What is stopping Left-wing gazillionaires from willingly giving the government more of their $$$$$??


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
i keep seeing losers trying to keep absurd threads alive; asking should the richest pay more to the government?
it's the same ol same ol class warfare pandering to the lowest common left-wing denominator

but the government will accept checks from all the filthy-rich left-wing millionaires and billionaires too.

they appear to be saying "phuk no; i'm not going to give up more of my money unless Right-wingers do too, unless the government forces me too.

idiots and hypocrites
dude, the richest paying the most in taxes is both legal and socially acceptable as that form of economic discrimination under Any form of Capitalism. Only Bad socialists complain about it.
"What is stopping Left-wing gazillionaires from willingly giving the government more of their $$$$$??"

Socialism doesn't work that way. It works great until those self-appointed rulers and 'Left-Wing Gazillionaires' run out of OTHER PEOPLES' money!
It's part of the left's do as I say, not as I do mindset. Same with helping the less fortunate, they think screaming "we need to help the poor!!!" is actually helping. It's lip service.
i keep seeing losers trying to keep absurd threads alive; asking should the richest pay more to the government?
it's the same ol same ol class warfare pandering to the lowest common left-wing denominator

but the government will accept checks from all the filthy-rich left-wing millionaires and billionaires too.

they appear to be saying "phuk no; i'm not going to give up more of my money unless Right-wingers do too, unless the government forces me too.

idiots and hypocrites
No matter which party or philosophy they tend to exult, greed is still there mainstay....
OP liberals hate it when you ask this obvious question. The number of liberals who practice what they preach is probably less than 1% which is why I mock the stupid idiots.
How do you know they don't?

Prove it.

First place there are very few Left-wing billionaires.

Second place, you have no idea how much " extra " they may already voluntarily give.

So you are trying to set fire to a straw man to deflect attention from the fact that MOST multi-millionaires / billionaires are hiding their money in off shore accounts to keep from paying taxes.

They businesses they own want American dollars and want the American military to protect them and their activities around the world but don't want to pay American taxes.


i keep seeing losers trying to keep absurd threads alive; asking should the richest pay more to the government?
it's the same ol same ol class warfare pandering to the lowest common left-wing denominator

but the government will accept checks from all the filthy-rich left-wing millionaires and billionaires too.

they appear to be saying "phuk no; i'm not going to give up more of my money unless Right-wingers do too, unless the government forces me too.

idiots and hypocrites
Conservatives want massive increases in defense spending, AND they want their taxes cut.

Why aren't you people offering to pay more for the excess military you desire?
How do you know they don't?

Prove it.

First place there are very few Left-wing billionaires.

Second place, you have no idea how much " extra " they may already voluntarily give.

So you are trying to set fire to a straw man to deflect attention from the fact that MOST multi-millionaires / billionaires are hiding their money in off shore accounts to keep from paying taxes.

They businesses they own want American dollars and want the American military to protect them and their activities around the world but don't want to pay American taxes.


i keep seeing losers trying to keep absurd threads alive; asking should the richest pay more to the government?
it's the same ol same ol class warfare pandering to the lowest common left-wing denominator

but the government will accept checks from all the filthy-rich left-wing millionaires and billionaires too.

they appear to be saying "phuk no; i'm not going to give up more of my money unless Right-wingers do too, unless the government forces me too.

idiots and hypocrites

how do you know there are "very few left-wing billionaires" idiot? do you know how many "right-wing" billionaires there are?

i love an idiot practicing the very thing he's trying to accuse others of doing!
you have no idea how much "extra money" ANYBODY GIVES; .......................but that never stops you douchebags from ranting bout the rich. AGAIN more HYPOCRISY
How do you know they don't?

Prove it.

First place there are very few Left-wing billionaires.

Second place, you have no idea how much " extra " they may already voluntarily give.

So you are trying to set fire to a straw man to deflect attention from the fact that MOST multi-millionaires / billionaires are hiding their money in off shore accounts to keep from paying taxes.

They businesses they own want American dollars and want the American military to protect them and their activities around the world but don't want to pay American taxes.


i keep seeing losers trying to keep absurd threads alive; asking should the richest pay more to the government?
it's the same ol same ol class warfare pandering to the lowest common left-wing denominator

but the government will accept checks from all the filthy-rich left-wing millionaires and billionaires too.

they appear to be saying "phuk no; i'm not going to give up more of my money unless Right-wingers do too, unless the government forces me too.

idiots and hypocrites

"MOST billionaires are hiding their money in off-shore accounts..."???

didnt you just ask me to prove what i posted? WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?

AGAIN ur just too much of a loser to realize you're making a fool of yourself
Conservatives want massive increases in defense spending, AND they want their taxes cut.

Why aren't you people offering to pay more for the excess military you desire?

um actually idiot it was Republicans that voted for OBAMA'S "PAY-GO" that required new spending to be offset by cuts elswhere to PAY FOR IT. it was YOUR OWN PRESIDENT THAT REFUSED TO OBEY HIS OWN LAW

try again
What stops war mongering rightwingers from joining the military themselves?
Say, whatever happened to “pay-go”? « Hot Air
Hot Air
Apr 24, 2012 - In February 2010, Barack Obama signed Pay-Go into law after it ... Their own pet cause requires them to provide funding for any .... those republicans won't go along with me, their racist, they hate me, they ... Follow the money.
There's Finally One Guy In Washington Who's Talking ...
Business Insider
Jul 12, 2011 - The Democrats' "plan" to address the deficit, in other words, appears to be to shove .... How quickly we all forget that Obama dismissed the admittedly not-unanimous plan proposed by his own deficit commission. ..... bipartias commison on debt reductions recommendations (restructuring the tax brackets, ...
Parasitic leftists are left wondering how come all their wants are arent being met by the progressive 1%.

Irksome..... Lol

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