What is Sin?

This is not hard to understand. My grandfather was a perfect painter. He never needed a drop cloth, never spilled, mixed his own paints, always got the right color. It was amazing to watch him. My best job painting never reached his best, because my abilities and talents were elsewhere. However, in the perfection of his talent and abilities, he taught me perfection in my talent and abilities.

The same with God. No scripture tells us to be God. We are to be ourselves, and develop our own talents and abilities to perfection. We are not asked to perfect talents and abilities never given.

You make this too hard for yourself. No one asked any of us to be omnipotent nor infallible. All that is needed is to work wholeheartedly on perfecting ourselves.
No human is perfect at anything.

And you're the one who brought up be perfect as god is perfect.

Not me.
One's best is not perfect.

Striving for perfection is a fool's errand.

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Sorry to barge in on your conversation, but I think both you and the person you were replying to are missing the more important point. :) The important point is that ultimately we are all accountable to God and the standard we are measured against is not any worldly standard... the only standard that matters is God's, which is perfection. And (as you correctly alluded to) since no one can perfectly meet that standard on their own, that's precisely why everyone needs forgiveness and salvation. Jesus did what none of us could ever do. He met that perfect standard and paid the price for us, for all those who accept the gift and believe and trust in Him.
Sorry to barge in on your conversation, but I think both you and the person you were replying to are missing the more important point. :) The important point is that ultimately we are all accountable to God and the standard we are measured against is not any worldly standard... the only standard that matters is God's, which is perfection. And (as you correctly alluded to) since no one can perfectly meet that standard on their own, that's precisely why everyone needs forgiveness and salvation. Jesus did what none of us could ever do. He met that perfect standard and paid the price for us, for all those who accept the gift and believe and trust in Him.
That assumes a belief in gods and that if gods exist they are exactly like the gods of human religions or at least one of the human religions because as i have said before Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship a different god

And if the standard is perfection then it is unattainable therefore it is folly to try to attain it.
And if the standard is perfection then it is unattainable therefore it is folly to try to attain it.

^ Did you not read my post? YES, it is unattainable, and that is precisely why everyone needs Jesus, because as I just finished saying, Jesus did what none of us could do... Jesus met that perfect standard and paid the price for us.

That assumes a belief in gods and that if gods exist they are exactly like the gods of human religions or at least one of the human religions because as i have said before Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship a different god

As for the first thing you said, we are simply having a discussion here, one doesn't necessarily have to believe in God in order to have a basic understanding of Christianity.

PS: there is only one God. By definition, God is the highest power, therefore it is illogical and silly to continue to use the word "gods" plural.
Do you know what sin does to the mind, body, and soul?

No and neither do you because all the shit below is your ignorant assumptions attempting to promote religion.
Sin sits dormant in your body
when sin is activated do you know what sin does
Sins feed demons
The wages of sin is death, what are wages?
What activated sin

Where is this sin location?
^ Did you not read my post? YES, it is unattainable, and that is precisely why everyone needs Jesus, because as I just finished saying, Jesus did what none of us could do... Jesus met that perfect standard and paid the price for us.

As for the first thing you said, we are simply having a discussion here, one doesn't necessarily have to believe in God in order to have a basic understanding of Christianity.

PS: there is only one God. By definition, God is the highest power, therefore it is illogical and silly to continue to use the word "gods" plural.
I don't need any gods. And there is absolutely no way to know if there is only one god or thousands of gods. Like I said people worship different gods depending on their religion

Even if I had proof gods existed I still would not worship them.
it is said when a person does not accept Christ's gospel will you die in your sin
this means because didn't seek the truth or you reject Christ, this also means denying his divinity but rejecting his existence. This causes one to be under the law. for the law is death

a question will you die in your sin
No and neither do you because all the shit below is your ignorant assumptions attempting to promote religion.
Oh indeed I know exactly where your sin is

Psalm 51:3-5 (NKJV) For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight-- That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge.

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin, my mother conceived me.
I don't need any gods.

What we think we need and what we actually need are often two different things.

A 3 year old might think he can live off of candy, but that comes from their lack of knowledge. In the same way, when one thinks they don't need something that they actually need, their thought is not automatically true, it is based on their ignorance.

And there is absolutely no way to know if there is only one god or thousands of gods. Like I said people worship different gods depending on their religion

Again, God is THE highest power. For that and a number of other reasons, it is illogical to say there could be thousands of "gods." So by continuing to say that you are either showing a lack of understanding on what God is, or you are trolling (like Hollie does in nearly every post) Since you don't strike me as the trolling type, I'm going to go with the former.

Even if I had proof gods existed I still would not worship them.

