What is plagerism?

Biden has had many issues overlooked. This happens a lot to others, true, but it has to be admitted that he's had a very full share.

It is documented he is one of if not the most profligate liars in American Political History....how many presidential candidates have been forced to drop out for plagarism and lying......only one.....Joe Biden.

Yet you see these milennials on here claim they voted for biden because Trump is a liar?????

Bwaaaaaaaaaa too funny.
For the record, Joe only has one recorded case of sexual assault on record and a whole slew of lying and plaguarism.

And as such, is the best candidate the DNC has to offer. The rest are far worse.

After all, they wanted Cuomo at one point. Can you imagine Cuomo and all the nursing homes we would have now for Covid?

Well, everyone knows biden was forced to drop out of his first presedential race for plagerism and lying.......

Anyhow why is reading from a speech that someone else wrote without giving them credit not considered plagarism?

All the Great Presidents wrote their own speeches.......George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and of course President Trump.
Fourscore and seven years ago, I probably would have agreed.

But today we have nothing to fear except Leftist fascists themselves, so......................

Fourscore and seven years ago, I probably would have agreed.

But today we have nothing to fear except Leftist fascists themselves, so......................
Well, everyone knows biden was forced to drop out of his first presedential race for plagerism and lying.......

Anyhow why is reading from a speech that someone else wrote without giving them credit not considered plagarism?

All the Great Presidents wrote their own speeches.......George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and of course President Trump.

Well, everyone knows biden was forced to drop out of his first presedential race for plagerism and lying.......

Anyhow why is reading from a speech that someone else wrote without giving them credit not considered plagarism?

All the Great Presidents wrote their own speeches.......George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and of course President Trump.
Fourscore and seven years ago, I probably would have agreed.

But today we have nothing to fear except Leftist fascists themselves, so......................

Fourscore and seven years ago, I probably would have agreed.

But today we have nothing to fear except Leftist fascists themselves, so......................
My gawd, they all do it.
Well, everyone knows biden was forced to drop out of his first presedential race for plagerism and lying.......

Anyhow why is reading from a speech that someone else wrote without giving them credit not considered plagarism?

All the Great Presidents wrote their own speeches.......George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and of course President Trump.
Fourscore and seven years ago, I probably would have agreed.

But today we have nothing to fear except Leftist fascists themselves, so......................

Fourscore and seven years ago, I probably would have agreed.

But today we have nothing to fear except Leftist fascists themselves, so......................
My gawd, they all do it.

I tried using that excuse in High School when the principal called me in....never woiked for me Chump.
Well, it appears none of the geniuses on dis here boid can answere the question of the hour.......Why isn't reading a speech that someone else wrote without giving them credit not considered plagiarism?
Well, everyone knows biden was forced to drop out of his first presedential race for plagerism and lying.......

Anyhow why is reading from a speech that someone else wrote without giving them credit not considered plagarism?

All the Great Presidents wrote their own speeches.......George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and of course President Trump.
You didn't build that.
It is plagiarism if you use someone's work with out permission and you take credit for it. Quotes thought to be original by well known historic figures were really verses from scripture. A well known song from the 1960s comes from the book of Ecclesiastes.
Plagiarism is done on USMB all day long yet has no consequences since most if not all do not know the act was committed.

Lookie here boyo.....we do not have any politicians on here or anyone on here in a position of importance in our gubmint.

This is a friggin message boid.....bwaaaaaaaa get real chump.
That still doesn't diminish the act of plagiarism.

You still have not answered my question......why is not reading from a speech written by someone else without giving them credit not considered plagarism?
probably because they gained the ability to do it from the writer or they paid for the ability to do it.

hmmmmm so you claim one can pay off someone to allow them to plagarize?

:auiqs.jpg: Still an idiot, I see. Never change, magafag.

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