Alternative right, a blend of white supremacists, nationalists, Nazi lovers, nativists, xenophobes, misogynists, homophobes, and the extreme right wing.
Americans pretend there is no racism and yet the democrats have lost the white vote since civil rights. Coincidence. Trump's Mexican and immigration policies appeal to white Americans today. Reasons abound, see video at bottom. See this too, read it. Dog Whistle Politics
For the Record: For Trump, everything’s going to be alt-right
"Kritzer’s observation speaks volumes about the incoherence of the reactionary politics that are driving the Puppy campaign — and, in national politics, the Trump campaign. Despite all the claims to make America “great,” the actual behavior looks quite a bit like kneecapping the aspirations of women, people of color, and queer people so that straight white male mediocrities don’t have to deal with the competition."
Has Hillary helped the GOP? rump_s_sinking_ship.html
"There was a market for white resentment": Tim Wise on Trump, David Duke and the bigotry that’s risen from the shadows
Read or listen: Interview with Tim Wise about what the Trump phenomenon portends for the future of U.S. politics
Here at USMB that would include Stevie the Racist, Odium, Shootspeeder and a number of other big Trump fans that just coincidentally do not think that people of non-Caucasian/European origin are equal to European Caucasians.