right to exist just so long as they can hold onto the land.

Trying to find some MORAL or legal justification for Isreal or any other nation is absurd.

Nation states are amoral.

Trying to make the argument that Isreal doesn't have the right to exist because the land is stolen opens up the exact same argument from pretty much every nation on earth.

As someone mentioned already on this thread, EVERY NATION STATE IS AN ARTIFICIAL MANMADE CONSTRUCT.
When it comes to the modern state of Isreal, the only history that matters is modern history.

The state exists and just like every other nation, it has the right to exist just so long as they can hold onto the land.

Trying to find some MORAL or legal justification for Isreal or any other nation is absurd.

Nation states are amoral.

Trying to make the argument that Isreal doesn't have the right to exist because the land is stolen opens up the exact same argument from pretty much every nation on earth.

As someone mentioned already on this thread, EVERY NATION STATE IS AN ARTIFICIAL MANMADE CONSTRUCT.

So then if arabs nuke Israel that's tit for tat and we all yawn and go about our business? I think I could be down with that.
Chomsky hates logic! He is an ardent communist, but he will ignore the fact that where ever its practiced it great tyranical governments which never amount to much and have always failed!
wow, how do i debate stupidity?

the jews didnt steal anything, but your probably a left wing loon anyway

Jews need to get their shit together. They come out of concentration camps from the "holocaust", then steal someone else's land and stick them into concentration camps.
Chomsky sounded a lot more relaxed than the interviewer who was getting her short and curlies in a knot.

So tell me, O fat one, how did the Jews acquire Israel? On the open real estate market? They bought every arabs land? Or the arabs left on their own accord? What load of Big macs will you have for us?

You do realize that the during the 1800s Palestine/Israel was very sparsely populated (during the 1800s the Jews were the majority in Jerusalem - not all of Palestine/Israel thought). The Jews started to come their during this time. The LARGEST Arab immigration to Palestine/Israel happened happened during the British White Paper Days. Arabs weren't even checked, the Jews were forbidden to come home. Tel Eviv was celebrated its 100 year aniversary last year. Its was founded well before Israel's rebirth.
Because I'm white I should support every white person's move against the darkies? Man, you're more racist than you're fat. :lol:

So no arabs owned any of the land that the arabs were kicked off of to form Israel? And because that area might not have been run as a western style democracy, that gives the jews the right to boot them off their land and into concentration camps?
I think you might be arguing that the nazis were right to steal jewish houses, land and property and put them into camps, am I right?

notwithstanding your lack of knowledge and clear bias, there are many reasons israel was estabished, but none of those reasons were the result of israel stealing land..

and in case no one told you, israel gave back gaza.... it was unfortunate that the terrorists of hamas took that as a sign of weakness and started using gaza as a staging area for missle attacks.

as for your disgusting comparison of israelis to nazis, i realize anti-semites like doing that because they think its chic and makes them look oh so fair mindedi, but really, its pathetic.

1-the UN has often called " israel" to withdraw from 67's Land.

2- Gaza was liberated by the military action of Hamas, all settlers locusts were moving!

The UN calls for the Sudan to stop genociding Blacks and Christians, but an arrogant antisemite like you will ignore that. The UN called on the Taliban pre-9/11 to respect human rights, they refused, but you ignore that also!

Gaza was not liberated by any military actions, it was liberaled by an UNILATERAL action by Israel! But of course you twist that good grace deed by Israel, because your a dishonest coward!
Israel rescued about 10,000 ethopians, black people.

Name a country that has done more than that?

It was stopped from rescuing more when the Arab countries pressured Sudan to not let more go.
Bingo. It's the historic Jewish state.

Why only go back 2000 or 3000 years? Why not go all the way back to Lucy, the homonid that we all descend from, and since she was found in Africa and then her descendants travelled the globe, are we restricted to reclaiming our african "historical" homeland, or can we claim anywhere that upright walkers roamed? Of course, anywhere but Israel, we don't dare question jews actions or motives, that makes us a racist anti-semite. And NOBODY wants to be branded an anti-semite by a jewish supremacist, Oh the horror!!!
You are an idiot.:cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_hand:
"Next to Jews, we hate Palestinians the most"
King Fahd
Isreal created the FIRST Arab class exposed to democracy.
Isreal is the only place in the middle east where an Arab woman CAN VOTE.
Arab literacy is 40% in the Arab world and it is 97% in Isreal.
To the Saudis, a democratic Palenstinian state wouldbe a cancer to the Arab world of monarchs.
The Saudis are the MAIN opposition to a Palestinian homeland. A democratic Palestinian state, a destabilizing example of freedom in the Arab world that would threaten the Arab dictators more than any Jew ever could.
Israel rescued about 10,000 ethopians, black people.

Name a country that has done more than that?

It was stopped from rescuing more when the Arab countries pressured Sudan to not let more go.

Only reason they did that was because they considered them jews, nothing else. Jews aren't going around saving bumberclydes out of the goodness of their hearts. As a matter of fact, I don't remember Israelis helping in any non-jew disaster, ever.
i dont get it

What I got from it was

He is a supporter of Israel, but is opposed to a Jewish state, and he has Israel's interests at heart,
the actions of israeli leaders is harming Israel thru paranoia and irrational acts,
Israel should define it's borders,
and in his opinion Dershowitz is a dishonest Liar

Dont miss part two
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Isreal is the only place in the middle east where an Arab woman CAN VOTE.

