what is the alt right?

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Seems like an accurate description for those people like odium and others on the board who were arguing for trump on racial issues.

The fact that the left is using alt right demonstrates that they acknowledge that that racist nonsense has nothing to do with conservative constitutionalists.
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.

No, they are the racists and they are the ones who have endorsed the racist thuggish black lives matters group.
What is BLM angry about? Racism.

No, they are racist. They hate whites and are an extension of a previous bigoted prejudice occupy wall street group.
Why do they hate whites? Because whites are racist.
And you wonder why people call YOU a racist...
Seems like an accurate description for those people like odium and others on the board who were arguing for trump on racial issues.

The fact that the left is using alt right demonstrates that they acknowledge that that racist nonsense has nothing to do with conservative constitutionalists.
Generally speaking, I think most folks that give a look at what the AltRight says and does will realize they're not Conservatives, or Tea Party, folks. They're racist assholes.

The problems is that this election they've fallen in behind Trump. That normally wouldn't be an issue as we tend not to hold candidates in the USA responsible for their fringe elements but Trump has brought on board folks connected to the AltRight and done some stuff that embarrassingly connects him to the movement.

Of course I don't consider Trump a Republican any more than I consider the AltRight conservatives. Trump freaking gave money to Hillary as a candidate.
alt + right replaced ctl + alt + delete whenever the GOP's pc gave them the blue screen of death. Alt + right is their way of resetting everything on screen so mostly white pixels light up at any given time. Dark pixels are 'tolerated' but they try to keep them in the lower left of the screen.
Seems like an accurate description for those people like odium and others on the board who were arguing for trump on racial issues.

The fact that the left is using alt right demonstrates that they acknowledge that that racist nonsense has nothing to do with conservative constitutionalists.
Generally speaking, I think most folks that give a look at what the AltRight says and does will realize they're not Conservatives, or Tea Party, folks. They're racist assholes.

The problems is that this election they've fallen in behind Trump. That normally wouldn't be an issue as we tend not to hold candidates in the USA responsible for their fringe elements but Trump has brought on board folks connected to the AltRight and done some stuff that embarrassingly connects him to the movement.

Of course I don't consider Trump a Republican any more than I consider the AltRight conservatives. Trump freaking gave money to Hillary as a candidate.

Trump led the birther charge for 7 years, so I hardly think it's just that "they've fallen in behind him." The son of a bitch courted them for 7 years ... stoking their paranoid resentments
The Alternative Right (Alt Right) is just another name for far Right racialists. There is a reason for the use of "Alternative". It sounds more palatable than "Extreme".

Here is how they define themselves:


Basically they are much better educated and much more intelligent than this forum or their more direct Democratic opposition.

"The alt-right is eager to have the "honest dialogue on race" that former Attorney General Holder and others claim to want"
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Seems like an accurate description for those people like odium and others on the board who were arguing for trump on racial issues.

The fact that the left is using alt right demonstrates that they acknowledge that that racist nonsense has nothing to do with conservative constitutionalists.
Generally speaking, I think most folks that give a look at what the AltRight says and does will realize they're not Conservatives, or Tea Party, folks. They're racist assholes.

The problems is that this election they've fallen in behind Trump. That normally wouldn't be an issue as we tend not to hold candidates in the USA responsible for their fringe elements but Trump has brought on board folks connected to the AltRight and done some stuff that embarrassingly connects him to the movement.

Of course I don't consider Trump a Republican any more than I consider the AltRight conservatives. Trump freaking gave money to Hillary as a candidate.

Trump led the birther charge for 7 years, so I hardly think it's just that "they've fallen in behind him." The son of a bitch courted them for 7 years ... stoking their paranoid resentments

I dont care for trump but he didn't start talking birther stuff till 2011 or 2012
Marxist Socialist? How can you tell?

Because everything she supports and says and everything she has represented the past 40 years is found written in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Her political pandering is not the issue. Marxists are notorious for deceiving the public with rhetoric and platitudes which mean absolutely nothing.
Not so, she has supported both sides of every issue. Take a look.

Alternative right, a blend of white supremacists, nationalists, Nazi lovers, nativists, xenophobes, misogynists, homophobes, and the extreme right wing.

