what is the alt right?

The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?

They are nationalists who oppose the globalism.

On the other hand, they are not what the left claims. Which is what they claim regarding all their enemies... "xenophobes, misogynists, racists.. " basically they perceive any enemy as the next coming of Hitler and an extreme right-winger, no matter how moderate.

Above is a perfect example of a racist bigot who thinks his grotesque views are in line with American values.

the Alt right see themselves as "patriots" -- just like the dixiecrats segregationists did back in the 1960's. They didn't think their white kids should have to go to school with or drink from the same fountains as black kids.

Sorry, but youre wrong again and need to be corrected. That was the libs who did that. I feel sorry for the stupidity in this post. Its sad to see america devolve to this level of thinking and ignorance of history.

Why rely on facts and history when you can simply make stuff up much more easily?
So one has to ask, when Senator Clinton voted for the same border fence she now claims she opposes and criticized Mexico and illegal immigrants from Mexico in much the same way Trump has done, was she a member of the alt right?

No because Hillary Clinton is a Marxist Socialist. And what happened to "the wall"? When did it suddenly become a fence? You see, populism is funny like that... you never know what is going to change depending on popularity of the moment. There are no real principles mooring it's foundation other than populism. Raise your finger in the air, see which way the wind is blowing today, and that's your stated position today. It could change tomorrow, no one knows.
Marxist Socialist? How can you tell?

The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
You will learn here that it doesn't exist. Just like the KKK is dead and gone. No white supremacists here. Nope.
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
You will learn here that it doesn't exist. Just like the KKK is dead and gone. No white supremacists here. Nope.
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.

The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
You will learn here that it doesn't exist. Just like the KKK is dead and gone. No white supremacists here. Nope.
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.
Hillary is very much a racist. She lost the nomination in 2008 because black voters recognized her and her husband as racists when Bill claimed Obama wasn't fit to carry his bags, evoking an image of a black man as a servant carrying a white man's bags, and during the primaries this year she accused Sanders of being a racist because of his criticisms of Obama's policies.
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So the alt right is essentially the caricature the left has been claiming conservatives are for decades just coming to life.
Alternative right, a blend of white supremacists, nationalists, Nazi lovers, nativists, xenophobes, misogynists, homophobes, and the extreme right wing.

Americans pretend there is no racism and yet the democrats have lost the white vote since civil rights. Coincidence. Trump's Mexican and immigration policies appeal to white Americans today. Reasons abound, see video at bottom. See this too, read it. Dog Whistle Politics

For the Record: For Trump, everything’s going to be alt-right

"Kritzer’s observation speaks volumes about the incoherence of the reactionary politics that are driving the Puppy campaign — and, in national politics, the Trump campaign. Despite all the claims to make America “great,” the actual behavior looks quite a bit like kneecapping the aspirations of women, people of color, and queer people so that straight white male mediocrities don’t have to deal with the competition." http://www.salon.com/2016/08/23/the...-hijacked-by-trumpian-style-culture-warriors/

Has Hillary helped the GOP? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/08/hillary_clinton_offers_the_gop_a_lifeboat_off_of_t rump_s_sinking_ship.html


"There was a market for white resentment": Tim Wise on Trump, David Duke and the bigotry that’s risen from the shadows

Read or listen: Interview with Tim Wise about what the Trump phenomenon portends for the future of U.S. politics
This about sums it up.
So the alt right is essentially the caricature the left has been claiming conservatives are for decades just coming to life.
It's those on the right that actually possess those characteristics. If you consider yourself a conservative and on the right, you should be glad to separate yourselves from that group at long last.

You should be welcoming this opportunity to grind those in your group to dust that has been an anchor to your general movement.

Your move son. What do you do? What. Do. You. Do?

Marxist Socialist? How can you tell?

Because everything she supports and says and everything she has represented the past 40 years is found written in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Her political pandering is not the issue. Marxists are notorious for deceiving the public with rhetoric and platitudes which mean absolutely nothing.
Aside from some shadowy existence in the deranged mind of democrats there is no alt right movement.

A nationalist is anyone who opposes globalism. Libs are trying to make borders offensive.
Marxist Socialist? How can you tell?

Because everything she supports and says and everything she has represented the past 40 years is found written in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Her political pandering is not the issue. Marxists are notorious for deceiving the public with rhetoric and platitudes which mean absolutely nothing.

She was captured by the commies in North Korea and brainwashed. Now she is secretly controlled by the Queen of hearts as a trigger mechanism.
"what is the alt right?"

You and other conservatives know very well what it is.

And that you might try to reject it doesn't change the fact that it is true.
It is a small but deeply disturbed group on the far fringes that is making a whole lot of noise and therefore sounding more numerous than they are. From some of the posts I read here, I fear some just plain not-too-willing-to-think-hard Republicans are getting sucked up in it, and that's bad because they're bonkers.
I don't include all RW's in the Alt-Right, and no one should.
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
You will learn here that it doesn't exist. Just like the KKK is dead and gone. No white supremacists here. Nope.
Certainly there are extremists on the right and the left, and Hillary's recent efforts to incite African Americans against the police marks her as one of them, but there the term alt right is an effort to make voters believe they are part of a vast right wing conspiracy that doesn't exist. Hitler, Erdogan and the old white southern politicians used the same tactics as Hillary to gain popular support with their conspiracy theories.
Hillary/Democrats aren't inciting African Americans. They are pissed off at racists.

alt right is what pond scum, inbred right wingers dream of being in their next life.
The term keeps popping up. Never heard it before the end of the primary. What is it?
Be glad you didn't know about it.

If you hang out on Twitter the hashtag #AltRight is a self selected hash tag that users post under or include in their profiles to find each other. Like #gamergate it claims to care about specific issues related to immigration, but like #gamergate its really cover for assholes that want to be assholes.

The big characteristic that #AltRight folks have in common is that they revel in slut shaming, using racial slurs, and threatening folks that call them out using internet mob justice via doxxing or drowning an opponent in death threats. Almost all of the #AltRight are Trump supporters because of his (past) immigration stance.

Let's be very VERY clear. The AltRight aren't conservatives. They don't give a care about Conservative ideals. Every Conservative I know would put boot to backside of an AltRight person they met in the real life. AltRight are racist sexist scum. And there are no "good people" in the AltRight movement. Any decent person would disown the group immediately. They are NOT the Tea Party. They are not Conservatives. They are scum.

It's a concern now because a lot of the most influential #AltRight Twitter users are connected to Breitbart, which is very connected to Trump.
It's the fear mongering left attempting to change the vernacular again, in an attempt to scare minorities, because their other libelous terms were failing. They'll over use this one just like all the rest and invent something new and it will start all over again. If nothing else, the left is very predictable.

It's about the fear-mongering right, and the politics of division and fear practiced by many conservatives: Fear of change, fear of immigrants, fear of diversity.
So the alt right is essentially the caricature the left has been claiming conservatives are for decades just coming to life.
Also wrong.

It's an accurate and factual designation of rightist extremism exhibiting nativism, jingoistic nationalism, and unwarranted hostility toward inclusion and diversity; such as hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric, screening Muslims coming to the United States and the like.

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