That is not true
Women's right to vote in the Arab world

Women were granted the right to vote on a universal and equal basis in Lebanon in 1952[46], Syria (to vote) in 1949 [47] (Restrictions or conditions lifted) in 1953 [48], Egypt in 1956[49], Tunisia in 1959 [50], Mauritania in 1961[51], Algeria in 1962 [52], Morocco in 1963 [53], Libya [54] and Sudan in 1964 [55], Yemen (Partly)in 1967 [47] (full right) in 1970 [56], Bahrain in 1973 [57], Jordan in 1974 [58], Iraq (Full right) 1980 [57] Oman (Partly) in 1994 and (Fully granted) 2003 [59], and Kuwait in 2005 [57]
Women in Arab societies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Isreal is the only place in the middle east where an Arab woman CAN VOTE.

That is not true
Women's right to vote in the Arab world

Women were granted the right to vote on a universal and equal basis in Lebanon in 1952[46], Syria (to vote) in 1949 [47] (Restrictions or conditions lifted) in 1953 [48], Egypt in 1956[49], Tunisia in 1959 [50], Mauritania in 1961[51], Algeria in 1962 [52], Morocco in 1963 [53], Libya [54] and Sudan in 1964 [55], Yemen (Partly)in 1967 [47] (full right) in 1970 [56], Bahrain in 1973 [57], Jordan in 1974 [58], Iraq (Full right) 1980 [57] Oman (Partly) in 1994 and (Fully granted) 2003 [59], and Kuwait in 2005 [57]
Women in Arab societies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am talking about NOW, not the 1950s.
Jordan is a monarchy so how does a woman vote there?
Syria is a dictatorship so how does a woman vote there?
Libya? Are you SERIOUS?? Ghadaffi is the dictator there.
Yemen? LOL
Sudan? LOL
Lebanon? LOL, they are under SYRIAN occupation.
Egypt and Iraq, they do and that is recently but they are a DEMOCRACY, which Saudis oppose so that proves my point.
A thorough understanding of the region is necessary to have an intelligent discussion.
Israel rescued about 10,000 ethopians, black people.

Name a country that has done more than that?

It was stopped from rescuing more when the Arab countries pressured Sudan to not let more go.

Only reason they did that was because they considered them jews, nothing else. Jews aren't going around saving bumberclydes out of the goodness of their hearts. As a matter of fact, I don't remember Israelis helping in any non-jew disaster, ever.

That's becasue you are an ignorant, stupid, schmuck.


IDF Winds Up Haiti Rescue as US Hospital Ship Arrives - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

Israel also helped in Katrina and Haiti.
Isreal is the only place in the middle east where an Arab woman CAN VOTE.

That is not true
Women's right to vote in the Arab world

Women were granted the right to vote on a universal and equal basis in Lebanon in 1952[46], Syria (to vote) in 1949 [47] (Restrictions or conditions lifted) in 1953 [48], Egypt in 1956[49], Tunisia in 1959 [50], Mauritania in 1961[51], Algeria in 1962 [52], Morocco in 1963 [53], Libya [54] and Sudan in 1964 [55], Yemen (Partly)in 1967 [47] (full right) in 1970 [56], Bahrain in 1973 [57], Jordan in 1974 [58], Iraq (Full right) 1980 [57] Oman (Partly) in 1994 and (Fully granted) 2003 [59], and Kuwait in 2005 [57]
Women in Arab societies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am talking about NOW, not the 1950s.
Jordan is a monarchy so how does a woman vote there?
Syria is a dictatorship so how does a woman vote there?
Libya? Are you SERIOUS?? Ghadaffi is the dictator there.
Yemen? LOL
Sudan? LOL
Lebanon? LOL, they are under SYRIAN occupation.
Egypt and Iraq, they do and that is recently but they are a DEMOCRACY, which Saudis oppose so that proves my point.
A thorough understanding of the region is necessary to have an intelligent discussion.
The Uk , Canada, Australia, New Zealand, to name but a few are all ruled by a monarchy
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2 but you knew that?
Isreal is the only place in the middle east where an Arab woman CAN VOTE.

That is not true
Women's right to vote in the Arab world

Women were granted the right to vote on a universal and equal basis in Lebanon in 1952[46], Syria (to vote) in 1949 [47] (Restrictions or conditions lifted) in 1953 [48], Egypt in 1956[49], Tunisia in 1959 [50], Mauritania in 1961[51], Algeria in 1962 [52], Morocco in 1963 [53], Libya [54] and Sudan in 1964 [55], Yemen (Partly)in 1967 [47] (full right) in 1970 [56], Bahrain in 1973 [57], Jordan in 1974 [58], Iraq (Full right) 1980 [57] Oman (Partly) in 1994 and (Fully granted) 2003 [59], and Kuwait in 2005 [57]
Women in Arab societies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lay off the :booze:
I am talking about NOW, not the 1950s.
Jordan is a monarchy so how does a woman vote there?
Syria is a dictatorship so how does a woman vote there?
Libya? Are you SERIOUS?? Ghadaffi is the dictator there.
Yemen? LOL
Sudan? LOL
Lebanon? LOL, they are under SYRIAN occupation.
Egypt and Iraq, they do and that is recently but they are a DEMOCRACY, which Saudis oppose so that proves my point.
A thorough understanding of the region is necessary to have an intelligent discussion.
The Uk , Canada, Australia, New Zealand, to name but a few are all ruled by a monarchy
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2 but you knew that?
They are not ruled by a monarchy moron, they have a monarcy, who have no political power.
Israel rescued about 10,000 ethopians, black people.

Name a country that has done more than that?

It was stopped from rescuing more when the Arab countries pressured Sudan to not let more go.

Only reason they did that was because they considered them jews, nothing else. Jews aren't going around saving bumberclydes out of the goodness of their hearts. As a matter of fact, I don't remember Israelis helping in any non-jew disaster, ever.

Welcome to the ignore list fuck face, you will be in good company with Jos, PF Titmore, Sunni Man, Hister and Islam4fever
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