Americans pretend there is no racism and yet the democrats have lost the white vote since civil rights. Coincidence. Trump's Mexican and immigration policies appeal to white Americans today. Reasons abound, see video at bottom. See this too, read it. Dog Whistle Politics

For the Record: For Trump, everything’s going to be alt-right

"Kritzer’s observation speaks volumes about the incoherence of the reactionary politics that are driving the Puppy campaign — and, in national politics, the Trump campaign. Despite all the claims to make America “great,” the actual behavior looks quite a bit like kneecapping the aspirations of women, people of color, and queer people so that straight white male mediocrities don’t have to deal with the competition." The alt-right attacks sci-fi: How the Hugo Awards got hijacked by Trumpian-style culture warriors

Has Hillary helped the GOP? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/hillary_clinton_offers_the_gop_a_lifeboat_off_of_t rump_s_sinking_ship.html


"There was a market for white resentment": Tim Wise on Trump, David Duke and the bigotry that’s risen from the shadows

Read or listen: Interview with Tim Wise about what the Trump phenomenon portends for the future of U.S. politics
“There was a market for white resentment”: Tim Wise on Trump, David Duke and the bigotry that’s risen from the shadows

There is no racism because the democrats have lost.


The rest of the story is 180 degrees from the reality, as to be expected.

You really need to study history a bit. The Progressives passed all that and the conservatives fought it tooth and nail. From about 1948 to 1980, the parties swapped poles with each other. Then in 1982, the John Birchers pretty well took over the GOP. The GOP lost a lot of us then. Our Party was hijacked and we are coming for it.
It's a Democrat construct
Bullshit. Thanks for showing us you are willing made up a lie instead of admitting your ignorance of a subject.

Alt Right is a name the racialists gave themselves. It is not a "Democrat [sic] construct".

"Alternative Right" is the same as "Alternative Left". A lazy descriptor.

Alt.right is merely the current tag applied to Hillary's "vast right-wing conspiracy" - the Democrat construct - with the race card now brought brightly to the fore in the hopes the minorities won't glance at history and notice how the Democrats have been assfucking them over the decades.

Your use of [sic} is erroneous.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Keep on being you.
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
You will learn here that it doesn't exist. Just like the KKK is dead and gone. No white supremacists here. Nope.
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.

No, they are the racists and they are the ones who have endorsed the racist thuggish black lives matters group.
What is BLM angry about? Racism.
That's a good question. In nearly every case of a black person being killed by cops, local, state and federal investigations have concluded the cops acted properly, so what are they so angry about?
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.

No, they are the racists and they are the ones who have endorsed the racist thuggish black lives matters group.
What is BLM angry about? Racism.

No, they are racist. They hate whites and are an extension of a previous bigoted prejudice occupy wall street group.
Why do they hate whites? Because whites are racist.
So all whites are racist? Perhaps this is all about the supporters of BLM being racist.
Alternative right, a blend of white supremacists, nationalists, Nazi lovers, nativists, xenophobes, misogynists, homophobes, and the extreme right wing.

Americans pretend there is no racism and yet the democrats have lost the white vote since civil rights. Coincidence. Trump's Mexican and immigration policies appeal to white Americans today. Reasons abound, see video at bottom. See this too, read it. Dog Whistle Politics

For the Record: For Trump, everything’s going to be alt-right

"Kritzer’s observation speaks volumes about the incoherence of the reactionary politics that are driving the Puppy campaign — and, in national politics, the Trump campaign. Despite all the claims to make America “great,” the actual behavior looks quite a bit like kneecapping the aspirations of women, people of color, and queer people so that straight white male mediocrities don’t have to deal with the competition." The alt-right attacks sci-fi: How the Hugo Awards got hijacked by Trumpian-style culture warriors

Has Hillary helped the GOP? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/hillary_clinton_offers_the_gop_a_lifeboat_off_of_t rump_s_sinking_ship.html


"There was a market for white resentment": Tim Wise on Trump, David Duke and the bigotry that’s risen from the shadows

Read or listen: Interview with Tim Wise about what the Trump phenomenon portends for the future of U.S. politics
“There was a market for white resentment”: Tim Wise on Trump, David Duke and the bigotry that’s risen from the shadows

There is no racism because the democrats have lost.


The rest of the story is 180 degrees from the reality, as to be expected.

You really need to study history a bit. The Progressives passed all that and the conservatives fought it tooth and nail. From about 1948 to 1980, the parties swapped poles with each other. Then in 1982, the John Birchers pretty well took over the GOP. The GOP lost a lot of us then. Our Party was hijacked and we are coming for it.
Why do black and brown racists vote for the "progressive" party then?

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