So you don't think the embodiment of Love, Truth, Justice, Wisdom, Goodness, Mercy, Beauty, etc is worthy of praise? You don't think that a God who gave His life for you, to pay the price for your sins, out of LOVE, is worthy of praise and honor? Interesting. I think if you actually experienced God, you would think very differently.
Like I said sin is a violation of religious laws

Sin only exists in the context of religion.
then believe so, if don't exist, this means
John 9:41 Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.' Therefore your sin remains.
No human is perfect at anything.

And you're the one who brought up be perfect as god is perfect.

Not me.
I also advised you of the definition of perfect at that time. It had to do with completeness, putting one's whole heart into the effort.

My biggest problem even well-meaning agnostics/atheists is how they imagine God/religion being unattainable and asking for the unattainable. Jesus spent his life teaching it was all within everyone's reach.

So why do atheists/agnostics change God and religion into something that dangles in front of us, just out of reach and then tell people of faith what they "really" believe? I am telling you, God and experiences of God are within everyone's reach. What scripture teaches is not unattainable, not for a genius, nor for one with a low IQ. Scripture reaches down to wherever we are. And brings us up.

It asks for nothing more than we have, but it does ask for a sincere (also called 'pure') heart. Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall see God. Single-hearted (whole-hearted) people are those who are sincere and undivided in feeling or spirit; dedicated; not reflecting mixed emotions in what they are doing.
it is said when a person does not accept Christ's gospel will you die in your sin
this means because didn't seek the truth or you reject Christ, this also means denying his divinity but rejecting his existence. This causes one to be under the law. for the law is death

a question will you die in your sin

Oh indeed I know exactly where your sin is

Psalm 51:3-5 (NKJV) For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight-- That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge.

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin, my mother conceived me.

Feel better now?
Your hideous bible quotes mean nothing to me. Youre just another delusional godbotherer.
The only reason for confessing "sin", is to report stuff when you confess, to the leaders, who will then seek you out and kill you. Maybe not today, but that was the original premise.
What we think we need and what we actually need are often two different things.

A 3 year old might think he can live off of candy, but that comes from their lack of knowledge. In the same way, when one thinks they don't need something that they actually need, their thought is not automatically true, it is based on their ignorance.

Again, God is THE highest power. For that and a number of other reasons, it is illogical to say there could be thousands of "gods." So by continuing to say that you are either showing a lack of understanding on what God is, or you are trolling (like Hollie does in nearly every post) Since you don't strike me as the trolling type, I'm going to go with the former.

So you don't think the embodiment of Love, Truth, Justice, Wisdom, Goodness, Mercy, Beauty, etc is worthy of praise? You don't think that a God who gave His life for you, to pay the price for your sins, out of LOVE, is worthy of praise and honor? Interesting. I think if you actually experienced God, you would think very differently.
I'm not a 3 year old.

And you believe that the god you worship is the only one. That is not necessarily a true statement it is just a statement you believe to be true

And you can think what you want.

I will not worship any gods even if one was standing before me.
I also advised you of the definition of perfect at that time. It had to do with completeness, putting one's whole heart into the effort.

My biggest problem even well-meaning agnostics/atheists is how they imagine God/religion being unattainable and asking for the unattainable. Jesus spent his life teaching it was all within everyone's reach.

So why do atheists/agnostics change God and religion into something that dangles in front of us, just out of reach and then tell people of faith what they "really" believe? I am telling you, God and experiences of God are within everyone's reach. What scripture teaches is not unattainable, not for a genius, nor for one with a low IQ. Scripture reaches down to wherever we are. And brings us up.

It asks for nothing more than we have, but it does ask for a sincere (also called 'pure') heart. Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall see God. Single-hearted (whole-hearted) people are those who are sincere and undivided in feeling or spirit; dedicated; not reflecting mixed emotions in what they are doing.

And that is not the working definition of perfect.

And I never said anything about gods being unattainable.

Perfection is unattainable by humans. It is a naive ideal and the striving of humans for perfection has caused far more harm than good.

I have never once tried to change gods or religion. They are what people believe them to be.

To me the idea of a personal Jesus is ludicrous. If gods exist they really don't care about the lives of us mere mortals much like we do not really care about the lives of plankton.
The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek Him.
All his thoughts are, “There is no God.”
Sorry to barge in on your conversation, but I think both you and the person you were replying to are missing the more important point. :) The important point is that ultimately we are all accountable to God and the standard we are measured against is not any worldly standard... the only standard that matters is God's, which is perfection. And (as you correctly alluded to) since no one can perfectly meet that standard on their own, that's precisely why everyone needs forgiveness and salvation. Jesus did what none of us could ever do. He met that perfect standard and paid the price for us, for all those who accept the gift and believe and trust in Him.

The Gospel ^^^^^

It never gets old.

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